Tool of the day

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Am I a tool because I hope to be the 1,000th poster on this thread?

Quote: now that was funny.:d:d
rotflmao too! :d
Delta on ramp freq in ATL today, while getting pushed, he asks if we can be pulled up a bit, as ramp crew is starting to unhooking airplane. We agree so he can switch lines, since somehow !!HE!! got nose to nose with his company. It takes us a minute, as the ground crew is confused, and has to adapt, mind you this is an AA ground crew who is getting switch/replaced by Eagle and not happy, esp at Eagle folks.

Delta 757 guy then uses ramp freq every 10 seconds with stupid comment/questions, such as what is going on, is Eagle going to move, did they let the ground crew know, I am not sure they understand what we are asking.

Quote: Delta on ramp freq in ATL today, while getting pushed, he asks if we can be pulled up a bit, as ramp crew is starting to unhooking airplane. We agree so he can switch lines, since somehow !!HE!! got nose to nose with his company. It takes us a minute, as the ground crew is confused, and has to adapt, mind you this is an AA ground crew who is getting switch/replaced by Eagle and not happy, esp at Eagle folks.

Delta 757 guy then uses ramp freq every 10 seconds with stupid comment/questions, such as what is going on, is Eagle going to move, did they let the ground crew know, I am not sure they understand what we are asking.

So Delta guy keeping asking for stuff on radio makes him a tool. Gotcha
Quote: Delta on ramp freq in ATL today, while getting pushed, he asks if we can be pulled up a bit, as ramp crew is starting to unhooking airplane. We agree so he can switch lines, since somehow !!HE!! got nose to nose with his company. It takes us a minute, as the ground crew is confused, and has to adapt, mind you this is an AA ground crew who is getting switch/replaced by Eagle and not happy, esp at Eagle folks.

Delta 757 guy then uses ramp freq every 10 seconds with stupid comment/questions, such as what is going on, is Eagle going to move, did they let the ground crew know, I am not sure they understand what we are asking.

Methinks you need to review the proper definition of a "tool." Sounds like the tools may be the AA ground crew. FYI, the 757 guy wasn't responsible for being nose to nose with another DAL jet, that would be on the ramp controller.
Quote: So Delta guy keeping asking for stuff on radio makes him a tool. Gotcha
When someone can't wait 5seconds from when we are asked to be tugged till we are, then makes stupid comments on the freq, thats a tool.

I know it's atl and we aren't delta but come on.
Quote: Oh.... She puts out.....
Well played.
I nominate the guys I fly with that , when switching frequencies, instantly key the mike to check in without even a second of hesitation to see if maybe they are cutting off someone else. Can someone explain this? I see it fairly often.
Quote: I don't care about the rides at cruise. I just ask each center controller for a wind check at altitude. Although I always, always, ask for ride reports on short final. did it again; Leffe Blond all over my screen!
Quote: I wish I would have had time to snap a picture but he was haulin ass on that Unicycle, pretty friggin hilarious thou, never seen a Unicyle captain before. No joke though I actually saw it.
Definitely not a tool, but a badass!
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