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full of luv 02-23-2018 04:41 AM

Originally Posted by HighFlight (Post 2534873)
Everyone needs to relax a bit. Nothing has changed yet. Something will change soon. If you look at the bigger picture, EDV probably has somewhere around 9,000 employees and family members. Maybe less. DAL has what, about half a million? I doubt very seriously that on a daily basis, you will see more than a handful of differences if the priorities change the way management is discussing them.

At the end of the day, we are really all on the same team. I know I have taken the JS several times so that DAL employees could get on a flight. Same with UA or AA. It’s not all about me, it’s about helping each other get where we need to. Hopefully most of the people arguing here would do the very same. In ATL 3 nights ago, had a DAL CA offer to take the FA JS so I could get to work. Much appreciated, and THAT’S what it’s all about.

I’m still more disappointed that I can’t have a glass of wine on my 9.5 hr deadhead home from South America once a year!
Death of QOL by 1000 little cuts...

Dustycrophopper 02-23-2018 11:23 AM

With all of these new 321 and 737900 orders I was looking at our 10k filing today and noticed that with the 320 and 737-800, and md88 aircraft all of those airplanes are 19-25 years old. Are the 321 and 737900 replacements for those upgauging them or is Delta going to have to order a 7378 max, 320 Neo or c 500 (pipe dream)
I would figure the c series 300 is replacing the 319 as they hold roughly the same

Fr8Thrust 02-23-2018 01:16 PM

The US vs. THEM needs to stop. We all fly the same customers. Mgmt created this division in the workforce; it is them we must fight, not each other.

TalkTurkey 02-23-2018 03:11 PM

I am utterly flummoxed by what I’ve read the past few pages of this thread. Here is what I believe the brass tacks are pegged to. Any advancement that us 9E pilots have gotten from our owners, you, is purely driven by market disciplines. The regional world is full of volatility; and unlike the googol of applications creating fire hazards in the spam files at Delta, Delta has a massive interest in keeping us staffed. When our hiring numbers fall short, the carrot gets bigger. When our performance wins our VPs and directors huge “incentives,” the carrot gets bigger. When we are forced into new markets and quality of life can no longer be sustained, oh wait thats just aviation 101. All told, we’re eating a pretty big carrot.

I’m not sure if you all know this, but 9E isn’t even a business anymore. We haven’t got a business plan, prospectus, marketing team, strategists, investors, shareholders, managers whom actually make business decisions...nothing. In fact, many functions once had by 9E have been consolidated with the GO already. The only thing our directors and chief officers are here for is to check the corporate block and raise their hands high to yell “present” during the SEC and IRS roll call. That is it...oh and that bit about receiving incentives based on our performance.

9E is but a tentacle, perhaps even a testi—never mind, of Delta; a tentacle which has in every way adapted to the same operating procedures as our owners. There are scarcely any differences, and you know what? Some of us really take pride in that. Anyway, peace I’m out.

sailingfun 02-23-2018 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by Dustycrophopper (Post 2535354)
With all of these new 321 and 737900 orders I was looking at our 10k filing today and noticed that with the 320 and 737-800, and md88 aircraft all of those airplanes are 19-25 years old. Are the 321 and 737900 replacements for those upgauging them or is Delta going to have to order a 7378 max, 320 Neo or c 500 (pipe dream)
I would figure the c series 300 is replacing the 319 as they hold roughly the same

The plan is to upguage the flights. It’s the only practical method to increase capacity with the hubs maxed out.

GogglesPisano 02-23-2018 06:07 PM

Is it me or does the new PBS website look just like the old one from last year we had to migrate from?

Lifeisgood 02-23-2018 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by Max Glide (Post 2534843)
Proven by who?
I got turned by a very strange interviewing crew the first time through the SSP. I got hired by a very strange interviewing crew six month later through the SSP. I was not happy with the first refusal; I did not even study for the second attempt. It's a strange process for hiring pilots. They told me first time that I didn't pass the written/aptitude test. Unless you show me the actual results of my test, you're 'lying'! Delta never shows the results of an 'objective' test. Strangely, six months later I was the guy they really wanted (a guy who didn't really care and didn't really prepare) 'through proven screening and interview process'. . In my best belief, I did better in my first written/aptitude test than my second.
Best pilots? Huh...ask the captain on a recent flight from MSP to LGA for an ILS approach to 22 at LGA with circle to land 13, how his ass was saved by a brand new Delta F/O, former 9E, who told him not to turn left - a turn he initiated already - but, to turn right. A 21 year pilot at Delta...oh yes, a Navy guy who spent 2 hours and 3 minutes telling me his exploits in the Navy.
Proven by who?

Have you ever considered "barely got hired" instead of "I was the guy they really wanted"?
Everyone makes mistakes, thanks for saving the day!!

DeadHead 02-24-2018 03:51 AM

Originally Posted by Scoop (Post 2534872)

Let it go. No hiring system is perfect and even the best hiring and screening practices, yes even "proven ones" are not 100%.

There will always be good folks rejected and some "strange rangers" that make it through. Just look at NASA - not many jobs screen so selectively from such a highly qualified pool..............and yet they hired a wack job that drove halfway across the country wearing a diaper to assault a sexual competitor. You really cant make this stuff any wackier.

As for "saving" your Captain - good job, sounds like our hiring department made the right choice with you. :) I doubt you will ever make a mistake in your career but if you do, hopefully your fellow crew-member will have your back just as you had your Captains back.

I for one will wait until I am retired on the porch with a scotch in hand before I start criticizing my fellow crew-members. :D


Well Said!

DeadHead 02-24-2018 04:02 AM

Originally Posted by MJP27 (Post 2535043)
What a hero !! Thanks for saving that “Navy Pilot”’.....geez

What was his exact point in calling out his branch of service?

I guess the insinuation is that military pilots can have bad attitudes or egos, when I have found quite the opposite.

I make that statement as civilian guy also.

I've flown with a lot of new-hires straight out of the military, and they all have had great attitudes, backgrounds, and personalities. Very easy to work with and not much ego as I can see.

From what I've seen, the hiring department seems to be doing a great job.

yardstick 02-28-2018 09:20 PM

Mip in college
Quick question. I’m still a few years out from submitting my apps, I’m just curious how an mip (minor in possession of alcohol) as a 19 year old in college will look? Other than that, I have a fairly clean record besides three relatively benign moving violations over the past 15 years, and I fully plan on disclosing those and the mip when it comes time to submit. Should I be worried? I have a strong undergrad gpa (3.7+), masters gpa (3.9+) and a flawless military service record with excellent fitreps, not to mention the fact that I hold a Ts/sci clearance. Obviously a lot can change in the next few years, but what do y’all think? Thanks in advance

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