
GoJet Regional Airline

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Old 03-16-2009, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Thunder1

Excellent attempt at educating the rose colored glass wearing crowd. Especially the likes of: Purpleanga, Positive Rate and Copperhead. What you said is the most honest post I have seen yet on APC. Continue to throw in a dose of reality on these websites. Thanks.

And to the rose colored glass crowd......How is it that someone who has never met you is supposed to feel sorry for your plight and not take a job that they feel is in their best interest in order to help you out? Laughable idea to start with!!
In case you have forgotten..... you live in a democracy and a relatively free market capitalistic economy where the underlying operating premise is that each person acts in their own interest to achieve what they believe is best for them. I whole-heartedly agree that the NMB made the wrong decision in their ruling regarding GoJet; however, that is like crying over spilled milk. GoJet management won this battle, labor lost this battle, and whether you like it or not GoJet is a legally legitimate carrier that even ALPA supports. I agree that pilots need to work together and fight for better work rules, pay, etc.; however, you need to worry about the next battle and quit ruining your life by stewing over battles lost. Move on to the next winnable battle -- this GoJet battle is over.
I didn't realize I'd ruined my life by stewing over GoJetS. I've managed to find another flying job after months on the street. That doesn't mean I'll stop spreading the word about GoJetS. I haven't talked to a single person at my new airline that doesn't despise GoJetS. I jumpseated on WN the other day and was in the cockpit with a Frontier guy who was former TSA. All of those guys also despised GoJetS. This is not just a message board phenomenon. The information is out there and it is well known that these guys are scum.

You guys realize you're coming on this board and telling us to "stop fighting for what's right" don't you? Do you realize how crappy that attitude is? You all agree GoJetS was crappy to begin with but because TSA lost the legal battle, the pilots are also required give up for some reason. That's retarded. We would have some leverage if it weren't for people like you guys. You say our cause is a lost one and if all the pilots out there are like you guys, I'd say I agree. You can't control anybody but yourself so having a position of "other people won't do what's right so neither will I" can only make things worse. Stop being defeatists and stop trying to argue that the guys who are defending virtue are suddenly the enemy.
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Old 03-16-2009, 09:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Thunder1

Never once in my post did I tell you to quit trying to fix it. I merely reminded you that you are still fighting last years battle that has already been lost. Move on my friend. In addition, you make the mistake of assuming I am a "senior pilot". If only that were true I would not be furloughed and heading back to the military. Best of luck and I sure hope when I come back to commercial aviation that your generation has all the problems fixed. Good luck!
I think I was referring to RJS in that previous post. Good luck in the military. I've definitely flirted with the idea of joining up but just never pulled the trigger.
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Old 03-16-2009, 09:46 PM
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Originally Posted by RJSAviator76
LOL Anga... you crack me up. You really, really do. Ya know, part of the reason aside from trying to open your eyes is entertainment of watching you get all defensive and ranting the same thing.

I see you're still mesmerized with the concept of Trans States and ALPA, and the whole airline thing. Understandable for a low time guy. Let me give you a little dose of reality, something that you may or may not understand.

First of all, again, I am sorry this has happened to you guys, and especially to a youngin like yourself with no other experience. As I'm sure you've noticed, no experience can come and bite you in many ways: from not being able to find another job to possibly coming back to bite you while you're working simply because you don't have any decision-making flight experience, but that's drifting away. Here's the sad, sorry truth:

This whole brotherhood that ALPA talks about, this whole union chest-thumping is really all bunch of hot air. We all talk about unity, and how as pilots we need to stick together, but in reality, pilots are the most selfish and egotistical group of people. They'll tell you what you want to hear, but won't do a thing if it comes at their expense. Need proof? I don't know how familiar you are with what happened after 9/11 furloughs, and all the open time getting picked up by guys left and right. Hell, we were fortunate at Aloha that we capped our flying at 80 hours PERIOD. No open time pick-up and we couldn't get junior-manned on our days off, yet when the company would furlough, we'd get so short on crews, the scheduling would call and offer all sorts of deals just so they wouldn't have to recall pilots - and you'd be surprised how many took them up on their offers. How many Trans States pilots are flying 90-95 hour months while you guys have people on the street? Think they want to see those hours go down to min guarantee to ensure you as a junior pilot keep your job? I'm sure every pilot on this board will say they want to support the junior man, and that's all fine and dandy, but let's look at the results. Disappointing, aren't they?

Pilots will only look out for number 1 first, and then if they have some to spare, they'll be righteous and virtuous... but only if it doesn't affect them, yet on these pilot boards, we're all the most virtuous and righteous pilots in the world as we would never step on anyone else.

Open scabbing might be about the only no-no that our selfish nature as pilots would accept, but even that can't be accurately measured considering how every pilot group caved in when faced with brutal concessions. Nature of the beast, kiddo... right or wrong, it's reality.

Now, to go back to this whole GoJet thing, when they first started, and yes, I was a dues-paying ALPA member back then, it was viewed as an alter-ego and we all supported your plight. We also took time to fix our scope clauses so that things like what happened at Mesa and Trans States don't happen to us. At the same time, the hiring was still strong elsewhere.

While the hiring was still going strong, the NMB decision came down and they declared GoJet to be a separate airline. Right or wrong, doesn't really matter - ALPA seemed to have accepted the ruling.

Now... GoJet seemed to have a relatively difficult time attracting experienced pilots to upgrade them simply because experienced guys were either already regional captains or hired at majors or corporate gigs that pay better than the regional left seat anyway.

Then oil spikes up, and Aloha, ATA, Champion, Skybus, Maxjet, EOS all collapse dumping thousands of super experienced pilots on the street. Furthermore, UAL dumps almost a thousand pilots out themselves, Continental furloughs, so does Airtran, and then we get to see this doozy of Republic replacing Midwest pilots. At the same time, Mesaba and GoJet were the only two places hiring. Mesaba stopped hiring and now you have GoJet, Lynx and Great Lakes hiring. That's it.

Now... remember what I was telling you about pilots only looking out for number one? You want them to think how they're affecting TSA pilots. Frankly, most couldn't give rats about you, simply because: a) you're not on strike and b) NMB ruled against you. All the excuse people need. You want virtue to rule? Do you realistically expect a 15,000 hour ATA 757 captain who lost it all to really care that he might possibly put you, a 400 hour TSA pilot, on the street by taking a job at GoJet? First of all, good luck convincing him that's the case, and second of all, your expectations of virtue and righteousness are... well, misguided at best. In other words, you're setting your expectations of the US pilot population way too high, and it's likely because of inexperience and idealism that you haven't seen shattered yet.

See, it's easy for a DAL/NWA A320 captain to pass judgement here and be virtuous about GoJet, it doesn't affect him - he's taken care of, so he can afford to be "virtuous."

Now, you often make a mistake of thinking I'm a GoJet fan. Far from it. I think it's a dirtbag outfit just like Trans States or Mesa or any other regional in the U.S. abusing its pilots. I'm simply trying to open your eyes to see the reality instead of illusion, and trying to get you to act accordingly.
RJS, you don't have to write a book. We all know how the industry works, it's all about the guy above you. And I have no problem with that they have earned their right to be there before me. But if you want to join up with me so we a can watch this industry burn to the ground then great. At least some of us are trying to do something about it. As I said, you are a walking contradiction. You can't take both sides... you are basically saying you hate GJ scum but there's nothing we can do so let's all watch it burn. That's why I'm saying, enjoy your time off overseas and let others do what you apparently have given up on. We all have no other expectations then to get a fair contract. What exactly is your problem with that, especially as a corp guy looking from the outside?
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Old 03-17-2009, 03:55 AM
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While the hiring was still going strong, the NMB decision came down and they declared GoJet to be a separate airline. Right or wrong, doesn't really matter - ALPA seemed to have accepted the ruling.

1. we werent going to win with that administration running things--- we all know it was a complete and ridiculous ruling--------- i mean seriously just b/c they have seperate websites means they are seperate? the people sat in the same rooms- scheduling, flight control payroll, etc---

2. no, your not going to convince an older ATA pilot that going to gojet is wrong-- many of them came from TSA and are coming back to the boy's club--

3. so, thanks to the freedom and gojet debacle, other carriers learned and protected themselves-- you're welcome

4. It was wrong HOW gojet was formed and that the opportunity to participate in the "expansion" was at the cost of the VERY EMPLOYEES THAT MADE IT POSSIBLE, it wasnt wrong WHY they formed it

you either work there or support them, or you dont there's no middle ground.

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Old 03-17-2009, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Copperhed51
Once again the senior pilot comes on here and tells us how his generation has screwed up the industry and tells the junior pilots to quit trying to fix it. Awesome. Thanks for the advice.
EXACTLY. TSA is in contract negotiations right now, they could eventually get released for self help. They need intergration with gojet or there's absolutely no point in signing any contract because there won't be anyone left to work under it. The battle ISN'T lost yet. If anything it's more relevant now than ever..... but if you don't want to fix it, don't read the threads and certainly don't come preach to our generation of pilots that nothing is ever fixable. Awesome attitude.
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Old 03-17-2009, 07:49 AM
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Originally Posted by RJSAviator76
LOL Anga... you crack me up. You really, really do. Ya know, part of the reason aside from trying to open your eyes is entertainment of watching you get all defensive and ranting the same thing.

I see you're still mesmerized with the concept of Trans States and ALPA, and the whole airline thing. Understandable for a low time guy. Let me give you a little dose of reality, something that you may or may not understand.

First of all, again, I am sorry this has happened to you guys, and especially to a youngin like yourself with no other experience. As I'm sure you've noticed, no experience can come and bite you in many ways: from not being able to find another job to possibly coming back to bite you while you're working simply because you don't have any decision-making flight experience, but that's drifting away. Here's the sad, sorry truth:

This whole brotherhood that ALPA talks about, this whole union chest-thumping is really all bunch of hot air. We all talk about unity, and how as pilots we need to stick together, but in reality, pilots are the most selfish and egotistical group of people. They'll tell you what you want to hear, but won't do a thing if it comes at their expense. Need proof? I don't know how familiar you are with what happened after 9/11 furloughs, and all the open time getting picked up by guys left and right. Hell, we were fortunate at Aloha that we capped our flying at 80 hours PERIOD. No open time pick-up and we couldn't get junior-manned on our days off, yet when the company would furlough, we'd get so short on crews, the scheduling would call and offer all sorts of deals just so they wouldn't have to recall pilots - and you'd be surprised how many took them up on their offers. How many Trans States pilots are flying 90-95 hour months while you guys have people on the street? Think they want to see those hours go down to min guarantee to ensure you as a junior pilot keep your job? I'm sure every pilot on this board will say they want to support the junior man, and that's all fine and dandy, but let's look at the results. Disappointing, aren't they?

Pilots will only look out for number 1 first, and then if they have some to spare, they'll be righteous and virtuous... but only if it doesn't affect them, yet on these pilot boards, we're all the most virtuous and righteous pilots in the world as we would never step on anyone else.

Open scabbing might be about the only no-no that our selfish nature as pilots would accept, but even that can't be accurately measured considering how every pilot group caved in when faced with brutal concessions. Nature of the beast, kiddo... right or wrong, it's reality.

Now, to go back to this whole GoJet thing, when they first started, and yes, I was a dues-paying ALPA member back then, it was viewed as an alter-ego and we all supported your plight. We also took time to fix our scope clauses so that things like what happened at Mesa and Trans States don't happen to us. At the same time, the hiring was still strong elsewhere.

While the hiring was still going strong, the NMB decision came down and they declared GoJet to be a separate airline. Right or wrong, doesn't really matter - ALPA seemed to have accepted the ruling.

Now... GoJet seemed to have a relatively difficult time attracting experienced pilots to upgrade them simply because experienced guys were either already regional captains or hired at majors or corporate gigs that pay better than the regional left seat anyway.

Then oil spikes up, and Aloha, ATA, Champion, Skybus, Maxjet, EOS all collapse dumping thousands of super experienced pilots on the street. Furthermore, UAL dumps almost a thousand pilots out themselves, Continental furloughs, so does Airtran, and then we get to see this doozy of Republic replacing Midwest pilots. At the same time, Mesaba and GoJet were the only two places hiring. Mesaba stopped hiring and now you have GoJet, Lynx and Great Lakes hiring. That's it.

Now... remember what I was telling you about pilots only looking out for number one? You want them to think how they're affecting TSA pilots. Frankly, most couldn't give rats about you, simply because: a) you're not on strike and b) NMB ruled against you. All the excuse people need. You want virtue to rule? Do you realistically expect a 15,000 hour ATA 757 captain who lost it all to really care that he might possibly put you, a 400 hour TSA pilot, on the street by taking a job at GoJet? First of all, good luck convincing him that's the case, and second of all, your expectations of virtue and righteousness are... well, misguided at best. In other words, you're setting your expectations of the US pilot population way too high, and it's likely because of inexperience and idealism that you haven't seen shattered yet.

See, it's easy for a DAL/NWA A320 captain to pass judgement here and be virtuous about GoJet, it doesn't affect him - he's taken care of, so he can afford to be "virtuous."

Now, you often make a mistake of thinking I'm a GoJet fan. Far from it. I think it's a dirtbag outfit just like Trans States or Mesa or any other regional in the U.S. abusing its pilots. I'm simply trying to open your eyes to see the reality instead of illusion, and trying to get you to act accordingly.
Originally Posted by Thunder1

Excellent attempt at educating the rose colored glass wearing crowd. Especially the likes of: Purpleanga, Positive Rate and Copperhead. What you said is the most honest post I have seen yet on APC. Continue to throw in a dose of reality on these websites. Thanks.

And to the rose colored glass crowd......How is it that someone who has never met you is supposed to feel sorry for your plight and not take a job that they feel is in their best interest in order to help you out? Laughable idea to start with!!
In case you have forgotten..... you live in a democracy and a relatively free market capitalistic economy where the underlying operating premise is that each person acts in their own interest to achieve what they believe is best for them. I whole-heartedly agree that the NMB made the wrong decision in their ruling regarding GoJet; however, that is like crying over spilled milk. GoJet management won this battle, labor lost this battle, and whether you like it or not GoJet is a legally legitimate carrier that even ALPA supports. I agree that pilots need to work together and fight for better work rules, pay, etc.; however, you need to worry about the next battle and quit ruining your life by stewing over battles lost. Move on to the next winnable battle -- this GoJet battle is over.

::stirs the pot::

C'mon RJS, keep these epic moral posts coming...I'm really enjoying them.
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Old 03-17-2009, 07:53 AM
Tuk er jerbs!
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Originally Posted by Positive_Rate

::stirs the pot::

C'mon RJS, keep these epic moral posts coming...I'm really enjoying them.
Got it all figured out, do ya?
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Old 03-17-2009, 07:59 AM
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Yup. Sure do. Thanks.
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Old 03-17-2009, 01:41 PM
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No so much...really....
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Old 03-17-2009, 09:50 PM
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Don't worry, my friend, this struggle is not over yet; although it Does appear to be so. Your focus now must be to strive to do what a "MAN" would do under these circumstances. Don't sacrifice your morals or your dignity. Persevere and you will at the very least, still be "A Man". Incidentally, a man will not tolerate unending harassment from anyone without making a stand at some point. I'm afraid that is what we're up against with the management at TSA. Garner your weapon, and do what the seargeant ordered; and damn the torpedos! You have nothing to lose under your current intellectual fears; for you have no job anyway; under that philosiphy. I say, HOWEVER, we have not smoked out the man who can change "itall". Persevere, I say, and let the chips fall where they may; and let Mr. Kanodia speak, when that shy little genious absolutely HAS TO!
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