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Are there any current (or recent) XO pilots on here from the Jacksonville, FL, or surrounding areas? I would love to buy you a cup of coffee or favorite beverage...
Anyone headed to the in person interview on the 20th? I’m heading out tomorrow night.
Has anyone heard of a slow down in hiring while XO moves their HQs? I believe I was told the move of the HQ was from Mather to somewhere in Florida?

I applied on the Vista side and all has been quite
Quote: Has anyone heard of a slow down in hiring while XO moves their HQs? I believe I was told the move of the HQ was from Mather to somewhere in Florida?

I applied on the Vista side and all has been quite
My understanding is that the move will take place this fall/winter. Deciding between FLL and TMB I am told.

Sent from my SM-G977U using Tapatalk
Quote: The last two posts are exactly why post-65 Part 121 pilots love this kind of flying. Had a buddy who retired and went to work for Netjets. He said it was the best flying of his career...including the Navy.
That would certainly depend on what he did in the Navy then.

For my buck - NOTHING in my civilian career will ever approach what I did in any aspect of what I did in the military (accept for my 'on the road' accommodations are much better in the civilian world. - but that isn't the flying)
The goal is for the move to be completed by 2Q20. The largest impact will be on MCC based persons (those at the SOC, HR, IT staff, flight ops) and the few in Brisbane, CA (corporate HHQ) who have to make the call to move to FL.

For the line pilot the change will not impact our schedule. We are all sorry many good friends from MCC won’t make the move for a variety of reasons. The company is taking care of those not moving and helping with moving costs for those who are electing to move to FL.

The goal is to have a full up SOC running in FL to allow a smooth transition to an east coast based operations.

The Brisbane folks, flight ops for XO, VJ, Jetsmarter, sales, SOC...in other words all operations will be under an expanded roof somewhere between PBI and Opalaka.

Change is never easy but I’m confident the culture that previous leaders have instilled in the company can deal with the challenges ahead.

Quote: My understanding is that the move will take place this fall/winter. Deciding between FLL and TMB I am told.

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Chase whats the reasoning from the company for moving ops to Florida?
Operational costs and recruiting opportunities.

Quote: Chase whats the reasoning from the company for moving ops to Florida?
Quote: Operational costs and recruiting opportunities.
As well as the ops being east coast.

Sent from my SM-G977U using Tapatalk

Great question and Simboss and JMO were succinct with the answer to your question.

The following is a little more color to the “whys” for the move.

“We are excited for the opportunity to establish a Flagship East Coast location and merge the Brisbane and MCC offices with our partners at JetSmarter. We believe a single, consolidated operations center provides valuable knowledge sharing and facilitates effective real-time communication. Additionally, we want to continue to foster a unified community culture and spirit of camaraderie, which are made stronger by working together collaboratively in a single location.

As we all know, a national air carrier also needs to provide operational support across all North American time zones. It has been a persistent challenge to staff the ET morning shift, given we are located three hours “behind the clock.” Operating in the eastern time zone is the most optimal and logical solution for appropriate shift coverage given our North American operating theater.

We also believe Florida will afford us access to a deeper pool of aviation talent from aviation universities located both locally in Florida and along the eastern seaboard. Though we are incredibly fortunate to work with a talented team, Sacramento has proven to be a challenging recruiting market, which has limited the pace at which we can support growth.

Lastly, the MCC facility and surrounding area is lacking in modern workforce amenities, is space-constrained, and is not conducive to after-hours team building and socializing. We want to solve this by locating the east coast operations center in a modern, employee-friendly location.

We anticipate this office will provide a state of the art facility that we can be proud of from both an employee services standpoint as well a celebration of our brand. The specific office space will be established over the next few months in the South Florida area.

Over the next few months, we will continue to work with employees on relocation options as well as provide periodic updates.”

Hope that helps.

Quote: Chase whats the reasoning from the company for moving ops to Florida?
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