Time to create a NAI blacklist?

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Quote: So just to get this straight. For those of us who left the USA in 2001-2005 after getting furloughed from our U.S. Legacy ALPA jobs; having our pensions unilaterally terminated; and there not being any meaningful hiring in the USA who went overseas to pursue some semblance of a career at airlines that did not even fly to the USA at the time we were hired, should be blacklisted?

Please explain your rationale' for that concept.

Because he is a guy who probably learned to fly in 2010 and has been at a regional airline his entire career. Anything that happened before 2010 is ancient history and inconsequential. This is why he believes a blacklist will work despite all the chest thumping that occurred with Southwest, America West, PeoplExpress, JetBlue, Freedom, GoJets, and Virgin America failed to have any affect. Even virtually all the former real scabs at Continental and United, who are still active in aviation, are all now ALPA members in good standing. If you can be a real life, honest to goodness, picket line crossing scab, and still be an ALPA member in good standing, what good do you think something like this will do?
Quote: It would be totally out of line and rude to call you stupid for making such an inane remark about blacklisting pilots who had to make the hard choice of going overseas. Sure they had to put food on the family's table and keep the roof over their head. But no... I won't label you as stupid because calling you stupid would be an insult to those who are just plain stupid. I won't even label you as a putz.
I agree that this blacklist talk is nonsense. You mentioned taking care of a family. For most of us, that is what keeping some degree of quality in this line of work is all about. From what I have read (in an article I posted on another thread)about life for FOs at your company, that quality isn't there. I suppose that is one reason I found the Instagram thread on here so irritating. Michael O'Leary no doubt loves a pilot that works for little (they only support themselves) and then posts pictures of how fantastic their lives are. I'm glad they still have the resources to travel to the Grand Canyon or whereever on their days off. But it's not like they have kids to raise or anything like that. Flying a 787 for 1/3 the going rate (along with signing a training bond perhaps) will make for more wonderful pictures too I suppose.
Quote: So just to get this straight. For those of us who left the USA in 2001-2005 after getting furloughed from our U.S. Legacy ALPA jobs; having our pensions unilaterally terminated; and there not being any meaningful hiring in the USA who went overseas to pursue some semblance of a career at airlines that did not even fly to the USA at the time we were hired, should be blacklisted?

Please explain your rationale' for that concept.

I believe he is being sarcastic because the idea that anyone should be blacklisted for being a non-scab pilot and earning a living is RIDICULOUS. These people are not airline scabs. This includes potential NAI pilots based in the US. As long as the operation is legal, pilots should not be held accountable for what their airlines do in terms of pricing or competitive strategy. If someone knowingly chooses to fly a Dreamliner at substandard wages, that is their business.

Bottom line, if you blacklist future NAI pilots based in the US, I guess you need to blacklist any pilot flying for a foreign airline impacting Legacy US airline results.
Quote: Because he is a guy who probably learned to fly in 2010 and has been at a regional airline his entire career. Anything that happened before 2010 is ancient history and inconsequential. This is why he believes a blacklist will work despite all the chest thumping that occurred with Southwest, America West, PeoplExpress, JetBlue, Freedom, GoJets, and Virgin America failed to have any affect. Even virtually all the former real scabs at Continental and United, who are still active in aviation, are all now ALPA members in good standing. If you can be a real life, honest to goodness, picket line crossing scab, and still be an ALPA member in good standing, what good do you think something like this will do?
Points all well taken, I think everyone is well aware of the issues with ALPA - it is what it is. You still didn't answer Boeing's questions though, you are good at regurgitating NAI's talking points not so good at answering some of the legitimate concerns being brought up. ALPA isn't the only one fighting this, what is the ECAs position on this?
They are expanding. Now domestic Argentina..
Translated and copied from a Norwegian newspaper:

Norwegian Air Shuttle is among several foreign airlines wishing to establish themselves in the country. The company will open bases in Buenos Aires and Córdoba, and possibly Mendoza, writes Reuters.
Norwegian will not disclose which routes they plan, but says that international flights are also a possibility.
- South America is a very interesting market with little competition and high prices, says Norwegian's spokesperson Alfons Claver said.
Norwegian is Argentina's first low cost airline. According to the newspaper La Nación sees Norwegian envisioned that the Argentines will fly twice as much in five to ten years.
Quote: Translated and copied from a Norwegian newspaper:

Norwegian Air Shuttle is among several foreign airlines wishing to establish themselves in the country. The company will open bases in Buenos Aires and Córdoba, and possibly Mendoza, writes Reuters.
Norwegian will not disclose which routes they plan, but says that international flights are also a possibility.
- South America is a very interesting market with little competition and high prices, says Norwegian's spokesperson Alfons Claver said.
Norwegian is Argentina's first low cost airline. According to the newspaper La Nación sees Norwegian envisioned that the Argentines will fly twice as much in five to ten years.
Looks like they're planning on being the Wal-Mart of the airline industry -- on a global scale.

I predict, however, they'll be crushed like Laker was -- by a concerted effort by the established legacy carriers. Otherwise this career will go down the tubes.
Quote: Looks like they're planning on being the Wal-Mart of the airline industry -- on a global scale.

I predict, however, they'll be crushed like Laker was -- by a concerted effort by the established legacy carriers. Otherwise this career will go down the tubes.
Yeah.... like Ryanair, EZjet, Condor Air Berlin, and the list goes on.
Quote: Yeah.... like Ryanair, EZjet, Condor Air Berlin, and the list goes on.
So two examples of mostly shorthaul low budget. The long haul example you site is in pretty deep crud. But the list rolls on...
Quote: So two examples of mostly shorthaul low budget. The long haul example you site is in pretty deep crud. But the list rolls on...
Yeah... but they're still alive. And lets not forget Jetstar, and Virgin Australia, while you're at it. Oh, how about Skoot, and Tiger Air?
Quote: Intreresting how the little gnome at FR was chastised by those in the industry... with charging for pre-boarding, food on board, checked bags. While, I don't condone MOL's disdain for his employees, I wish the FR direct employees took a stronger stance against MOL as pay, benefits, and T&C were eroded.

Oh... remind me... aren't DAL, AA, and UAL following the FR model? Even UAL has gon a step further towards the FR model with their "basic fare"... last to board, no assigned seating, one carry on, and it better fit under the seat, $$$$.

Anyway, for me... FR was a 4 1/2 year vacation around Euroland. 5 days on five days off. I did vow however, I'd never work for a carrier that did not have at least a business class section.

Yeah, the majority of expats need the $$$. The minority can pick and choose the locations where to live and fly for a few years, then move on to the next adventure with a trade off for salary.

Yeah, NAI ofers a soft landing spot for U.S. Citizens who made a life in Europe and other countries. NAI offers a free ride back across the Atlantic. It's also a good opportunity for those who want to live in base too. Contracts are negotiable. If they don't want to put up the $$$$ for the bond, then they wont fly for NAI... simple. If NAI is hard up for U.S. based pilots,then they'll waive the training bond.

In the early 2000's many "Legacy Pilots" took early retirement to preserve their accrued benefits before the airlines terminated their retirement plans. They weren't ready to hang up the goggles and went overseas.

Would be interested to know your situation, seniority, length of service. Have you experienced, furloughs, mergers, seat realignments because of seniority list integration. Did you lose your retirement benefits?
1995 UAL. I lost $750k in ESOP stock, pension, 60% pay cut with a bump from the left seat all during bankruptcy. Merger with lost seniority. Prior to UAL I worked at 2 regionals. The first was for $9000/yr. Prior to that was flight instructing after paying my own way through flight school. And I had it much better than many at my airline.

Even regionals are paying bonuses for their pilots to come to work there. And NAI wants you to pay a training bond?!!!!!! You've GOT to be kidding me. Go to NAI if you want. But I recommend you go eyes WIDE open. For the first time in a long time, management and unions are on the same page about something: that NAI is a cancer that should be killed at all costs. Don't expect a warm embrace from any airline or its pilots; whatever form that takes. Except maybe JetBlue. So if you go to NAI, you'll want to plan on staying forever and hope that the winds of politics don't shift the other way.

You complain about there not being enough high quality jobs to come back to in the states, yet you are eager to go to work for the very entity that is trying to kill them off.... RIGHT when they are finally starting to come back. You think NAI is going to be the kind of company that eventually offers good pay and benefits?? Puh-lease! TRAINING CONTRACTS??! It's 2016.
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