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Lockdown and Civil Unrest Discussion

Old 05-10-2020, 01:15 PM
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Default There are two types on this board

There are the real pilots with real jobs and then the “others”. The real pilots have real careers and understand there is a risk in everything we do in the that world out there and are actually flying now. The others are NPCs, bots, political agents, pilot wannabes afraid to go outside, etc.
Ladies and gentlemen, please don’t feed the others, it only encourages their brainwashed media hive behavior
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Old 05-10-2020, 02:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Bozo the pilot View Post
Yes Im sure you'll be concerned with the vast minority of vulnerable when you're furloughed. Quarantining the old/sick/obese never made any sense. I get that about right?
sooo many pilots fall in one of those categories.
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Old 05-10-2020, 02:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Aero1900 View Post
Americans are too dumb to deal with this.

You can flame away and be mad at me or think I'm an idiot. I don't care. We are failing this miserably. And the folks who refuse to take officials advice and recommendations because of a political meme they saw on Facebook will continue to make the problem worse.
I think you're an idiot. YOU are failing miserably...at thinking CRITICALLY. Believe all "officials," no matter what! God gave them brains, but He never gave you one. Never track the money. Just keep swallowing that warm white cream CNN feeds you. Oh, and for GOD'S SAKE, PLEASE WEAR YOUR MASK!!!!

Last edited by Vincent Chase; 05-10-2020 at 03:08 PM.
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Old 05-10-2020, 03:03 PM
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Originally Posted by velosnow View Post
While we're talking hypocrisy, every single time things such as tobacco, fast food or sugary drinks are put on the chopping block there is always a huge outcry. "Muh freedoms!". Seems no matter the best intentions in public policy "tryanny!" will always be the faux outrage. Then we sit here and try to equate personal health habits to a highly contagious disease? That's a stretch.

The objective analysis of our response to this will be interesting. There is merit in both wanting to save as many lives as possible and not dooming the world economy. At the same time, there is certainly more to life than money but the system we've created doesn't allow for much wiggle room with so many Americans living paycheck to paycheck. I maintain we need some serious social & economic overhauls after this to help shore up against future outbreaks and changes that will surely come down the road.
Holy cow! You're right! Maybe we need to burn this whole system down and make it in your desired image. Can we start with mail-in voter fraud? How about microchipping every human as Willie Gates suggests? Why stop there? Let's track everyone 24/7 and make them use e-currency so we can track all their spending habits?

THESE ARE ALL GREAT IDEAS!!!!! You've cracked the code, bro.

Meanwhile, the Founders are rolling over in their graves. And I'm rolling my eyes at your ignorance.
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Old 05-10-2020, 03:25 PM
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Default Shelter in place...

Is a $hi#y idea when the place you are sheltering is ground zero...


An excerpt:

Several nursing and care homes for military veterans in New Jersey have become hotspots for the coronavirus pandemic, resulting in dozens of deaths among veterans at the facilities.

The New York Times reported Sunday that more than 120 virus-related deaths have been recorded at just two veterans' care facilities in New Jersey: the New Jersey Veterans Home at Paramus, and the Menlo Park Veterans Memorial Home. The deaths at those two facilities are just a small fraction of the high number of deaths reported in nursing homes across the state, where more than 4,800 people have died in total, more than half of the state's total death toll.

The problem is statewide, according to data reported by the Times: More than a dozen nursing facilities in the state have reported over 30 coronavirus-related deaths.
At the Paramus facility more than 60 percent of residents have contracted the disease, while about 20 percent of the staff is sick and one employee has died.
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Old 05-10-2020, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Aero1900 View Post
Americans are too dumb to deal with this.

The US has done by far the worst job containing the spread of this disease and will therefore suffer the most. Lots of other countries have significantly slowed the spread and can safely start reopening. We are going to reopen before we see any progress. The United States response to this pandemic is an embarrassment.
Leave it to the left to politicize a global viral pandemic.

Over 60,000 Americas have already died. That's 20X more than 9/11 and more than the entire Vietnam War.... And it only took 3 months!
Irrelevant stats are still irrelevant. Covid has killed only 11.6% of the annual deaths from the annual #1 killer, heart disease.

Our incredibly poor handling of this will ensure that we suffer the most. While other countries go back to normal, we will be floundering. We have already had 5x more cases than anywhere else, and triple the deaths of the next worst country.

But yeah, we should totally protest the stay at home order. Let's see how bad we can make this. Let's all disregard information and rational thought. Let's pretend this is the govt trying to take away your liberty. Let's reopen everything and see if we can kill 100k people by the 4th of July. Let's keep spreading the virus so we can keep our schools closed and planes grounded for a long time! Let's open it up so we can make the problem far worse. Let's open it up and delay the return to normal as long as possible. Let's keep digging this hole deeper! Let's make this political! You know, because the virus cares who you voted for.

We have got to stop taking political sides on everything. We need to do the right thing so we can actually slow the spread and start to resume normal life. In case you haven't noticed, the Gov't hasn't stopped the airlines from flying. In fact, the govt just handed the airlines 25 Billion dollars and said "you can have this money so long as you keep flying." But.... no one is flying. People are scared of getting sick and dying. People are trying to stop the spread of the disease. Protesters at the capital are not part of the solution.
There's a reason it's here more than other places. What countries do you think the Chinese visit in the December Christmas break? Travel from China to the US and Europe is very high compared to travel from China to South America or Africa.

I fear that the United States will suffer far worse than anywhere else on earth. And we can thank the non stop, political BS this country consumes.

You can flame away and be mad at me or think I'm an idiot. I don't care. We are failing this miserably. And the folks who refuse to take officials advice and recommendations because of a political meme they saw on Facebook will continue to make the problem worse.
I don't fear it. Why do you? Turn of CNN and go out for a walk outside. How are we failing? I think this country has done a pretty good job, all things considered. What do you want? A full complete lock down to continue until a vaccine comes out? That is unrealistic. You literally espouse burning the house down to solve a rat problem.
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Old 05-10-2020, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Vincent Chase View Post
I think you're an idiot. YOU are failing miserably...at thinking CRITICALLY. Believe all "officials," no matter what! God gave them brains, but He never gave you one. Never track the money. Just keep swallowing that warm white cream CNN feeds you. Oh, and for GOD'S SAKE, PLEASE WEAR YOUR MASK!!!!
I wear my mask properly when I go out here in LA county. My observations, a solid MORE than half wear it improperly. Nose uncovered (the biggest offender!), mouth uncovered, mask hanging at chin, mask straps incorrect, and/or constantly touching or adjusting the mask.

And my personal favorite: One guy at Target who LIFTED HIS MASK UP SO HE COULD COUGH, AND THEN PUT HIS MASK BACK DOWN over the mouth. Unbelievable!

Masks on right now is the same as the post 9/11 TSA security theater. As long as people can "see" it, they will feel safe. Even though it's just a dog n pony show, nothing more than a security theater.
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Old 05-10-2020, 04:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Inkoreausa View Post
I agree ..... in that....we never should have gone down the ridiculous lock down quarantine road that we find ourselves on. We are truly screwed now and it’s not about avoiding terrible economic consequences now it’s about mitigation of even worse damage. Its totally insane that complete economies were shut down for something that amounts to the Flu. You don’t or at least shouldn’t make these kinds of huge economic decisions absent hard data. COVID19 hysteria is almost complete BS for those that are healthy and under the age of 65. This whole COVID19 episode will be viewed in the future as a complete debacle and serve as a case study as exactly what not to do.
You may be (and likely are correct). The way to have partially avoided getting too far down this path was an early acknowledgement of the problem and a Manhattan Project on the testing front. Had that started properly months ago, we'd have had a much better perspective on asymptomatic carriers, infection rates, etc. and could have made much more accurate predictions - leading to much more sensible management. That didn't get done and we've passed multiple forks in the road that we'll never get back to. Whether you're a lockdowner or a let 'er rip type, our government's initial mismanagement made sensible action impossible. You wanna try to pick an emergency divert alternate without the weather or any idea how much fuel you have? We saw an overheat light and pulled the fire handles on both engines without even picking up a QRH. Maybe they'd have run at partial power. Now we're gonna light 'em both up and see if we burn. Our government's response has been incoherent, impulsive, and foolish. Step one to successfully responding to the emergency should have been to quickly gather data about the situation.

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Old 05-10-2020, 04:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Vincent Chase View Post
Holy cow! You're right! Maybe we need to burn this whole system down and make it in your desired image. Can we start with mail-in voter fraud? How about microchipping every human as Willie Gates suggests? Why stop there? Let's track everyone 24/7 and make them use e-currency so we can track all their spending habits?

THESE ARE ALL GREAT IDEAS!!!!! You've cracked the code, bro.

Meanwhile, the Founders are rolling over in their graves. And I'm rolling my eyes at your ignorance.
Not even close, care to take another stab?
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Old 05-10-2020, 04:46 PM
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The basis for these lockdowns was the ICL prediction model, which was presented as “science”; settled, indisputable. Well, it was grade A bovine manure. They couldn’t even get reproducible results using the same inputs.

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