Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: And in 3, 2, 1, T will be here with his LBP.
And are you still willing to fight for bigger pays more. Sailing's next post says it is a 2.5% paycut for 64 airframes. Maybe I am all messed up on this, so I would LOOOOOOVE for one of ya'll to 'splain it to me just how this fleet replacement puts more money in the pockets of those that will be taking that 2.5% paycut.... Try as I might, I just don't see it.
Quote: Boog, according to Delta's SEC filing, Delta had 26 more mainline planes at the end of 2013 then they had at the end of 2012.
Anyone have the pilot staffing numbers to compare to the aircraft number?
Quote: And are you still willing to fight for bigger pays more. Sailing's next post says it is a 2.5% paycut for 64 airframes. Maybe I am all messed up on this, so I would LOOOOOOVE for one of ya'll to 'splain it to me just how this fleet replacement puts more money in the pockets of those that will be taking that 2.5% paycut.... Try as I might, I just don't see it.
Sure you do.

They will make it back in upgrade, ability to move to where they want to be based (and not commute), and in a higher relative position on the seniority list.

You just don't want to concede it.
Quote: And are you still willing to fight for bigger pays more. Sailing's next post says it is a 2.5% paycut for 64 airframes. Maybe I am all messed up on this, so I would LOOOOOOVE for one of ya'll to 'splain it to me just how this fleet replacement puts more money in the pockets of those that will be taking that 2.5% paycut.... Try as I might, I just don't see it.

Bid down to the 737. There is so much more to see down low. The smell of flowers, pine trees and freshly mowed grass. Watching female sunbathers and airplanes fly overhead making contrails. If you are nostalgic for your your initial training days, this is the thing to turn back the clock. I'm sure a DC-3 with half the wing blown off flies like a 737-900.

In January, in the middle of winter, we had B/O numbers and were filed for 26,000. I could not believe it, so I hit the new VNAV button, went to the second screen, CRZ (why have one button push when you can have three?) page and yeeerp 26.3 was "optimal." Middle of winter mind you (and it does not know winds higher, so that was not it).

ATL-SFO with weather on the west coast requiring alternates ... b a r e l y.

... then the real insult, we had to slow down to let MD88's out of Salt Lake in front. Apparently when they boot the thing and have that Mach trim pole hitting the sunshade, they're faster than a -900.

That joke about sitting in a dark closet for 5:29 with another man and a vacuum cleaner running is so spot on. And it is always 5:29. Another 60 seconds, but, NO FOOD FOR YOU!

I have yet for ATC to ask if we have had an engine failure, but we're constantly being asked to expedite climb (as if we weren't already thinking about throwing stuff overboard including ourselves).
Quote: Sure you do.

They will make it back in upgrade, ability to move to where they want to be based (and not commute), and in a higher relative position on the seniority list.

You just don't want to concede it.
There are a TON of pilots that commute, and being bumped to a lower paying aircraft will not change that. Those thousands of us that live in Florida for example will not benefit in any way by your theory. higher relative position on a seniority list is not a panacea. Unless you live in base, you don't get Greenslips with any kind of regularity. So let's go to 1.5x over 80. that will be a job killer for sure, because guys are *****s as it is. Just imagine if they know they are gonna get premium pay over 80 hours. One benefit: reserve will ROCK at that point, except they will whittle the numbers down based on usage. Oh, and what is this upgrade that will be available for the junior captains on the 757?

You're right, I don't want to concede it, because your theory is wrong. 2.5% less is 2.5% less. There WILL be people that will be taking haircuts. Period. Trickle down economics.
Quote: TSquare,

Bid down to the 737. There is so much more to see down low. The smell of flowers, pine trees and freshly mowed grass.

In January, in the middle of winter, we had B/O numbers and were filed for 26,000. I could not believe it, so I hit the new VNAV button, went to the second screen, CRZ (why have one button push when you can have three?) page and yeeerp 26.3 was "optimal." Middle of winter mind you (and it does not know winds higher, so that was not it).

ATL-SFO with weather on the west coast requiring alternates ... b a r e l y.

... then the real insult, we had to slow down to let MD88's out of Salt Lake in front. Apparently when they boot the thing and have that Mach trim pole hitting the sunshade, they're faster than a -900.
Somebody told me recently that 100% of the -900s at (UAL???) have had tail strikes. Any truth to that? I loved the classic fluff. Got a lot of time in it. While I might wind up on the -73 again, I REALLY like the 757, and would like to stay there. I think I am climbing a burning rope, and my feet are very warm though.
Quote: Somebody told me recently that 100% of the -900s at (UAL???) have had tail strikes. Any truth to that? I loved the classic fluff. Got a lot of time in it. While I might wind up on the -73 again, I REALLY like the 757, and would like to stay there. I think I am climbing a burning rope, and my feet are very warm though.
I've yet to see one of us hit the tail. In fact, it flares nicely and the speeds are very slightly less than the -800. I'm not volunteering to do flaps 15 landings in it, but it's pilot friendly and our training / LCA have done a good job raising appropriate levels of awareness.

But, the rampers will get one.

They started shouting the other day because they thought we were tipping in Miami.
Quote: Major growth! Standby for Sailing to give this crap a positive spin
Let me see. 10 captain bids for YOU, and 90 widebody FO bids for those junior to you. Nothing for me. Yeah, you're right, it sucks.
Quote: I've yet to see one of us hit the tail. In fact, it flares nicely and the speeds are very slightly less than the -800. I'm not volunteering to do flaps 15 landings in it, but it's pilot friendly and our training / LCA have done a good job raising appropriate levels of awareness.

But, the rampers will get one.

They started shouting the other day because they thought we were tipping in Miami.
Yeah (knock on wood). I honestly don't know anything about the -900 other than they must have the smallest lav in history. Everything I have heard is either second hand or conjecture. I sincerely hope we never have a tailstrike.

At least it is quiet at F260 though I'm guessing you can get a lot of directs?
Quote: TSquare,

Bid down to the 737. There is so much more to see down low. The smell of flowers, pine trees and freshly mowed grass. Watching female sunbathers and airplanes fly overhead making contrails. If you are nostalgic for your your initial training days, this is the thing to turn back the clock. I'm sure a DC-3 with half the wing blown off flies like a 737-900.

In January, in the middle of winter, we had B/O numbers and were filed for 26,000. I could not believe it, so I hit the new VNAV button, went to the second screen, CRZ (why have one button push when you can have three?) page and yeeerp 26.3 was "optimal." Middle of winter mind you (and it does not know winds higher, so that was not it).

ATL-SFO with weather on the west coast requiring alternates ... b a r e l y.

... then the real insult, we had to slow down to let MD88's out of Salt Lake in front. Apparently when they boot the thing and have that Mach trim pole hitting the sunshade, they're faster than a -900.

That joke about sitting in a dark closet for 5:29 with another man and a vacuum cleaner running is so spot on. And it is always 5:29. Another 60 seconds, but, NO FOOD FOR YOU!

I have yet for ATC to ask if we have had an engine failure, but we're constantly being asked to expedite climb (as if we weren't already thinking about throwing stuff overboard including ourselves).
Funny, but sad. I've heard the reason they are launching the 900ER's on the longer legs is due to the inseat entertainment, which is as good as anything I've seen. The seats aren't too uncomfortable either. Hopefully, as the 757's get retrofitted with new interiors, the -900's will take over the east coast stuff and ATL-Florida runs, where they belong. Otherwise, it's going to be a bumpy summer on those transcons! (And forget about non reving, load optimized)
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