Fleet basing post merger

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Quote: So tell US mighty eaglefly... In the grand scheme of things. Once OUR AA/US SL is arbitrated and award announced, would you accept a number junior to a US new hire currently in our last new hire class?? Now be truthful to yourself and all that lurk here..You have obviously picked sides in OUR little tug of war. Something tells me you may have an acquaintance on the west list...Or perhaps your alliance to Mr. Nicolau and/or ALPO is stronger than your logic. After all, he too handed you a golden ticket..
Yours truly TOOL..
Dear stripped wrench,

First I'd have to START with a reasonable position to merge seniority lists for credibility. I wouldn't support a straight staple of all or virtually all US Airways pilots below AA pilots. THEN after that, should negotiations fail between two parties with realistic expectations and my union CHOSE to accept the risks of binding arbitration as opposed to a negotiated settlement, I would accept the result even though I may not like it. That's what happens when your union WILLINGLY AGREES to a process. For the record, I despise ALPA and would rather join the manson family. Their record as a labor advocate for pilots is abominable as evidenced by the TWA debacle and the Midwest representation just to name two. But arbitration is a gamble and the risks are there and guess what ?

That's EXACTLY what's going to happen in our little SLI. I can't control it, but I'll accept it. You won't find me whining like an infant and throwing my strained beets across the APC Forum kitchen and declaring those who I have disagreements with "punks" or implying inferiority.

What I would NOT advocate is what the majority along carrier lines CHOSE to support once that gamble didn't pay off. Tough to look in the mirror, you see..........

As far as my "golden ticket" to AA (and this is getting to be a pathetic broken record), that was not provided by an arbitrator, but negotiated between two unions in 1997. The TIMING and methodology (as part of a "recall") of my arrival to AA I had no control over and frankly would have preferred making more money where I was while those who wanted or needed employment got it and THEN I could have come over as my seniority (established previously) would have only improved my QWL when I arrived. Of course, no one asked my opinion.


Bird with still unruffled feathers.
Quote: Do you two realize you are wasting our time... if you want to argue do it via private message. Otherwise we all just have to scroll down through the immaturity.

This thread is supposed to be about fleet basing post merger, not two guy's egos.
I'd be more than happy with that, but some just need a fix and can't put the needle down. At any rate, the fleet basing topic while fun to speculate on, is tough to quantify and no one really knows the future managements intent, perhaps not even they fully do yet and maybe that's why little is being said about it.
Quote: Do you two realize you are wasting our time... if you want to argue do it via private message. Otherwise we all just have to scroll down through the immaturity.

This thread is supposed to be about fleet basing post merger, not two guy's egos.
Speculating about when or where the Co. will base AC is about as worthless as our little bout...Carry on...
Quote: To all interested parties...Eaglefly is nothing more than a Eagle flow thru...To him anything larger than an RJ is a "Holly Grail"..He drools and trembles at the mere sight of a 767..Probably faints if he smells a 777..Most of US at airways have time on the WB..And like a beautiful women, at first she mesmerizes. After a while, shes just another girl..
..And like Tom Clancy, he writes fictitious tales and scenarios that serve no other purpose than to entertain..A true RJ punk!!
I hope you do not fly airplanes. Really, your anger, arrogance, contempt, put a lid on it. You're beyond unprofessional.
Quote: I hope you do not fly airplanes. Really, your anger, arrogance, contempt, put a lid on it. You're beyond unprofessional.
You still haven't answered my question..I am not angry, nor am I arrogant. I do have a problem with people who come on these boards and spew their baseless, uninformed nonsense on matters that do not concern them. I will not involve myself in opinions related to other carriers beside my own. I suggest you and eagleboy do the same..
In case you are wondering I do fly airplanes..Big ones too..
Quote: You still haven't answered my question..I am not angry, nor am I arrogant. I do have a problem with people who come on these boards and spew their baseless, uninformed nonsense on matters that do not concern them. I will not involve myself in opinions related to other carriers beside my own. I suggest you and eagleboy do the same..
In case you are wondering I do fly airplanes..Big ones too..
Everyone knows what you low lives have done and who you are as a group, why are you getting upset about it? Own it like the proud usapa member you are.
Quote: Everyone knows what you low lives have done and who you are as a group, why are you getting upset about it? Own it like the proud usapa member you are.
Are you still upset that Marty led you down an endless path?? Repeat after me, Legitimate Union Purpose..The MOU has cemented our fate. Now run along and write AOL another check..
Isn't there already a thread dedicated to this argument?
Quote: You still haven't answered my question..I am not angry, nor am I arrogant. I do have a problem with people who come on these boards and spew their baseless, uninformed nonsense on matters that do not concern them. I will not involve myself in opinions related to other carriers beside my own. I suggest you and eagleboy do the same..
In case you are wondering I do fly airplanes..Big ones too..

Hahahahhahaha. You, sir, have QUITE a sense of humor. You are not even a little bit of a blowhard. Not. At. All.
Quote: Hahahahhahaha. You, sir, have QUITE a sense of humor. You are not even a little bit of a blowhard. Not. At. All.
Well with the likes of cactiboss, eaglefly, and wiskeydriver I'd say I'm in good company...
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