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Thanks for the info. I have a 4 day, that I am desperately trying to get rid of, but have a block of 7 days off in a row, so was planning on dropping my 4, for a 2+3 as no 4 days are open over that block.
Quote: Whom do we email for manual trade requests, ie 3+2 day for a 4 day? If I read it correctly this can not be done till the 26th?

It can’t be done until the beginning of next month. Whenever the new contractual month starts. 48 hr is only for OT requests and drop requests.
Quote: Thanks for the info. I have a 4 day, that I am desperately trying to get rid of, but have a block of 7 days off in a row, so was planning on dropping my 4, for a 2+3 as no 4 days are open over that block.
Misread, thought you were trying to drop a 2+3 for a 4 day. RF 100 TTOT will take care of it when the regular window opens up again, like the guy above said. They still might deny it due to staffing since it'll be different days, but it certainly can't hurt to try.
Thanks again for the info, I agree the way I phrased it was could have been misconstrued. Is there any 'tricks' such as adding an additional day trip to the trade to sweeten the deal for CS?

When I worked at ExpressJet - the 'red/redder equivalent' was almost always tripped for 4 for 5 trade!

I did post it in P2P, with a $100 sweetener too.
How do reserve swaps work? I’m trying to trade the 16th off next month for a day earlier in the month or later in month (after the 19th). Do I have the option of specifying days in RF 100 SWAP or could I very well be given a day I don’t want? And is this done during the upcoming 48 hr window?
Quote: How do reserve swaps work? I’m trying to trade the 16th off next month for a day earlier in the month or later in month (after the 19th). Do I have the option of specifying days in RF 100 SWAP or could I very well be given a day I don’t want? And is this done during the upcoming 48 hr window?
You can specify days. Probably a good idea to give them at least a couple to choose from to give yourself a better chance. It is done during the 48 hour window - after that you will have to wait til the contractual month begins.
Sweet thanks
For all those who were forced to upgrade, don’t forget to volunteer for a complimentary training freeze...
Anyone else hearing we will do street captains next Monday?
Quote: For all those who were forced to upgrade, don’t forget to volunteer for a complimentary training freeze...
There are very easy ways to get around going to upgrade training if you really don't want to go. Senior FOs, if they wanted to, could never upgrade and spend a perpetual cycle of senior FO and training department. Using vacation to block the start of training, bidding back to FO and then displacing to a different equipment for a new long term cycle. I'm not sure why more FOs aren't using the contract to push back against this.
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