Hiring / training

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Quote: I also know someone who didnt have their ATP. But had like 600 turbine in a corporate jet. Got hired.
Interesting. I’ll have 500+ multi jet and 350 single engine turboprop time by the time I hit 1,500 hours. My ATP-CTP and written are done. Looks like I may need to apply sooner than waiting until after grabbing my ATP. Thanks!
I’m now paying for my own room during initial. I called everyone I’m supposed to call and because it’s the holiday it’s not gonna get resolved. So, now I’m paying for my own room until they sort it out.

I think I’d be less upset if it was them being cheap, but it’s just things falling through the cracks and that’s more upsetting quite frankly.
Quote: I’m now paying for my own room during initial. I called everyone I’m supposed to call and because it’s the holiday it’s not gonna get resolved. So, now I’m paying for my own room until they sort it out.

I think I’d be less upset if it was them being cheap, but it’s just things falling through the cracks and that’s more upsetting quite frankly.
How did this come about?
Quote: How did this come about?
My reservation at Wooley’s ends on 12/31. Not sure why it was reserved like that. I am in training until 1/28.

I am at home and return on 1/1 to finish FTD’s and do the oral. There is no reservation for me. I called the hotel and I also called training scheduling. Maybe it will get sorted out but it’s the holiday weekend and my expectations are very low.

So rather than not have a reservation and potentially screw my sim partner and mess up the whole flow of things I made my own reservation.

If it somehow gets resolved I can cancel. Just frustrating to fall through the cracks and not be able to resolve it.
Quote: My reservation at Wooley’s ends on 12/31. Not sure why it was reserved like that. I am in training until 1/28.

I am at home and return on 1/1 to finish FTD’s and do the oral. There is no reservation for me. I called the hotel and I also called training scheduling. Maybe it will get sorted out but it’s the holiday weekend and my expectations are very low.

So rather than not have a reservation and potentially screw my sim partner and mess up the whole flow of things I made my own reservation.

If it somehow gets resolved I can cancel. Just frustrating to fall through the cracks and not be able to resolve it.
I'm sorry that happened to you. We seem to have real difficulties with hotel booking....

The company will more than likely pay you back via the Coupa app if it doesn't get resolved in time.

That being said, I applaud you for taking matters into your own hands, putting on your big boy pants and getting it done. It'll be better for you and your sim partner to stay on track and not throw any additional wrenches into the system
Prior to class, will F9 send me training materials or memory items? This is my first 121 so not sure what to expect. I also have a couple months of free time before class and was wondering if there's anything I can do now to prepare.
You’ll get an abbreviated summary of the training footprint and that’s about it. The intent of the program is to teach you everything you need to know, and as a result nothing is sent in advance. Whether or not the program achieves that objective is another question. Good luck in training.
Quote: Prior to class, will F9 send me training materials or memory items? This is my first 121 so not sure what to expect. I also have a couple months of free time before class and was wondering if there's anything I can do now to prepare.
You will receive some reference materials but there is no expectation for you to study them before you arrive. Of course, it’ll benefit you to do so.
Quote: Prior to class, will F9 send me training materials or memory items? This is my first 121 so not sure what to expect. I also have a couple months of free time before class and was wondering if there's anything I can do now to prepare.
Maybe a week or two in advance, is when they sent us materials. Not a whole lot of lead time, but they also said it wasn’t mandatory to look at it before coming to class. I worked until a week prior to Indoc, plus it was a holiday week, so I didn’t get to do more than glimpse at it. It would have been nice to get it 2 months in advance when I received my CJO but not a big deal.

For reference, my last airline had tons of memory item/limitations. Like seriously a couple hundred (various starter duty cycles, dry motoring, wingspan and fuel tank capacity for 3 variants, on top of the normal speeds and QRH memory items). Here, there’s like 20ish limitations (and another 30ish that the study guide says is good to memorize). And about 10 QRH memory items (essentially a short checklist like emergency descent, stall, smoke/fire in the cockpit, etc).

Also for what it’s worth, I didn’t really care for the stuff they send you ahead of time. The limitations doc is about 35 pages long, and it says memory items are italicized and bolded; more work than it’s really worth to hunt down 50 little bolded limitations. The flows are nice to look through though, same with the profiles (albeit they’re a bit of a mess, saturated with so much info). Once you’re in class set up with your iPad, there are dedicated study guides and one of them has specifically *just* the 10 memory items and the 20-60 limitations, all cherry picked and obvious.
Quote: My reservation at Wooley’s ends on 12/31. Not sure why it was reserved like that. I am in training until 1/28.

I am at home and return on 1/1 to finish FTD’s and do the oral. There is no reservation for me. I called the hotel and I also called training scheduling. Maybe it will get sorted out but it’s the holiday weekend and my expectations are very low.

So rather than not have a reservation and potentially screw my sim partner and mess up the whole flow of things I made my own reservation.

If it somehow gets resolved I can cancel. Just frustrating to fall through the cracks and not be able to resolve it.
Sorry you're going through that!

Not 100% sure how it's done for new-hires but for upgrade you're booked the number of days per "section" of training. Like you'll have a booking for 6 days to cover ground then another booking to cover FTD training and sims. They probably have a booking for you but have not told you....which sucks.

I'm sure it'll get sorted here soon, if not you'll get valuable training using the coupa app!

Welcome To Frontier!

See ya on the line!
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