jetBlue Hiring

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Quote: What are my odds with 2600 TT, 460 PIC & a Vets in Blue invite?
That is a bit on the low side, unless of course you flew in the military.
How about 2500+ with 1000+ PIC turbine military?
Lol...since we're playing this about: 3200TT, 200 TPIC, 2200 JET/Glass, 1 internal rec? (Just curious)

Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
4,300 TT, 2900 PIC, 0 TPIC, 1,000 121 SIC, 1 Internal Rec, one good conversation with a recruiter, said "you should get a call."

Still waiting.
Quote: 4,300 TT, 2900 PIC, 0 TPIC, 1,000 121 SIC, 1 Internal Rec, one good conversation with a recruiter, said "you should get a call."

Still waiting.
Thanks Debbie Downer
Quote: Thanks Debbie Downer
Very different competitive numbers for civilian vs military Slop. Do you have Stan/Eval, IP/EP, Safety Officer or any of those things? You're way closer to the target than a civilian guy with 4K and no TPIC. (No value judgement, just the way things are. I'm a civvy married to a former AF heavy driver)
Quote: Thanks Debbie Downer
lol, I'm just passing on my experience.

I went and met them at a ERAU Career Expo in DAB. Walked right in and asked for a guest pass and was handed to me no questions asked. I felt I had a great pitch (family in BOS and MCO and intended to move to the former and never commute) and could answer any question he asked me (5 core values, bases, etc). That was about three weeks ago. A week after I followed up with the recruiter I spoke to via email and he told me that "you got my vote so you should receive a call."

Moral of the story: well, it aint finished yet so I have no idea. That said, having a genuine interest in the airline and really wanting to work there, paired with taking the time to go find a recruiter may make up for having a "meh" resume.

We'll see.

Edit: Also, what aewanabe said. You're probably closer to the mark than I am. I'm well aware that if I hadn't gone and met them and pulled that off well that I'd probably never get called.
It isn't just a set number of hours. When you say military are you saying you flew in the military or you were just in the military? If you have military flight experience and 2000-2500 hrs you are competitive with every major but I know marines who never flew in the military with 10,000 + hours, vets in blue, and still can't make it happen.

The lowest regional FO that I personally know who has gotten on with JetBlue was under 3500TT but he was extremely lucky with a solid internal and multiple career fairs. At the Sept 29 interview most of the military guys I was able to meet were pilots in the military. Every branch/age you could imagine was there. If you meet the minimums you have a shot. If you meet the minimums and can impress a recruiter with your personality, knowledge of the company, or your background than you will probably get an interview.
Quote: The lowest regional FO that I personally know who has gotten on with JetBlue was under 3500TT but he was extremely lucky with a solid internal and multiple career fairs.
Around what time frame did this candidate get interviewed/hired?

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