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15 ord 175
8 lga 145
Quote: 15 ord 175
8 lga 145
I don't understand why they continue to send NH's to NY.
Quote: I don't understand why they continue to send NH's to NY.
It's just a placeholder. They'll bid for other bases and get transferred when company knows where they need them.
It's a more predictable way to staff bases than awarding a random number to various bases during indoc and hoping people will pass training and actually want to stay in the base they got awarded.

There's a crazy number of NFE-DFE transfers coming up. They are just refilling that pipeline.
Quote: It's just a placeholder. They'll bid for other bases and get transferred when company knows where they need them.
It's a more predictable way to staff bases than awarding a random number to various bases during indoc and hoping people will pass training and actually want to stay in the base they got awarded.

There's a crazy number of NFE-DFE transfers coming up. They are just refilling that pipeline.
I did see those transfers, crazy amount. Makes sense.
Quote: It's just a placeholder. They'll bid for other bases and get transferred when company knows where they need them.
It's a more predictable way to staff bases than awarding a random number to various bases during indoc and hoping people will pass training and actually want to stay in the base they got awarded.

There's a crazy number of NFE-DFE transfers coming up. They are just refilling that pipeline.
When are these coming in? I'm enjoying senior rsv life right now... 😁
Quote: When are these coming in? I'm enjoying senior rsv life right now... 😁
I think 30 or so came around January 1. I didn’t see any more after that on the latest flow plan. We’ll see what comes out if this next bid on 2 weeks
I'm curious what line projections are going to look like going forward for the Chicago 175s... it looked like a steady increase in lines per the last quarterly update. No wonder all the 175 new hires are going to ORD.
Quote: I'm curious what line projections are going to look like going forward for the Chicago 175s... it looked like a steady increase in lines per the last quarterly update. No wonder all the 175 new hires are going to ORD.
All signs point towards ORD growing in lines and aircraft.
Quote: All signs point towards ORD growing in lines and aircraft.
All signs point towards ORD 175 growing in lines and aircraft.

The 145 will continue to muddle about and lose better credit lines to the 175. Envoy is two different airlines depending on which fleet you are in.
Quote: All signs point towards ORD 175 growing in lines and aircraft.

The 145 will continue to muddle about and lose better credit lines to the 175. Envoy is two different airlines depending on which fleet you are in.
If we actually get the 20x Compass planes, how are we going to staff them? Lots of hiring to be had. One scenario is that we replace the ENY 145s 1:1 with the CPZ 175s. Absolutely correct that it's like 2 entirely separate airlines today when comparing fleets.
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