Atlas Air Hiring

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Some useful facts for pilot applicants.


And not only that, much of it is understated on that site.

There is a long, uphill slog to get us in the parking lot of the ballpark.
We could also use Line Guarantee AND Trip Guarantee.

If you get awarded a Monthly Line that is 87 pay hours, then you should get 87 hours of pay, as a minimum...Line Guarantee.

If you get a 60 day line, with 3 Trips (typical for 60 day lines) of 50/50/50 pay hours, then you should get 50 hours of pay FOR EACH TRIP. If you are taken off one of your Trips, for, say, OE, and given a new Trip of 30 pay hours, then you should still get 50 hours of pay for that Trip.

Sometimes, you individual Trip Rig Guarantee will pay the most, other times your Line Guarantee will pay the most, and still others your Daily Rig guarantee will pay the most.

A lot of unknowns right now about this place. If you're absolutely tired of flying an RJ and want some good experience, this is the place. Its not a final stop in your career, not yet. It can be if management gets their act together and brings up pay, 401, and work rules. Otherwise this place will continue to be the revolving door it has been. Come get a useful type, good experience, and go somewhere where they will pay you and treat you and you're family what you're worth.

I went with the hopes of a long future and final stop in my career, but having serious doubts at this point.
Hey guys, long time lurker and first time poster on this thread. Just wanted to get your input. I took the test in December and got a 98. I currently work for a DoD Contractor overseas, and I emailed the HR people with my overseas contact info, but they called my cell phone which had no service in early January. I returned the call as soon as I returned home in early February. I spoke with DB and she said I could expect a phone screening the following week. It has now been 4 weeks and I've tried calling and emailing numerous times to no avail. Before all the angry guys start telling me to go elsewhere, know that I have read this entire thread and am fully aware of what I'm getting into. The QOL at Atlas will be vastly superior to the conditions I'm currently in. Thanks in advance for the help!
Quote: Are poolies still getting calls?Haven't seen any post since the 3/14 747 class about a month ago.
1/20 MIA interview, in pool as of 1/22 as well, still no calls frm HR. Not sure how many of us are still swimming but if class numbers published earlier are correct pool should be getting close to empty by end of April? best guess(treading water).
Quote: 1/20 MIA interview, in pool as of 1/22 as well, still no calls frm HR. Not sure how many of us are still swimming but if class numbers published earlier are correct pool should be getting close to empty by end of April? best guess(treading water).
I know quite a few from around that interview time are still treading water as well.. And I'm sure that there are many more I'm unaware of. I've heard that average wait times run around 2-3 months, and it hasn't even been two months yet, so I wouldn't stress it.

However, it would be helpful if anyone could shed some light on what the upcoming class start dates are with the respective aircraft types.
I wrote two recommends in January, talked to DB in February, she said that after the large number of interviews and hiring they did that they were taking some time to get caught up, so all those who have sent resumes and PAQ's this year and haven't heard anything - you aren't alone. The two recommends I did in January still haven't even got an invitation to take the online assessment and they are both very highly qualified for this job.

I sent an email to DB a week ago and she replied, rather sharply that she would get to it when she got to it and that there were thousands of resumes to comb through.
Quote: However, it would be helpful if anyone could shed some light on what the upcoming class start dates are with the respective aircraft types.
Class schedules have been posted several times recently.
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