Up and Out Policies: Upgrade

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Quote: Don't think so Rickair, I didnt post anything other then whats up there now....
I know what I read, too bad I didn't quote it yesterday.

But I give you some credit for having second thoughts and changing it.
Quote: SKW does not fire people lightly, that is a well known fact. If you don't work there you don't really have the slightest clue about how things work.
come on rickair, NO company fires people lightly, not even good ole pinchanickle. the lawsuit ramifications are to much of a liability. what people are suprised at is that SKYW, which is supposedly pilot friendly, would actually have a policy like that. upgrade is stressfull enough. now throw on top of that the threat of being fired if you don't pass and now you have a mess. sure lots of people pass. but i am sure people have failed that had a good attitude. if you dont think so you are kidding yourself. i know a couple of guys here with great attitudes that went in for upgrade and didn't pass. luckily for them they went back to the right seat for a year, studied some more, went back and are now captains here.

just on a side not rickair have you upgraded at skywest yet? for all the guys at skywest who are posting stuff saying tony had some underlying issues becareful. tony was one of skywests biggest cheerleaders and they threw him on the street like a pile of trash. if they did it to him, they most certainly can do it to you.
I've always been concerned about this policy. Once they start running upgrade again I was planning on putting my name in but I really don't feel good about it. Doesn't give me any confidence when people don't have a good idea what is expected at the oral.

I think I'm going back to my Part 91 King Air vacation...I mean job.

See Ya
Quote: I know what I read, too bad I didn't quote it yesterday.

But I give you some credit for having second thoughts and changing it.

and on a side note, not to defend sabaroowski, but if he had edited his post it would say that underneath the post that was edited.
Quote: come on rickair, NO company fires people lightly, not even good ole pinchanickle. the lawsuit ramifications are to much of a liability. what people are suprised at is that SKYW, which is supposedly pilot friendly, would actually have a policy like that. upgrade is stressfull enough. now throw on top of that the threat of being fired if you don't pass and now you have a mess. sure lots of people pass. but i am sure people have failed that had a good attitude. if you dont think so you are kidding yourself. i know a couple of guys here with great attitudes that went in for upgrade and didn't pass. luckily for them they went back to the right seat for a year, studied some more, went back and are now captains here.
I have said repeatedly that I am opposed to the policy. It is one of the negatives at SKW.

If TW had outside factors, they might not have been with "the company"...it's a big place and there are factions.

But I think he said in a previous post that there were no outside forces...he would know better than anyone.
Quote: and on a side note, not to defend sabaroowski, but if he had edited his post it would say that underneath the post that was edited.
Not true. It only says that if you come back some time later, not sure how long, but it's a while.

If you edit a post immediately after initially posting it does not flag an edit...I guess it assumes that you are entitled to proofread and do a final revision. Maybe I caught him in the middle of that.
Quote: Tony, please talk to an attorney...
Use mine.... Where is Vagabond btw I miss talking to her
Quote: Sounds like Skywest needs a union....
Dear De727ups,

You have received a second infraction at Airline Pilot Central Forums.

Continuation of flamebait

Please take the personal attacks towards this company to PM's. It's not welcome at the forums. Thank you.

"Please use the "good neighbor" policy when posting to this site. If you wouldn't say it to your neighbor face to face, than don't say it here"

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.
Quote: .......................
Quote: Loyalty should be a two-way street
C. Loyalty and extra efforts done for your company are never remembered or 'banked'. People remember, but they are often not in a position to affect a change. i.e. Scheduling may have like TW's efforts to move airplanes, but in a corporate sense, you are invisible and will never be rewarded.
I was having this very conversation with one of our reservists last week when discussing accepting a job with one company and then while waiting for training another company comes along and offers you a job. I said that I would have trouble leaving the one company because I would feel some loyalty to the company that hired me. He kind of laughed and told me that I was going to have to lose this loyalty issue that I have once I get out in the **real** world. He basically said that the loyalty mentioned above DOES NOT FLOW BOTH WAYS! Sad situation really.

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