UPS Realignment/Displacement bid is out!

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UPS lies to the IPA and they lie to us


This is one thing I have always felt all unions and management have in common NEITHER one of them trust the pilot group. This leads to neither of them being completely forthcoming with us until it is absolutely necessary.
Quote: UPS lies to the IPA and they lie to us

This is one thing I have always felt all unions and management have in common NEITHER one of them trust the pilot group. This leads to neither of them being completely forthcoming with us until it is absolutely necessary.[/QUOTE]
What I meant to say there was that UPS lies to both the IPA and us. Sorry if anyone thought I said the IPA lies to us.

So TH1, how many guys do we have signed up for CRAF anyway? I did as soon as I got displaced to a plane that could be used for CRAF.
Puppy: Try the ignore function, it works wonders.
Thanks! I'll try that.
Quote: Why the **** are we talking about furloughs here when the company is still netting profits in the neighborhood of 1 billion dollars?
Because the company can still be making money and furlough. Look at the mechanics from DFW / CAE. We aren't a passenger airline where that rule of thumb is prevalent.
Quote: Why the **** are we talking about furloughs here when the company is still netting profits in the neighborhood of 1 billion dollars?
Because they will do anything to keep making those profits with no regard what it does to any of us. That part of the equation is up to us. I was just reminded of this fact while reviewing some of the history of GM. They were making Billions of profits when they started closing plants and laying off UAW workers.
Moderators....please just end my misery and give me a few days off for name calling. Thanks!
Now you sound like him. Was someone twisting your arm to read this stuff <G>?
Quote: Why the **** are we talking about furloughs here when the company is still netting profits in the neighborhood of 1 billion dollars?
Where is it written that UPS has to lose money before they furlough? Companies exist to provide a return to their share holders. They are not in business to provide jobs.
Quote: Finally, the first shoe has dropped, and UPS is beginning to adjust the fleet staffing levels. Although there is a loss of 10 Captain positions overall, this is not even close to some of the doom and gloom that continues to be gossiped about at the sort..
Gloom and doom sells newspapers, stories about a cat cooking shrimp alfreddo, do not.

But, I've changed my prior position, UPS has taken the first step towards staffing reduction.

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