Frontier Hiring.

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Quote: 10 out of 16 hired today (wed)
Wednesday, 9 of 16 were hired. Tuesday was 6 of 16.
Quote: Yeah, I heard 6-16 as well and one was sent home for not having enough PIC time if I remember correctly
So do they tell you why you weren't chosen?
Quote: So do they tell you why you weren't chosen?
Im hoping you get good news. But, if you don't get the offer they don't give you much feedback. That was my experience in June anyhow. Good luck to you, it would be an exceptional place to work.
Quote: So do they tell you why you weren't chosen?
No, they tell you they can't give you much feed back. Then invite you to reapply in a year. From what I understand if they ask you to reapply in 6 months you were really close. I was not not offered a position but can't speak highly enough about the interview process. I think they do a really good job finding those canidates who really want to work there.
So Jags, how did you know it was for lack of PIC? I would think you wouldn't even get the interview if that was the case.
Was really happy to hear that a friend got hired yesterday after just over a year at the regionals, no TPIC. He's real excited. Makes me hopeful that things in the industry are moving.
Quote: Was really happy to hear that a friend got hired yesterday after just over a year at the regionals, no TPIC. He's real excited. Makes me hopeful that things in the industry are moving.
Wow, congrats to him! That is a really good sign, care to share what his prior experience was?
Quote: Wow, congrats to him! That is a really good sign, care to share what his prior experience was?
I think about 2500TT, ERJ FO at a regional, 4 yr degree, went to a job fair.
iPads for training
Start training in the September 3rd class. Anyone know if we bring our own iPads? Does the company issue them? Thanks for any info.
Quote: Start training in the September 3rd class. Anyone know if we bring our own iPads? Does the company issue them? Thanks for any info.
Unless something has changed, and I doubt it has, you buy your own iPad and the company puts $600 on your first pay check.

You will want the iPad pretty much right when training starts. I think I bought mine on the second day of training.

And I can't tell you how awesome it is. Not carrying around manuals and charts is great. Not having to deal with jepp revisions is amazing. I love my efb
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