A Military Poser in the ALPA Magazine?

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He's been pulled off his overnight....
Quote: Of course, no one with any sense of shame would ever be able to show up for work again after this sort of thing was made public. Sheesh.
He showed up today and IS DOING a turn out of his NY base!
Quote: He's been pulled off his overnight....
but as of now still shows a future sequence...
Quote: " . . . . participated in the field investigation of the Colgan Air Flight 3407 crash near Buffalo, N.Y., in February 2009. Martins spent 10 days at the Colgan field investigation."

If this is true, could his input have prejudiced the accident report results ? I suspect the major news organizations will pick up this story in the next few days and "run with it."
It is true he was in Buffalo. However, he had NO ROLE in the investigation. He was there merely as a support person w/in CIRP.

There were three (3) ALPA pilots involved in the accident scene investigation.....he was not one of them. I can assure you, despite all Mr. Martins outlandish claims.....he had ZERO influence on the 3407 field investigation.
Quote: If he was fired from a Part 121 airline because of lying/ethics I'm sure that would back them up if they decided to take certificate action.
There is no precedent for that which I am aware of. It would be a slippery slope...and there is no easy objective way to deal with this sort of thing. That's why they rely on criminal courts, which have due process, and produce decisions which are generally beyond reproach.
Quote: Did he lie to the company, or did he just lie to some poor excuse of a reporter for a union trade magazine? Lying to a reporter isn't a crime, is it?

I'm no lawyer, but if he was straight with the company for his interview and background check, I think his company would have a hard time firing him for spinning tales on his own time. Heck, they'll probably give him a medal for making ALPA look stupid in a very public way.

If this is the case, his union reps better defend him to the nth degree, or they'll get their butts sued off.

Of course, no one with any sense of shame would ever be able to show up for work again after this sort of thing was made public. Sheesh.
I think the company could fire him for conduct unbecoming and reflecting poorly on the company in public. The union would have to defend him to the hilt of course.
Quote: There is no precedent for that which I am aware of. It would be a slippery slope...and there is no easy objective way to deal with this sort of thing. That's why they rely on criminal courts, which have due process, and produce decisions which are generally beyond reproach.
Maybe this should be a test case. Aside from an actual criminal history, has anyone had a pattern of lying that is this well documented, to the point of being published in a widely circulated trade magazine?
According to his facebook pics he helped out in Haiti during the earthquake....
Quote: Maybe this should be a test case. Aside from an actual criminal history, has anyone had a pattern of lying that is this well documented, to the point of being published in a widely circulated trade magazine?
They can get him on aeromedical, if his behavior indicates mental health issues.

Wouldn't apply if he just told some chick in a bar that he was a fighter pilot, but in a case like this the guy is obviously taking it to self-destructive extremes...that should raise medical concerns IMO.
LMAO!! This thread is hilarous. The lying about being a military pilot...wow...that should land him in some hot water.

On a different note, I am a Navy Seal special ops soldier when I'm not flying. Two nights ago I infiltrated an enemy strong hold, and using my heartbeat sensor, SCAR-H, One man Army, Cold blooded pro and Ninja pro, I successfully eliminated the enemy threat, with 33 kills and only 2 deaths.

Modern Warfare 2 rocks!! (Corpsemakker on xbox Live if you want to die repeatedly)
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