Comair updates?

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I wonder how long it will be now until they open a CR7/9 base in JFK.
Maybe a couple hours?
you beat me to it
Does anyone else's neck hurt from all the whiplash lately?
That's good news.
Please check my math...

7 new airplanes is 77 pilots (someone said we staff at 11 per airplane.) So, 150 downgrades - 39 Captains (about half of 77) is 111 downgrades. Meaning 222 furloughs.

I ask again (more hypothetical than anything), so what has the union been up to in order to reduce these numbers even further? I've asked the reps, but got no definitive answers.
It will be good news if it stays with us, but considering how this company works the new vacancy bid for new captains and FOs in the 70/90 will be reversed a few days after it is published.
Quote: It will be good news if it stays with us, but considering how this company works the new vacancy bid for new captains and FOs in the 70/90 will be reversed a few days after it is published.
I was just thinking the same thing. We all know Comair is really good at one thing, and that is canceling vacancy bids/awards!
Quote: Please check my math...

7 new airplanes is 77 pilots (someone said we staff at 11 per airplane.) So, 150 downgrades - 39 Captains (about half of 77) is 111 downgrades. Meaning 222 furloughs.

I ask again (more hypothetical than anything), so what has the union been up to in order to reduce these numbers even further? I've asked the reps, but got no definitive answers.
FWIW, 65 of the displaced Captains were supposed to go back to the 70 - dunno how many of those 65 get to stay in the left seat now.

At least Comair won't be bumping 70 guys to the 50 (in theory)...

Still waiting for a voluntary furlough announcement.
Quote: There is no difference!
In your mind, I will agree.

I disagree with this being the same as the ERJ flying. Everyone and everything said on here is opionion anyway, no matter where you get your info. For the Mesa pilots out there, I hope you are right. I think you are wrong and for the Comair pilots sake, I hope I am right. No matter what, pilots all over the place are getting kicked to the curb, and that sucks.

Do you know that one of the Mesa 900 CA has been on TDY here in at JFK since November of last year??? That is freakin' ridiculous. J.O. deserves to lose this contract. Well, he deserves much worse, but that is a different story.
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