PSA info

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Quote: Anyone not in the top 55% of the company isn't upgrading this year, don't know where you currently are. Upgrades will pick up later this year or early next year but it'll be stagnant for a while. Flows will stop after May so there is 5 less captains leaving a month which means not much attrition off the top.
Sorry about the aggression. Depending on the list you look at I'm in the low 600s.
Quote: For the 1,000,000 time new hire bonuses fall outside the CBA and are legal, which is why every single regional offers them now without a LOA.
If the payment of the bonus is contingent upon the pilot remaining employed by PSA, then it's not outside of the CBA. By your measure, a new hire pilot would receive the bonus even if he quit after one day of indoc. or if he washes out of training. Is PSA paying new hire bonuses to pilots who have quit during indoc. or have been fired after failing training?
Quote: If the payment of the bonus is contingent upon the pilot remaining employed by PSA, then it's not outside of the CBA. By your measure, a new hire pilot would receive the bonus even if he quit after one day of indoc. or if he washes out of training. Is PSA paying new hire bonuses to pilots who have quit during indoc. or have been fired after failing training?
If they were illegal they would be gone because they take leverage away from unions but they are all still here at every regional. Maybe you have a better grasp of labor law than any of these unions and law firms that can't get them to go away.
Quote: Anyone not in the top 55% of the company isn't upgrading this year, don't know where you currently are. Upgrades will pick up later this year or early next year but it'll be stagnant for a while. Flows will stop after May so there is 5 less captains leaving a month which means not much attrition off the top.
Any intel when the next upgrade class will be?
Quote: Any intel when the next upgrade class will be?

No clue. Looks like it will be a while as a very senior ipt instructor took the last upgrade they had. Probably got the hint there wasn't going to be anymore for a long time.

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Quote: Anyone not in the top 55% of the company isn't upgrading this year, don't know where you currently are. Upgrades will pick up later this year or early next year but it'll be stagnant for a while. Flows will stop after May so there is 5 less captains leaving a month which means not much attrition off the top.
Where do you get that flows will stop?
Quote: Where do you get that flows will stop?
People in the AA training Dept I know, also the PSA MEC Chairman hinted at this on the last conference call. Depending on how many furloughs return to AA it could be awhile until flows start up again at all 3 WOs.
It's no secret AA is going to be taking back furloughed pilots this summer. The pilots have until May(I think) to declare their intentions. Flows will stop for at least 2 months.
Quote: Not stressed at all. There's a pilot shortage. I can get hired anywhere else for more money. I need to stick around until my son is born and I'm on the cusp of upgrade, unless they stick to 4 every other month. This place has fallen apart in the last 4 months. The industry doesn't allow for the slow reactionary way of business any more. Even if things are turned around overnight, it's too late for summer flying. We might see the effects by next winter. We are shrinking and will probably soon watch our 900s go somewhere else like Mesa because they have pilots. 4 alarm dumpster fire. But it's okay, we are in short supply. PSA can/will fall apart and I won't be stressed about it at all. I don't expect D&D to make the necessary changes.
I don't think you really have any clue what "falling apart" looks or feels like. Brother, this ain't it. Negative on the dumpster fire. Put down the APC for a week and spend time with the Mrs. and maybe have a few cocktails. Trust me, when "falling apart" happens, you'll know.
Quote: Is that why PSA management unilaterally decided to violate our contract and offer new hire pilots a $10,000 sign-on bonus,..... or $15,000 to new hires with prior 121 experience? Because we're "slightly over staffed" and "currently not hiring 60/month by choice"?

I currently don't need a new car. But I'm going to offer auto dealerships $10,000 over sticker price, if they'll sell one to me. $15,000 over sticker, if it's a blue car.
No, they did because Envoy is doing it. Right or wrong, had Envoy not taken the deal we wouldn't be offering this. Again...reaction reaction reaction. Quit thinking like a pilot and trying to fit square pegs into round holes. Management has their own line of reasoning and it is not even in the same galaxy as ours.
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