Omni Air

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Quote: Anyone know if there will be any February/March classes?
January & March being planned. February undetermined.
Saw some more of the Omni pilots at the Hilton here in Guam the other night. Flying here has to be one the top overnights I’d imagine? Anyways, thanks for the insight y’all give about the company.
Quote: Saw some more of the Omni pilots at the Hilton here in Guam the other night. Flying here has to be one the top overnights I’d imagine? Anyways, thanks for the insight y’all give about the company.
The overnights are all relative to the individual. Prior to Covid, Japan went very senior. Now, anyone can pick up Japan flying. Sophia is a pretty good overnight, however there isn't a lot of known flying going/coming through Sophia.

You should of came and said Hi. I was there a couple days ago.
Is there any significant differences in the flying or QOL between the 777 and 767 fleet
Quote: Is there any significant differences in the flying or QOL between the 777 and 767 fleet
77 crews DH a lot. That said, I don't know if there is much of a QOL difference. I'm on the 76 and block around 400hrs a year, which is about average on the 76.
Quote: January & March being planned. February undetermined.
Yes sir, thank you. I’m hoping to be in one of those classes!
I’ve been reading over several pages of this thread dating back to 2016. I imagine things are a little different.

Can anyone who has gone through training recently give me a timeframe of what to expect, as well as:

Is the systems test still day 1?
Do we provide our own airfare?
How much per diem could one expect on top of the $500/week pay?
Are washout rates still as high as they were back in 2016-2018 according to what I have read?
Part 121 is new for me, how exactly is the type ride accomplished? Oral one day, then maneuvers, then loft?

Does anyone know what aircraft need to be filled in the March class by chance?
Thanks a lot for sharing any information!
Amount of flying
Hello everyone,

With the US pulling out of Afghanistan and Iraq, what is the flying looking like at OMNI? Has it slowed done drastically? Or has it increased since the demand for air travel is back? Hope everyone flys safe.
Quote: Hello everyone,

With the US pulling out of Afghanistan and Iraq, what is the flying looking like at OMNI? Has it slowed done drastically? Or has it increased since the demand for air travel is back? Hope everyone flys safe.
This hasn't changed Omni's operations.

Is the systems test still day 1? I recall the test being on the last day of class
Do we provide our own airfare? I don't remember. I want to say the company bought airfare to training.
How much per diem could one expect on top of the $500/week pay? daily rate x how many days you're there.
Are washout rates still as high as they were back in 2016-2018 according to what I have read? In our class, we lost 3 folks, in a class of 8.
Part 121 is new for me, how exactly is the type ride accomplished? Oral one day, then maneuvers, then loft? Oral is prior to the sim check-ride. Then the sim eval and LOFT.

Does anyone know what aircraft need to be filled in the March class by chance? More than likely 767.
Quote: Hello everyone,

With the US pulling out of Afghanistan and Iraq, what is the flying looking like at OMNI? Has it slowed done drastically? Or has it increased since the demand for air travel is back? Hope everyone flys safe.
They're asking for us to fly open trips during what historically is a less busy month. In short, we've got more work than pilots. No flying shortage whatsoever. Our management is very good at keeping the planes busy.
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