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Itsajob 10-29-2019 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by Gone Flying (Post 2914486)
401k is not a small chunk of change, assuming a year 3 737 FO is out on leave thats probably 25K/year, a year 6 777FO is probably close to 40k/year. then you can factor in all the retaining costs to bring them back up once they return from leave, assuming they left after IOE now they have wasted at about 50K in training costs as well. now if they are not on long term leave but are regularly having to place mil leave on awarded trips due to conflicts with the military that can increase the cost significantly, now the company has to burn a reserve or potentially pay 200% to cover their trip. this can be particularly problematic with last minute stuff, im not in the military but ive talked to people who claim to have put mil leave on trips inside of 24hrs to report. not bashing mil pilots but to say there is no drag associated with mil leave is not true.

Lots of things are a cost....vacation, sick leave, furlough recall rights, etc. They are all justified and worth it. I don’t have a problem with people going on leave, even right out of training. They are more of an asset to this company and society as a whole than people whining about “getting stuck on the 756” or being victims of age discrimination because of how we determine seniority within a class.

Gone Flying 10-29-2019 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by Broncofan (Post 2914420)
I completely agree. Seniority at the indoc should not be age based but random. Its age discrimination. Just because you are younger you are now forced into a seat that you might not want, making less money because it's going to take longer to be a line holder, worse schedules and most likely committing. United I'm sure at some point will have a law suit.

im pretty sure age descrimination laws only protect people over 40. anyway why shouldn't age be used. a 25 year old has 39 years to get close to #1, a 45 year old does not. the only way i might see to be better would be everyone take a systems or indoc test and highest score is first but that would only work if they were hiring into 1 fleet type ( this might work at SWA)

baseball 10-29-2019 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by Gone Flying (Post 2914486)
401k is not a small chunk of change, assuming a year 3 737 FO is out on leave thats probably 25K/year, a year 6 777FO is probably close to 40k/year. then you can factor in all the retaining costs to bring them back up once they return from leave, assuming they left after IOE now they have wasted at about 50K in training costs as well. now if they are not on long term leave but are regularly having to place mil leave on awarded trips due to conflicts with the military that can increase the cost significantly, now the company has to burn a reserve or potentially pay 200% to cover their trip. this can be particularly problematic with last minute stuff, im not in the military but ive talked to people who claim to have put mil leave on trips inside of 24hrs to report. not bashing mil pilots but to say there is no drag associated with mil leave is not true.

You say you're not bashing military pilots, but seem to do it.

Not only do we have pilots on MLLV, but we have dispatchers, mechanics, flight attendants, agents, you name it. The entire corporation has to deal with it in all departments. Also, all of corporate America has to deal with it from Jiffylube to Walmart to Delta to American to JetBlue to Southwest. it is what it is.

There was a determination by the National Command Authority back in the 1980's to shift the burden of national defense to citizen soldiers and to have the states as well as corporate America shoulder more of the burden.

I guess you could dig up Reagan's corpse and both chambers of congress and moan and groan to them about it, but it's the cost of doing business today and it's how we will fight wars in the today and in the future.

The same rules apply to all players, to include state and local governments and police forces and fire, EMS, etc. I think I have made my point fairly clear.

We have a former MEC Chair at Continental who went on a 21 year MLLV. So what. A 3 year MLLV is not big deal. And yes, putting in MLLV inside of 24 hours may be an inconvenience. if it was, the company would staff more reserves. Pop up taskings happen. The guard/reserve continues to do more with less. It's called "military necessity." if a dude or dudet took a 3 year MLLV so what. Nothing you say, or purport to say, or insinuate, or hint at is going to change any of that.

The more the company does to pee off the pilots the more mllv gets dropped. PBS is what it is. Pilots will drop MLLV after they see their PBS award and decide what they can and can't do.

baseball 10-29-2019 12:30 PM

Originally Posted by Thor (Post 2914463)
You’re deluded by your self importance, maybe you’re being facetious? Any pilot who’s not on the line producing revenue is a drag on the network. A cost without return.

All of America's civilian employers have the same "drag". I guess they should just re-write the USSERA laws and fire everyone who is the guard/ more drag.

baseball 10-29-2019 12:38 PM

Now, back on topic.

Anything concrete on remaining bids for this year?

WarEagle28 10-29-2019 12:44 PM

Originally Posted by Thor (Post 2914463)
You’re deluded by your self importance, maybe you’re being facetious? Any pilot who’s not on the line producing revenue is a drag on the network. A cost without return.

I’m glad the men and women serving in the military protecting your freedom of speech are “a drag” and “a cost without return”. Without that freedom of speech, We wouldn’t be able to hear your pompous a**, congratulations!

Crawl back in your hole, troll!

82spukram 10-29-2019 12:46 PM


It must of been shocking to hear that seniority in indoc was age based. Nobody ever explained that to you? Like when they offered the CJO? In 2013 that was made very clear.....enjoy the lawsuit. BTW I was the 8 ball of my class....that means I will make more money, more contributions to the 401k, and longer timeframe in the highest paying seats then any other classmates and I get to retire in the top 100 which is something none of my other classmates can say. So yeah for 20 months I had to commute....I don’t know how I survived this injustice.

horrido27 10-29-2019 12:53 PM

It's threads (and some comments) like these that make me wish people would actually put their real names on their comments'

Ya want to change how seniority is assigned in your newhire class.. ok.
But man up (or woman up!) and put your name on your post.

Ya think 2 yr seat lock sucks on a 756 out of newhire training.. ok.
But man up (or woman up!) and put your name on your post.

Ya think that Military guy/gals work the system by using mil leave.. ok.
But man up (or woman up!) and put your name on your post.
* For the record, some (probably) do.. but not the majority!

End of the day, some of these comments just make a lot of us shake our heads.. it's all bull****.

Now.. back to the MOAB coming in 2 weeks!

FS, FP and FtC!
(Peter "Motch" Matschulat.. 756 FO EWR)

O2pilot 10-29-2019 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by Broncofan (Post 2914420)
I completely agree. Seniority at the indoc should not be age based but random. Its age discrimination. Just because you are younger you are now forced into a seat that you might not want, making less money because it's going to take longer to be a line holder, worse schedules and most likely committing. United I'm sure at some point will have a law suit.

Federal age discrimination laws ONLY protect people over 40 from being fired strictly based on their age. There is no such thing as “age discrimination” per se. Using age to determine seniority is completely within the law. Anyone can sue, but there’s no legal standing for it.

JoePatroni 10-29-2019 01:02 PM

Originally Posted by O2pilot (Post 2914546)
Federal age discrimination laws ONLY protect people over 40 from being fired strictly based on their age. There is no such thing as “age discrimination” per se. Using age to determine seniority is completely within the law. Anyone can sue, but there’s no legal standing for it.

“Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?”

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