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Im on the CRJ go with the double if your flight bag is big enough, there's been times one of my suction cups gave out. FYI commuting to Houston is pretty hard lots of Mainline guys making that commute. I'm sure these guys will tell you.
Quote: Im on the CRJ go with the double if your flight bag is big enough, there's been times one of my suction cups gave out. FYI commuting to Houston is pretty hard lots of Mainline guys making that commute. I'm sure these guys will tell you.
Appreciate the tip. Thanks!
Quote: Happy to.

I'm a completely new to 121 ops and one of the "old guys" I guess from reading past posts.

Headsets: needed or not for training, just want to know if I need to bring them.
Mount for the iPad. What do you recommend, single or dual suction cup? Any additional arm attachments?
Any tips for the training to get through with the least headaches?
Any study materials worthwhile prior to getting there? During?
Are you an EJet pilot? If so, I'm open to any advice you think important to impart.
I'll be commuting from Wisconsin. Week-long trips are not an issue. What can I expect for a schedule while flying reserve? Are there blocks of 3-4 days off that can be scheduled.
Are reserve EJet FOs sitting around, or is there plenty of flying to do?

Here's the ones I can answer.

No headsets needed until getting into an actual airplane.

I recommend 2. Safer and I've had 1 come off.

Reserve. Minimum 3 days on, max of 6. Minimum of 2 days off in a row. Only get 11 days off in a month so getting more then 3 in a row consistently is very hard.

E jet is short FOs. whole you won't hit the line for months can expect short reserve times for the erj at the moment.
Quote: Here's the ones I can answer.

No headsets needed until getting into an actual airplane.

I recommend 2. Safer and I've had 1 come off.

Reserve. Minimum 3 days on, max of 6. Minimum of 2 days off in a row. Only get 11 days off in a month so getting more then 3 in a row consistently is very hard.

E jet is short FOs. whole you won't hit the line for months can expect short reserve times for the erj at the moment.
Good to hear about the EJet and thanks for the time off expectation.
Quote: Headsets: needed or not for training, just want to know if I need to bring them.
Mount for the iPad. What do you recommend, single or dual suction cup? Any additional arm attachments?
Any tips for the training to get through with the least headaches?
Any study materials worthwhile prior to getting there? During?
Are you an EJet pilot? If so, I'm open to any advice you think important to impart.
I'll be commuting from Wisconsin. Week-long trips are not an issue. What can I expect for a schedule while flying reserve? Are there blocks of 3-4 days off that can be scheduled.
Are reserve EJet FOs sitting around, or is there plenty of flying to do?
I also love my dual suction cup mount. This may be true of the single cup as well, but in the CRJ, you can rest the arm just perfectly on top of the cigarette tray, and it adds tremendous stability to the setup. I don't know if there's anything similar in the 175.

If you're REALLY itching to get some studying done ahead of time, try looking over Part 117 rest rules. They're generic and not specific to Mesa, obviously, and they often give people new to 121 a hard time. Again, that's just if you're really wanting to study SOMEthing ahead of time. You will have to keep yourself legal under 117 no matter what, so its a good idea to know that stuff forwards and backwards.

Trust what you know about yourself and how you learn best. If you need to be in a study group, then shake some hands on day one and get one set up. If you need notecards, then bring them. Do you learn better by typing notes? Bring your laptop. By hand writing things out? Bring notebook paper. Whatever your method is, stick to it and make it happen. Just don't expect to do nothing each evening after class and be okay.

Also, make sure you plan a little down time each day, plus a nice full or mostly full day off each week. It'll help keep your brain from frying, and improve retention of knowledge.
The only suction cup mount I've seen fall off is the dual. Never flown with anyone who had a single that fell off.. The single is more than adequate, at least it has been from my year and a half. Just have to make sure you put it on correctly. Dual is way too big. Try ripping a single off. You can't do it. You can literally hang from it if you wanted. The only issue is when cabin pressure changes...the suction pressure changes. If you don't put it on tight enough initially it can be an issue. But having two mounts without enough pressure Bc they weren't put on tight enough won't help much.
New guys are REQUIRED to have this iPad mount.
Quote: Happy to.

I'm a completely new to 121 ops and one of the "old guys" I guess from reading past posts.

Headsets: needed or not for training, just want to know if I need to bring them.
Mount for the iPad. What do you recommend, single or dual suction cup? Any additional arm attachments?
Any tips for the training to get through with the least headaches?
Any study materials worthwhile prior to getting there? During?
Are you an EJet pilot? If so, I'm open to any advice you think important to impart.
I'll be commuting from Wisconsin. Week-long trips are not an issue. What can I expect for a schedule while flying reserve? Are there blocks of 3-4 days off that can be scheduled.
Are reserve EJet FOs sitting around, or is there plenty of flying to do?
Ok let me get this straight--you live in Wisconsin--an easy drive to Endeavor training/HQ (MSP) and insanely easy commute to two of their three bases (MSP & DTW). Oh and you'd be making more than a Mesa 1-2 year Captain ($50k+/year first year as an a FO)

But instead, you're going to do a horrific commute 2+ legs both ways to a filthy, carpeted trailer park (IAH), surrounded by sub-tropical swamp, accept $22/hour to feel like a big boy/"real airline pilot" flying an EJet, and probably get stuck down here at least half the month if not more.

And for what? Did Endeavor and Skywest (ORD EJet base one leg/driveable to Wisconsin), both say no to you?

This is an honest, serious question--I want to know if you even tried Skywest or Endeavor, because if you live in Wisconsin your life and income WILL be 1000x better at those two regionals versus battling for jumpseats to IAH and getting stuck here on average 2-3 times a month (costing you 3-6 off days a month).

I don't know a single person in Houston who could handle a 2-leg from that part of the country for very long--most people give up and move down here after about 3-6 months of that insanity.

I really need an answer on this one.
Quote: Ok let me get this straight--you live in Wisconsin--an easy drive pto Endeavor training/HQ (MSP) and insanely easy commute to two of their three bases (MSP & DTW). Oh and you'd be making more than a Mesa 1-2 year Captain ($50k+/year first year as an a FO)

But instead, you're going to do a horrific commute 2+ legs both ways to a filthy, carpeted trailer park (IAH), surrounded by sub-tropical swamp, accept $22/hour to feel like a big boy/"real airline pilot" flying an EJet, and probably get stuck down here at least half the month if not more.

And for what? Did Endeavor and Skywest (ORD EJet base one leg/drive able to Wisconsin), both say no to you?

This is an honest, serious question--I want to know if you even tried Skywest or Endeavor, because if you live in Wisconsin your life and income WILL be 1000x better at those two regionals versus battling for jumpseats to IAH and getting stuck here on average 2-3 times a month (costing you 3-6 off days a month).

I really need an answer on this one.
Mesa interviewed him as he was laying in bed eating cheese curls and drinking beer.

Then again if he gets a free iPad it's a win.
I really need an answer on this one.
Ha. Get over yourself.
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