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Quote: Does a 24 hour layover cover the required rest of 24 hours in 7 days? I just had some weird experience with scheduling and I'm not sure what the rules / contracts means in this respect. Please enlighten my knowledge..
Unfortunately it does.

Quote: As I understand it he will get a LOA to go without a mustache because of all the expansion he is going to get for the regionals.
Prater's Pilot to Pilot letter in the December Air Line Pilot, states:

"Sometimes we blame other pilots for what has happened in our own careers ... . Sometimes we even blame other pilots for flying airplanes we gave up the right to fly."

After reading Prater's article, it reaffirmed my conclusion that ALPA does not understand the basics of trade unionism. At the highest level, our leadership fails to grasp the concept that unity (as in all flying performed by seniority list pilots they represent) is the foundation that gives our association relevance.

Cap'n, Moak was in the best position to obtain expansion for the regionals here at Delta, where we voted for our outsourcing schemes. We negotiate our contracts and it will be up to you, me, Tim O'Malley and another 12,000 pilots what we decide to outsource in the future. Our MEC says we will not erode scope further. I trust them, but will verify and lead a no vote campaign against further outsourcing if it happens. Overall, I think (hope) the political tide has shifted on outsourcing. Everyone here on APC has played a role in educating our pilots on the issue and shares some credit for that shift.
Quote: You are more than likely correct Sir. And still people are not sending in their card for DPA.....
The DPA has an uphill battle. A union's foundation is built on the concept of creating and representing a monopoly on labor. Structurally, the DPA does not have that tool in its box. I can not stress strongly enough that without a foundation in unity, there's nothing to create leverage from. Hence the result that most in house unions tend to be irrelevant.

The DPA is most viable as an alternative to D-ALPA when pilots are mad at (or fearful of) a failure with our union's administration. It reminds me of the "Rent is too damn high party." A very popular single issue builds quick consensus then burns out. Watch this video for the perfect example:

YouTube - The Rent Is Too Damn High Party's Jimmy McMillan at the NY Governor Debate

ALPA only has to be reasonable for most pilots to want to stick with the status quo. As things stand, we've got sharp guys running the show and a number of interested pilots closely monitoring their performance, as well as providing constructive input. Making good choices at National and here on our own MEC robbed the DPA of much of its early momentum.
Quote: Does a 24 hour layover cover the required rest of 24 hours in 7 days? I just had some weird experience with scheduling and I'm not sure what the rules / contracts means in this respect. Please enlighten my knowledge..
Yes, the contract does not define a 24 hr break as one at home or off of company business. The 24hr sit in a hotel does constitute the required break for the FAR's and for the PWA.

Used it may times myself to keep flying.
Quote: Agreed. I would be interested in a stat that showed the average number of days reserves sit long call without an assignment. That would be a better measure of reserve QOL. I would say the last few months I have sat about 2 days each month without a trip or SC. In addition, the average number of SC's are skewed by the overstaffed categories that have 30 people a day sitting idle, while the short category reserves are getting beat up every day.

With regards to PBS, I like the flexibility of being able to string together long stretches of reserve. Being able to get six or seven days off in a row is nice if I am planning a getaway, of course I know I will have to work your butt off the rest of the month.
If we're going to count, let's count 12 hour periods instead of days. I typically only sit 2 or 3 days per month, but that's 24 hours per day instead of 12 for domestic types. OBTW, 24 hour short call blows.
To me the idea of DPA in concept sounds like a OK idea, but as I have previously stated, and will omit for brevity, there are many issues that DPA will be ill-equipped to handle.

On the Unity front, you and I agree that a tenant of unionism is unity. We need to get that right to have any hope of restoring our profession. ALPA has its issues, but pilots are getting involved at all levels that see the NEED to return to the root of the organization, which is strength in numbers with a unified voice. Internal end fighting is good for 30 second news clips and talking points, but the reality is that many pilots, regional, major, national and international pilots associated with ALPA and IFALPA are working to strengthen the unity at all levels. We all want to see it quicker, and want decisions to be made that look farther than one or two plays down the road. I say lets work to improve it. It is was perfect we would have nothing to work for.
That Jimmy McMillan video is the funniest thing I've seen in politics in a while.
Quote: Prater's Pilot to Pilot letter in the December Air Line Pilot, states:

"Sometimes we blame other pilots for what has happened in our own careers ... . Sometimes we even blame other pilots for flying airplanes we gave up the right to fly."

The reality is that ALPA is a huge army of labor that National has chosen not to unite. Each airline is a foxhole that is so far separated from the next foxhole that management can run through our line all day long. It's getting to the point where a different general is not enough.

After reading Prater's article, it reaffirmed my conclusion that ALPA does not understand the basics of trade unionism. At the highest level, our leadership fails to grasp the concept that unity (as in all flying performed by seniority list pilots they represent) is the foundation that gives our association relevance.

Completely agree.

Cap'n, Moak was in the best position to obtain expansion for the regionals here at Delta, where we voted for our outsourcing schemes. We negotiate our contracts and it will be up to you, me, Tim O'Malley and another 12,000 pilots what we decide to outsource in the future. Our MEC says we will not erode scope further. I trust them, but will verify and lead a no vote campaign against further outsourcing if it happens. Overall, I think (hope) the political tide has shifted on outsourcing. Everyone here on APC has played a role in educating our pilots on the issue and shares some credit for that shift.The DPA has an uphill battle. A union's foundation is built on the concept of creating and representing a monopoly on labor. Structurally, the DPA does not have that tool in its tool box.
ALPA may have the tool but it does no good if they leave it in the box.

Fundamentally I think we agree. How to get there still remains a question. If ALPA can and will do it, good deal.
The current generation of pilots may be a loss in regards to unity but the future pilots don't have to be. One option would be that ALPA builds our profession into a guild starting with the next gen of pilots. As soon as they get their commercial rating they get their seniority in the guild. In some matter they slowly very slowly transition to the national number/guild system. The next gen will get to tell management what pilots costs. We could even have a menu. Want a 767 pilot, no prob, here is what it costs.
Quote: Unfortunately it does.

Quote: Yes, the contract does not define a 24 hr break as one at home or off of company business. The 24hr sit in a hotel does constitute the required break for the FAR's and for the PWA.

Used it may times myself to keep flying.

Thanks guys. I just found it ackward that scheduling dropped my SC exactly 24 hours prior to my next trip, while I just had a 27 hour layover in Europe. Hmmm, oh well. It's setting me up for good paying GS's over the holidays so it's all good.
Delta Expands Pacific Service with Two New Routes from Japan - Yahoo! Finance
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