Any "Latest & Greatest" about Endeavor?

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Quote: Avroman? Is that YOU???
Nope I'm not done with the reserve issues.
Let it go, Brother. Nothing here to win. Better yet, upgrade to the Mighty 200 and see your QOL improve dramatically! I’m rooting for ya buddy.

Quote: Nope I'm not done with the reserve issues.
Quote: Nope I'm not done with the reserve issues.
If the initial holds true it looks like nearly evertone of DTW 900CA on reserve now will be line holders.
Quote: Because you weren't senior enough to hold it champ
I was more than senior to hold most 900CA spots but they'll bust seatlocks before waiving TT.
So you didn’t meet the required minimums?

Did they not reduce TT by the same percentage as company time this award?

Quote: I was more than senior to hold most 900CA spots but they'll bust seatlocks before waiving TT.
Quote: I was more than senior to hold most 900CA spots but they'll bust seatlocks before waiving TT.
I think 2500 TT is a regulatory thing. To qualify for a CA spot they can let you use 135 or 91K time toward your 1000 121 but it has to be in a multi. And you still need the 2500 TT. So really the guys that come in from school and only have 1000 TT, they wont be upgrading till they get 2500 TT. They adjust the 1000 company time as needed.
Quote: I think 2500 TT is a regulatory thing. To qualify for a CA spot they can let you use 135 or 91K time toward your 1000 121 but it has to be in a multi. And you still need the 2500 TT. So really the guys that come in from school and only have 1000 TT, they wont be upgrading till they get 2500 TT. They adjust the 1000 company time as needed.
The only time that is not reducible is 1000 hours 121. Both company and total time are reducible
Quote: The only time that is not reducible is 1000 hours 121. Both company and total time are reducible
Ok I swear I saw that as being a regulatory thing somewhere, but I guess I was wrong.
Quote: So you didn’t meet the required minimums?

Did they not reduce TT by the same percentage as company time this award?
Others have already replied with the answer it seems, but I was fully qualified. I'd have had it if they opted to now break seatlocks instead. I have a line on 900CA but cannot bid it! Oh well, better schedule when I do jump.

For reference, look at 17-02, when TT and 9E time was waived way low on 900CA. Now wit seatlocks being removed, folks who upgraded on the 200 can switch over earlier, even if they are way junior to a person needing a slight waiver. Rules are rules. This is purely because I came with the 1,000hr R-ATP, weird scenario but it can happen.
200 qol
Quote: Let it go, Brother. Nothing here to win. Better yet, upgrade to the Mighty 200 and see your QOL improve dramatically! I’m rooting for ya buddy.
Just got awarded 200 CA, wondering what your insight is on the improvement on QOL?
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