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Quote: Bozo....I think what Joe's trying to say is that there's a difference between what the NC is saying in the P2P meetings every 2 weeks and what then those individual P2P members are going out and saying.

I don't think he doubts your P2P guy told you exactly what you said he did. But as a fellow P2P member myself, I can tell you that's not the message the NC is intending to convey at this time.

Each of us brings our own biases into those meetings and we can take out of them what we want. Just like the FLL LEC message and how different it is compared with what the NC has been saying for the last month or so.

Thank you f-16 that is exactly what I was saying. I am sorry you always have to clean my posts up for me. I guess I need to be more clear.

Bozo when you are saying a p2p guy is telling you something but the NC update does not match that something is wrong. Just like the Fll deal that f-16 is talking about. It's a messaging issue that needs to be fixed so you and I don't have arguments like this. As far as the stones to talk to you I'll send you my number I'll be happy to talk with you or anyone.
Quote: Yes, extensively, and Ive been told to expect picketing and mediation- What's the info you are getting- the blast emails?
The idea is that Jetblue will not finish this thing until they are embarrassed publicly.
Enlighten me todd
Bozo not sure where your getting your info but it certainly is not the P2P calls or union meetings. We should be listening to our union reps not Bozo..........
Quote: Todd sounds like he gets his info from the same place I do. I have the ear of the NC and the MEC at least twice a month.

Bottom line is we could have a contract yesterday but it would suck. The negotiators are working on an expedited time line and are going as fast as they can. Our NC has stated that they really can't push any faster. The company has agreed to all our requests for extra days, shows up prepared and negotiations are progressing.We are neck deep negotiating the major sections of the contract and every word counts. If/when things slow to an unacceptable pace there are plans in place to deal with it. Now isn't the time.

We may have to go to mediation, you really don't want to. If you think things are slow now, mediation will be exponentially slower. We may have to get released for self help... time will tell. But right now things are moving forward.

I know it's tough but we have to wait. In the mean time, please wear your lanyards and fly safe.
Solid post!
Quote: Bozo not sure where your getting your info but it certainly is not the P2P calls or union meetings. We should be listening to our union reps not Bozo..........
please hyperboy- youre under the delusion that "things are getting better" Go eat some bluechips
Bozo I hear where you're coming from. There is a "mixed" message and each LEC and P2P guy is free to spin the info how they see fit. I suggest you take the time (it's not a lot) and join P2P. You get the info straight from the horses mouth and you can form your own opinion. I recommend everyone interested get involved.

I listen to the MEC and the NC, anyone else has their own opinion on how things are going.
Quote: Bozo I hear where you're coming from. There is a "mixed" message and each LEC and P2P guy is free to spin the info how they see fit. I suggest you take the time (it's not a lot) and join P2P. You get the info straight from the horses mouth and you can form your own opinion. I recommend everyone interested get involved.

I listen to the MEC and the NC, anyone else has their own opinion on how things are going.
I wont be any help-I have zero faith plus Im praying for a phone call or a merger. But Capt I appreciate all that the P2P are doing as wel as the MEC and NC.
My ire is directed at the company and process- the same one I saw at RAH.
Quote: please hyperboy- youre under the delusion that "things are getting better" Go eat some bluechips
Poor guy you must not read. ALPA is on property and it is getting better! Instead of hanging out on this worthless board meaning it will not help JB pilots at all getting a contract. I am a volunteer on a committee here and chose to help ALPA and my fellow JP pilots by staying informed. You little attacks are funny.

I will listen to my bargaining agent and stay informed not listen to Bozo...
Quote: Poor guy you must not read. ALPA is on property and it is getting better! Instead of hanging out on this worthless board meaning it will not help JB pilots at all getting a contract. I am a volunteer on a committee here and chose to help ALPA and my fellow JP pilots by staying informed. You little attacks are funny.

I will listen to my bargaining agent and stay informed not listen to Bozo...
This is an adult thread-go eat your bluechips. Did you ever answer the questions posed to your by rvr et al?
pm sent skip
Quote: I wont be any help-I have zero faith plus Im praying for a phone call or a merger. But Capt I appreciate all that the P2P are doing as wel as the MEC and NC.
My ire is directed at the company and process- the same one I saw at RAH.
Can't argue with that. Hope you get the call. I would argue that this is a different animal than Rjet.
Quote: Poor guy you must not read. ALPA is on property and it is getting better! Instead of hanging out on this worthless board meaning it will not help JB pilots at all getting a contract. I am a volunteer on a committee here and chose to help ALPA and my fellow JP pilots by staying informed. You little attacks are funny.

I will listen to my bargaining agent and stay informed not listen to Bozo...
Are you saying because ALPA is on property, things are by default getting better? ALPA is on property at Mesa, and has been for a long time, and it still isn't getting better. ALPA doesn't always make things better just by being on property. So that argument is invalid.

So how are things getting better? Please name one way things are better than a year or two ago. Pay? Benefits? Time off? QOL?
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