Mesa issues warn notice to pilots

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Quote: What do you mean about the crews to pick up the 175's have already been picked? New to things so just curious. Thanks

(new guy here, hello everyone)
Jump on in...the water’s warm...and wear a mask.
In Unity...
Quote: What do you mean about the crews to pick up the 175's have already been picked? New to things so just curious. Thanks

(new guy here, hello everyone)
Welcome to APC (fake news HQ)...

Pretty much I know 3 people that are going to pick up planes. They are all check airmen. I was chatting with one of them and he is being told its going to be soon and to be ready. Their expecting 5 planes a month.
Quote: I say we have the Union put up a vote of No confidence and get him removed.


We played that card back in 2005 or so.

You can see how well that worked out for us.
For the union negotiators who may be listening.

Maybe a good solution to maintaining your contract but gaining some income for the furloughees would be a proposal to have the furloughed pilots retain their credentials and benefits but no guarantee, bid for open time while active pilots agree to refrain from doing so, and the furloughees get enough sim time to fill in the blanks and stay current. This will reduce training costs from a mass recall, offer the company flexibility for staffing quickly if a new customer or additional flying becomes available, and make some income and benefits available to the furloughed pilots. In essence zero time lines in seniority order in lieu of full furlough.
MOU looks good. 8 hour reduction, plus potential to be reimbursed to 4 hours. 35% Long call.

No furloughs while in effect.

Anyone want to chime in any Sky West does EAS and Mesa doesn't?
Quote: MOU looks good. 8 hour reduction, plus potential to be reimbursed to 4 hours. 35% Long call.

No furloughs while in effect.

Looks like a bad deal to me. I will be voting no.
Quote: MOU looks good. 8 hour reduction, plus potential to be reimbursed to 4 hours. 35% Long call.

No furloughs while in effect.

if a profit double the payback. So the senior guys might support it.

can the new guys vote? That’s the question. On probation new guys couldn’t vote for the contract.
Quote: Looks like a bad deal to me. I will be voting no.
Dude. Take the long call call me last as a Sr pilot. It’s like a 69 hour VLOA.

Not a bad deal. With 35 pct long call you’ll get paid to do nothing.
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