Atlas Air Hiring

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Quote: Hey guys new to the thread, sent my Resume and PAQ in a few days ago. I have 3 friends I know flying for the company that were forwarding my Resume as well to HR...I'm sure the "competitive hiring mins" are all over the place but anyone here a former Regional FO with a little over 2000 total, 1000 hours 121 and get a call?

Also anyone taken the Technical assessment recently able to give a more recent take on the questions?

Why not just ask your 3 friends...
Quote: Hey guys new to the thread, sent my Resume and PAQ in a few days ago. I have 3 friends I know flying for the company that were forwarding my Resume as well to HR...I'm sure the "competitive hiring mins" are all over the place but anyone here a former Regional FO with a little over 2000 total, 1000 hours 121 and get a call?

Also anyone taken the Technical assessment recently able to give a more recent take on the questions?

Might not be enough TT. I recommended a friend of mine with similar stats and the review committee did not forward his app for an interview. Not enough time.
According to the website he meets the minimums. Your asking a bunch of pilots who have nothing to do with the hiring process what you chances are? My answer, it doesn't matter what your chances are, if you want the job, do whatever it takes to get the job.

That being said, have your three buddies educate you on what exactly you are getting into...
Quote: According to the website he meets the minimums. Your asking a bunch of pilots who have nothing to do with the hiring process what you chances are? My answer, it doesn't matter what your chances are, if you want the job, do whatever it takes to get the job.

That being said, have your three buddies educate you on what exactly you are getting into...
... and read this thread, it has helped many, many, many of us to get the job here. Although by the time you're done reading about the current situation here, you may want to rethink applying at Atlas.

Has anyone from the March 22-24 interview been offered a class date yet? I'm coming up on being due for recurrent pretty soon, and I would like to be able to save everyone involved time and money rather than sit through a class at my current company for a week only to turn around and leave.
Quote: Has anyone from the March 22-24 interview been offered a class date yet? I'm coming up on being due for recurrent pretty soon, and I would like to be able to save everyone involved time and money rather than sit through a class at my current company for a week only to turn around and leave.
3/23 - Interviewed
3/29 - Pool
5/11 - Offered/accepted June 27th 747 class

Hope you hear something soon. I'm due for training as well, so I feel your concern! Looking forward to joining 5Y...
Based on our 767 crewing ratio, how many pilots will we need to hire for this AMZN flying? 400-ish? And what is the 70+ new hire vacancies for on the 74? No new airframes coming, no appreciable block hour increases, and I only moved up 7 numbers on the new seniority list, so what gives?
Quote: Has anyone from the March 22-24 interview been offered a class date yet? I'm coming up on being due for recurrent pretty soon, and I would like to be able to save everyone involved time and money rather than sit through a class at my current company for a week only to turn around and leave.
3/23 - Interview
3/29 - Pool

No class date as of yet. I did tell them during the interview that I preferred the 767 but would take whatever aircraft they needed people in. They perked up when I said that. Maybe they knew about the Amazon thing back then and were secretly recruiting for the upcoming Amazon deal? In any case, I'm in no big rush to get a class date.
Quote: Based on our 767 crewing ratio, how many pilots will we need to hire for this AMZN flying? 400-ish? And what is the 70+ new hire vacancies for on the 74? No new airframes coming, no appreciable block hour increases, and I only moved up 7 numbers on the new seniority list, so what gives?
completely in my own opinion but maybe they are preparing for the 767 upgrades, a lot of 747 FO's like myself should be upgrading soon with this Amazon growth.
Quote: Based on our 767 crewing ratio, how many pilots will we need to hire for this AMZN flying? 400-ish? And what is the 70+ new hire vacancies for on the 74? No new airframes coming, no appreciable block hour increases, and I only moved up 7 numbers on the new seniority list, so what gives?
The number being thrown around a lot at the training center for additional bodies needed to crew the Amazon 767s is 350-360. I'm not sure if those are "official" numbers or not but I've heard them from a couple of people from across the bridge.

Obviously the Captains for those 767s will come from within, so most likely the majority of them will be 747 FOs, thus the need for a bunch of new 747 FOs. Aside from that, the thought around the training center(at least everybody that I've talked to) thinks there's another big deal in the works, so they're trying to get ahead of the crewing levels before that happens. Lots of rumors flying around here, most of which I'm sure you've already heard.
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