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Quote: Fixed it for ya.
Nice one Slim
Quote: Ok, you went there.

I'll say it this way:

We explained to you, a "pro-pilot" guy, how this happens frequently to many of us and happens under a very, um, interesting, pattern. Your inclination was to say it was just an error...

With that in mind, what chance do you think we would have against a judge bought and paid-for by The Firm?

Next, which super awesome list would we be put on in current or future chief pilot Hyper's cubicle?

No thanks, I'll just continue to have to triple check rainmaker and make comments after each "error" until the union takes up the issue.

Who knows, maybe they just accidentally hit the delete button weeks later frequently. Could just be honest mistakes.
Except, Ive checked rainmaker everyday leading up to pay day and have still been shorted the JRA pay.
Its definitely an honest mistake right Payne? gmafb brotha
Quote: It’s not an error if there is a pattern and you can prove it.
It wouldn’t be that hard to tackle this issue. I’m sure some lawyer would absolutely love a wage theft lawsuit.
Also, please stop trying to bate your fellow pilots into advocating or threatening legal action against their employer publicly. This place is not safe, and for those that take the bate and threaten or advocate a lawsuit there very well could be serious consequences.

This is not the place and this place is not safe.

I do not advise any of you to make public calls for such activities.
Quote: Why don’t you do it?
All of your post are you should do this or that and it should be like this so what are you doing? Oh wait let me guess you are educating all of us right?
1) I don't negotiate in public.

2) I hope I'm not educating you. After all, you are significantly smarter than me. But, talking to each other brings out new facts or ideas that could be beneficial to the cause. Did you read the post above regarding individual action about retirement funds?
Quote: Maybe we need to pressure the union to tackle this.
Excellent idea! Let's be a catalyst to work within the system to achieve our strategic objective.

I advocate for everyone on this forum to write their union administrators asking for permanent accountability on this particular issue.

As you can read from recent ALPA emails, they have been instrumental in clarifying what your responsibilities are during IROPs. ALPA's email even provided the case law. Have you noticed that BJ, even in their most recent email, failed to include the results of the arbitration award? BJ is still not providing the complete proper narrative about when you are required to check your schedule (e.g. on the last day of your pairing with no original pairing activity the next day).
Quote: Also, please stop trying to bate your fellow pilots into advocating or threatening legal action against their employer publicly. This place is not safe, and for those that take the bate and threaten or advocate a lawsuit there very well could be serious consequences.

This is not the place and this place is not safe.

I do not advise any of you to make public calls for such activities.

The idea that I am trying to bate my fellow pilots into something that could cause them harm is just beyond the pale bluedriver and honestly a low and cheap shot. You know that’s not what I was doing and here you are spinning it. I have done about 11 years of ALPA volunteer work to help pilots and you come out with something like this.

Wow is all I can say to that.
Quote: Fixed it for ya.
Yes thank you for fixing my error. And now you will be part of one of those airlines.
Quote: Yes thank you for fixing my error. And now you will be part of one of those airlines.
Hopefully the other one shortly thereafter.
Quote: Ok, you went there.

I'll say it this way:

We explained to you, a "pro-pilot" guy, how this happens frequently to many of us and happens under a very, um, interesting, pattern. Your inclination was to say it was just an error...

With that in mind, what chance do you think we would have against a judge bought and paid-for by The Firm?

Next, which super awesome list would we be put on in current or future chief pilot Hyper's cubicle?

No thanks, I'll just continue to have to triple check rainmaker and make comments after each "error" until the union takes up the issue.

Who knows, maybe they just accidentally hit the delete button weeks later frequently. Could just be honest mistakes.
What is this “pro-pilot” part, Should I assume sarcasm?

Are all judges bought and paid for?
I would say if you can prove it you have darn good case but at the very least you should persue it through ALPA that’s what you pay them for.
Quote: Hopefully the other one shortly thereafter.
If that’s what you want I hope so.
I assume you didn’t tell them that in the interview
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