Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: You're not the shadowy figure standing next to Paterno are you?
Paterno is actually the shadowy figure.

I'm shadowy because the Fly DC Jets choir has a "Strategic Collections and Reconciliations" Department. It's in EWR near the suff labeled Maersk.
Hey, I was right!

3 cheers for me:

And yes, I'm holding back.
Congrats to RG III and Baylor University!!!

Sic 'em Bears!

Quote: Hey, I was right!

3 cheers for me:

And yes, I'm holding back.
Thanks for the pics, FTB. That reminds me of my first year at Baylor. I stepped onto campus and was absolutely astounded by the "scenery" (and I don't mean the buildings or landscaping).
This is annoying, every time I go fly, this happens. I think the company is starting to get p'd off about it too.

Quote: Ahhhhhhhh reminds me of "The Safe House" in Milwaukee, WS. Too many little "spy" things in there to list, but as an old Speakeasy you went in through a sliding bookcase and out through a phone booth.

Of course, there is NO sign saying Safe House anywhere on the building

PS Props to someone who Does Know the name of the sign on the building
One free drink to someone who knows the alternate entrance

Love that place. Spent many nights there is college!
Quote: This is annoying, every time I go fly, this happens. I think the company is starting to get p'd off about it too.

Are you wearing pants? I often find that if I wear pants the pandemonium is stifled.

Pandemonium = abject fear
Quote: This is annoying, every time I go fly, this happens. I think the company is starting to get p'd off about it too.

It's such a burden, isn't it.

Quote: Looks like Delta's IT department updated iCrew Dec 1st, it can now be used with Safari on the iPad and iPhone, no Journey or whatever required. Maybe that helped you out too.
You're my hero!!!

And I haven't had a hero since Macgyver.
Quote: Does anyone know if extended personal leaves of absence are being granted? If so, are PLOA's negotiated on a case by case basis with the company?

It seems we are overstaffed and I thought there might be some opportunity in this.
Don't know anything about the company's current position, but in the past they were more receptive of two year PLOA requests than three year requests.
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