Concession discussions in our future?

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For what it's worth I hold no I'll will to anyone. When the time comes vote how you need to vote. That's why we all get a vote.
Quote: What's your approximate DOH Lewbronski. Don't need an exact date. How about the first 2 or 3 digits of your employee number?

Because how I choose to take your opinion depends on where it's coming from.

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You can take my opinion however you like. There is a point to having an anonymous message board. There's a lot of reasons for anonymity in a place like this, not least of which is that statements from this forum have been used in federal court against a pilot group. My guess, based on what you've said here, is I'm senior to you but I'm not a captain. I could be wrong about being senior to you. And maybe you're a captain. Go over to the SWAPA Forum if you want to know everyone's identity. That's what the place is set up for. And you see what you get there.
Didn't ask for your name. Just your relative position on the seniority list. Top 1/3 FO?

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Some valid points here.

It would be tragic for some to have to sell their second airplane. I’ll gladly move into a one bedroom with my wife and 2 kids so the more senior folk don’t have to make such sacrifices.
Quote: Didn't ask for your name. Just your relative position on the seniority list. Top 1/3 FO?

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Reductio ad absurdum: I'm not going to take your opinion seriously until I see:
  • Your last five year's tax returns and W-2's
  • How much wealth your family has
  • How much money your spouse, if you have one, makes and how much (pronoun) is set to inherit
  • Inheritances you're set to collect
  • Bank and credit card statements
  • What kind of car(s) you drive
  • Military retirement or other pensions
  • 401k balance
  • House payment/rent
  • Etc
  • Etc
  • Etc
Seriously, take my opinion seriously or not. Up to you.
Quote: Reductio ad absurdum: I'm not going to take your opinion seriously until I see:
  • Your last five year's tax returns and W-2's
  • How much wealth your family has
  • How much money your spouse, if you have one, makes and how much (pronoun) is set to inherit
  • Inheritances you're set to collect
  • Bank and credit card statements
  • What kind of car(s) you drive
  • Military retirement or other pensions
  • 401k balance
  • House payment/rent
  • Etc
  • Etc
  • Etc
Seriously, take my opinion seriously or not. Up to you.

dude. He was just asking for your relative seniority because he was making the point that your seniority determines how you feel about the situation. No need to be a giant tool about it.
Quote: dude. He was just asking for your relative seniority because he was making the point that your seniority determines how you feel about the situation. No need to be a giant tool about it.
Dude, I already told him what I was willing to tell him about my seniority in a previous post. Yet he continues to push. Boundaries.

A reductio ad absurdum is reducing an argument to absurdity. He’s making the argument that the validity of what I’m saying hinges on where I’m at on the seniority list. I could be Dean, the bottom guy on our list, and not be worried at all about furlough if I have some other factor going on that gives me peace of mind. I could also be the most senior dude on the list and be terrified of furlough for some reason or another.

The point is where a person falls on the list is only one factor that feeds into how they might feel about a furlough. How far do we take the revealing of personal information to determine if someone’s opinion is worthy? How absurd do we get with how much we must know about a person before we determine they are credible?

A reductio as absurdum is a rhetorical device. If you believe that’s being “a tool”, then that’s your deal. You do you.

Evaluate the argument on its merits. Or don’t. It’s up to you.
Been at SWA for 2 1/2 years. 131 number. Saving for possible furlough in the fall. I have had several Captains mention that many would be willing to lower their guarantee to keep everyone on property. Hoping it doesn't come to that.
Quote: Been at SWA for 2 1/2 years. 131 number. Saving for possible furlough in the fall. I have had several Captains mention that many would be willing to lower their guarantee to keep everyone on property. Hoping it doesn't come to that.
I think of put to a vote that would pass . I would vote yes for it .
My experience is the same. Many captains I have flown with have stated such.
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