Atlas Air Hiring

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Quote: Are guys getting invited to May/June interviews? I was invited to take the online test in March before I had my ATP. Took it and passed, got my ATP, updated my resume and PAQ and haven't heard anything. Is the online test not an indication that they want to interview you?

"Passing the exam does not guarantee you an interview. If you do not hear from us feel free to reapply in six months.

The Atlas Air Flight Crew Recruitment Team"

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Quote: I took the test, passed, never got called. Pretty annoying because I actually took a good amount of time to study. Never bothered to call back, and short time after that, a better gig came along. Turned out to be a blessing in disguise that they didn't call me.
However, not hearing anything after taking the test is kind of a poor way to treat possible applicants. I understand it does not guarantee anything but people kind of anticipate the next phase, or at least hearing something from the company itself. I did hear a few guys have gotten June interviews in MIA.
Quote: I took the test, passed, never got called. Pretty annoying because I actually took a good amount of time to study. Never bothered to call back, and short time after that, a better gig came along. Turned out to be a blessing in disguise that they didn't call me.
Similar thing happened to me. I took the test, called a month later to update information and confirm all was in order. A chorus of crickets for 8 months. A friend on the seniority list decided to take up my cause and was like a dog with a bone and would not let it go until he was able to find out why I had not gotten a call. I am eternally grateful to this person for his tenacity. As it turned out there was no reason for the crickets and best guess was they lost my package. I was sent another assessment invite took test and got an interview and class date within days. I think HR in Purchase is simply overwhelmed with all the hiring going on. As I understand their day to day has increased in substantial ways without the commensurate increase in staffing. Do more with less has its victims. I would say keep trying or find someone who will Bulldog your resume in. Of course only if you're still interested. If something has worked out better then good on you since if you have chosen aviation as a career you've likely earned a lucky break in your favor. Good Luck...
I've heard some guys have had problems with communications that have a yahoo email address, any truth to this. Thinking of going to gmail.
Quote: I've heard some guys have had problems with communications that have a yahoo email address, any truth to this. Thinking of going to gmail.
I've also been wondering if their comms might go to the spam folder. Last night I went through a couple months of spam emails and haven't seen anything in there either. I guess just keep being patient.
Quote: However, not hearing anything after taking the test is kind of a poor way to treat possible applicants. I understand it does not guarantee anything but people kind of anticipate the next phase, or at least hearing something from the company itself. I did hear a few guys have gotten June interviews in MIA.
The disclaimers are black and white-

The instant gratification culture we all now live in...

I suppose if one was invited to any airline interview over the last 50 years and didn't get that Job- it's a poor way to treat a possible employee- by your account...

Keep trying - it's a trait very few have anymore.
Has anyone heard any rumblings of Atlas planning to be at any job fairs this summer?
Quote: I know about the mediations thing as well. My last company voted to strike and then went into a 4 year quagmire of mediation and pointless meetings. And then more mediation, followed by meetings.
Haha same here. Don't want the same mediator that RAH had that's for sure!
Does the training dept. issue new hires access to CPaT prior to attending class? If so, usually how far in advance?
Yes, and it is irrelevant. Don't sweat it. Only Atlas crams 3 weeks of school into 9 weeks.
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