L-ASA (ExpressJet CRJ side)

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Quote: Joe Merchant is still on property last I heard. He was posting a lot on the FB Joint Acey page. As for Capt. Tony.....that individual doesn’t work here anymore and doesn’t go by the same name.
...Tony should be in jail for corruption. He has screwed us all - the pilots of both airlines, ALPA’s reputation, and the airline all the way up to SKW. If you CRJ guys wanna be mad at someone who is likely the biggest impact to the state of the two pilot groups, that is the guy. I’ve always said there would be riots when the truth came out. I’m sticking to that.

...and the next CRJ guy that says “we bought you” can suck it. Skywest bought us. ASA is not SKW. We were attached at the hip and hung out to dry by that company as part of some plan that only SKW knew at the time.

I can’t believe the CRJ guys filed a grievance over not being able to displace ERJ guys when you got such a generous deal in the list integration. Especially when we were squashed on the ERJ side from even protesting that method as being unfair to us. You guys killed your own flying, nearly took us with you because of your failure to negotiate (ref the Tony comment earlier), and you guys would have been out on the street without the current integration agreement. You guys are the wrong kind of gift that keeps giving.
The grievance probably [will] clarify for everyone what the score is. The language is not exactly stellar.

Truth is, the pilots had nothing to do with the end of the Delta flying. Don't give yourselves so much credit; it's only a matter of time before the other entity catches up to the rest of the legacies.
“Capt. Tony” is a SCREEN NAME that was used by an individual whose name isn’t Tony. Initials W.F.......later became S.F.
I hear ScumWest is taking the ATL crew room. Please tell me that's a fabrication.
Quote: I hear ScumWest is taking the ATL crew room. Please tell me that's a fabrication.
SkyWest already has a crew lounge in ATL...
Quote: “Capt. Tony” is a SCREEN NAME that was used by an individual whose name isn’t Tony. Initials W.F.......later became S.F.
Yep. I try not to use real names. I’ll use pipe names or initials as appropriate.
I think both pilot groups should just give it a rest.
LXJT had nothing to do with the termination of the DAL contract. If anything, LXJT being there gives us more leverage.
The LXJT was having serious issues prior to being purchased by Inc. They may well have not survived, but who knows.
Right now the best thing we can do is try to figure a way through this together. I’m a CRJ guy and I disagreed with the grievance. I do, however, find the last group of upgrades on the LXJT side to be fishy.
But it is what it is.
Hopefully it will soon no longer be my issue, but I will still hope against hope that the group survives.
Quote: I think both pilot groups should just give it a rest.
LXJT had nothing to do with the termination of the DAL contract. If anything, LXJT being there gives us more leverage.
The LXJT was having serious issues prior to being purchased by Inc. They may well have not survived, but who knows.
Right now the best thing we can do is try to figure a way through this together. I’m a CRJ guy and I disagreed with the grievance. I do, however, find the last group of upgrades on the LXJT side to be fishy.
But it is what it is.
Hopefully it will soon no longer be my issue, but I will still hope against hope that the group survives.
Reading the ISL agreement I see that not displacing ERJ pilots was part of the agreement so I'm not sure why our guys were fighting that. If thats the "bad news" then so be it; that was part of the plan anyway. Like someone else said, far worse could happen.
Quote: Reading the ISL agreement I see that not displacing ERJ pilots was part of the agreement so I'm not sure why our guys were fighting that. If thats the "bad news" then so be it; that was part of the plan anyway. Like someone else said, far worse could happen.
^^^^^^ I agree. ^^^^^^
This is entertaining. It’s like watching people argue about the position of the deck chairs on the titanic. Moral of the story is to find the nearest life raft.
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