Atlas Air Hiring

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Feb 22 747 Class is full, calls going out for Feb 29 767 class
Quote: Sometimes reading this thread on this site is the worst thing a guy can do. I often wonder why I am revisiting the site now that I have a confirmed class date.

Stop reading. You have no idea where some of these guys have been and what their experiences are. And yet we return here day after day to see who's going to stir the pot next.

Someone is going to hire me to fly a big friggin' airplane, fly internationally and pay me enough money to live on??? I fail to see the problem here.
Quote: Perspective

I've been with my organization for 19 years. I fly a 60 year old jet that has constant mx issues. No union. fly anywhere from 0-120 hours a month. Incur a 10 year commitment upon completion of training. Lots of back side of the clock flying with min crew rest. No retirement match. frequent 80 day trips. Stay in a moldy plywood box not big enough to get dressed in. No catering. Pay rates will never increase. I made $78K last year in the left seat flying mostly international in heavy aircraft. Wouldn't have traded it.

Seems like the folks who post on these forums are either trying to get hired somewhere or already work there and have nothing good to say. That goes for all carriers....Delta, FedEx, you name it. The people who are content/happy don't feel the need to log on to the google-tron to let the world know how satisfactory their lives are.

Congrats to you guys moving to Atlas. I knocked out the test about a month ago and I'm hoping for that call some day.
All true, but at each stage in one's professional existence one must be held with this stage in my career, for the company that I work for that is making millions of dollars, and flying the same equipment that major airlines all over the world fly, it is time to treat me with the respect that I deserve.

The company is now approaching 25 years in existence and the days of "oh, we are a start-up and need your help" are over...I expect and deserve nothing less than what my colleagues and friends at the legacy airlines have been getting for a long time.

I welcome anyone that is coming to Atlas to better their lot in life -- I will not apologize for doing the same while I'm here. And in all honesty, I will expect you to do the same since what you do will indeed impact whether we reach major airline status or not.

Good luck, and I do sincerely wish you the best.
Quote: Feb 22 747 Class is full, calls going out for Feb 29 767 class
GIANT PILOT, thanks for the heads up.. I appreciate it.

And to the others posting their words of warning on recent developments -
I figured that it goes without saying, but you can be sure I'll do my part to uphold our profession and industry.. wherever that may be.
..Always have, always will.
Quote: Someone is going to hire me to fly a big friggin' airplane, fly internationally and pay me enough money to live on??? I fail to see the problem here.
and this attitude is part of the problem. That is great that you want to fly a 747 and see the world. However, this is not an entry level regional airline. You are doing big boy flying and deserved to be paid like it. Sure you can make enough money to pay bills, your mortgage, enjoy life, etc, but please be aware that you are grossly underpaid and be prepared to fight to make things better.
Quote: There are lots of posts on the UPS thread that are negative, too. It's hard to believe that pilots can complain so vehemently while working for an airline where they could make $150k+ on a domestic 757 in their second year, but they do. Some of the boys in brown just really hate their job.

I guess it's all about their perspective.

For some of us, Atlas is a job that sucks and is headed down the crapper with this Southern thing.

For others, Atlas is a pretty good job that has great potential with the Southern thing, but has a really weak contract that needs to be fixed.

It's all about your perspective.

If you want a ready made career at an airline where you won't have to work to improve much of anything, Atlas probably isn't the place for you. But, if you have the fire in your belly for a good fight to help make this place a career destination, then, c'mon over. The potential is here for a great career, but you're gonna have to help us fight for it.

Very well said.

Hey Management,

Another no deal making, no favor granting, 100% CBA compliant pilot that is ALL IN!!!
Quote: Applied- 29 Sep
Great, thanks Mike..
I'm happy to hear you got your requested equipment type.
..and again, congratulations!
Quote: Shack.

Someone is going to hire me to fly a big friggin' airplane, fly internationally and pay me enough money to live on??? I fail to see the problem here.
No offense, but I barfed reading this. Take pride in your skills and what you are worth. Lots of us at Atlas want to raise the bar, not only for ACMI pay, but for the industry. We are doing crazy flying all around the world with almost zero support. Gone from our loved ones for 17 days straight. We feel we deserve to get paid more than a guy flying a 717 to Chattanooga. Welcome aboard to all. First beer is on me, but please be prepared to help us fight for a better life here.
Took the test sometime in October, Got a 90 something, Never heard anything else. Has anybody such a long wait for a phone call?
Quote: Shack.

Stop reading. You have no idea where some of these guys have been and what their experiences are. And yet we return here day after day to see who's going to stir the pot next.

Someone is going to hire me to fly a big friggin' airplane, fly internationally and pay me enough money to live on??? I fail to see the problem here.
Ah, I remember this attitude well from the regionals. That's how the race to the bottom gets justified, over and over again - because it pays slightly more then where you currently are.

I've been at Atlas more than 4 years. I was as senior as it gets on the 767 last year, before transitioning to the 747 in the summer. Didn't break $80k in 2015. Compare that to, oh, ABX or UPS or FedEx. Before you compare it to the lower-tier carriers, tell me how their scope of operations matches up to ours.

If Atlas is better than your current gig, come on over. But realize we are not paid nearly what we are worth for the work we do. And if you do come, roll up your sleeves and get to work and help us fight. And don't you ever b!tch to me about your paycheck.
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