Eagle Life

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Haha, culinary arts. Love that one. Get with it or chop some lettuce...
The trick is defiantly knowing your profiles and flows. I'm int the CRJ transition course at ATP and that's what there teaching us. Know the flows and back that up withe the check lists to catch any mistakes. Know the proper call outs as well.
Quote: Anyone else experiencing some training issues. The computer ground school is meh and then the real groud school is really rushed. Then it's right from oral to sim with no time off. Sim is okay but VERY fast paced. Straight into approaches and no time spent on aircraft control. The instructors point out that you should of done approaches in FMS lab but they were not. They just shrug and pass on an unsat. Single engine day comes and again straight into approaches and no work on aircraft control. Most of the ground and sim instructors admit there are shortcomings with the training but nothing changes. This is very frustrating to all of us.
Anyone who is against the 1500 hour rule should read the above. This is one reason why it is important to have some time under your belt before you take a swing at 121 flying. This is also why the selection process for new hires is so stringent; they want to be sure that you will make it through the training.

Hey love2av8: At the finish of each portion of training they give you a critique sheet to evaluate your training experience (if you didn't get one, ask). You can bash them all you want in the critique and it's all annonomous.
Okay I never said that I was the one struggling. I was simply pointing out that the training is very condensed and that when these low time new hires start rolling in, we are going to have problems and possibly lose some potentially good pilots.

I know some captains were successful in getting some extra days put into the ground school so don't tell me it's not possible to get things changed.
And RJ Pilot, I have a Masters degree so if a big furlough comes you won't find me at the local Burger King flipping burgers by your side.
Quote: Okay I never said that I was the one struggling. I was simply pointing out that the training is very condensed and that when these low time new hires start rolling in, we are going to have problems and possibly lose some potentially good pilots.

I know some captains were successful in getting some extra days put into the ground school so don't tell me it's not possible to get things changed.
And RJ Pilot, I have a Masters degree so if a big furlough comes you won't find me at the local Burger King flipping burgers by your side.
Do us all a favor, leave this attitude at the academy before hitting the line or you are going to have some very long days ahead...

FYI, you are not the only one with an education, you will be surpised at the education level of most pilots at Eagle... Quit complaning about the training department get back to study and hurry up an get on the line. 250 hr pilots have completed this program before and soon they will be doing it again!! Worry about finishing the program and have fun on your first day of IOE.
Quote: Do us all a favor, leave this attitude at the academy before hitting the line or you are going to have some very long days ahead...

FYI, you are not the only one with an education, you will be surpised at the education level of most pilots at Eagle... Quit complaning about the training department get back to study and hurry up an get on the line. 250 hr pilots have completed this program before and soon they will be doing it again!! Worry about finishing the program and have fun on your first day of IOE.
250 hour regional pilots...what a joke!! I cannot wait for that 1500 hour rule to kick in.
anybody interviewing this week?
Quote: 250 hour regional pilots...what a joke!! I cannot wait for that 1500 hour rule to kick in.
And when is such rule supposed to take effect? What do you think is going to happen between here and then? Do you think that if you don't have an ATP then you will loose your job? What a joke!!!
I need a help with the airline apps. I had two speeding tickets in 2005 and 2006. Both of them were dissmissed. One in front of a magistrate. On in front of a Judge. None of them appear on my driving record. Am I still supposed to disclosed these tickets at airlineapps?
For unemployment time, AE wants references for my past unemployment time. It said in the AE addendum 2 professional and 1 personal. I have the personal one of course. How can I have a professional reference when I was unemployed?
The third question: Is there a box at airlineapps to add my RR FCC permit? I have seen there only - Do you have FCC?, but it didnt specifically say about RR permit. Did I miss it?
Any opinion is highly appreciated. Thanx.
Quote: And when is such rule supposed to take effect? What do you think is going to happen between here and then? Do you think that if you don't have an ATP then you will loose your job? What a joke!!!
Learn how to use proper english before you try to enter the big boy club!!
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