Tool of the day

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I always thought it was bad luck (or straight up toolhood) to put a sticker of an airplane you have not passed training on, on your flight kit.

Years ago we were given B727, 757,767 stickers by our instructors, but only AFTER we completed training on them.

Now, with no flight kits, I guess we would have to put them on the top of our hats!

Captain: "Autopilot's off"

-Thanks Boss

Quote: I once flew with a Captain Germophobe!

We had a long layover in CVG, downtown, got in about 5pm on a Sunday. There's a sports pub a block from our hotel, I say, "Hey, want to go get some grub and watch a football game?"

He says, "Nah...I've got some stuff to do so I'll be in my room..." Now, this was way before laptops and cellphones, so I'm wondering what's he got to do? But I went and ate, watched a game, got a good night's sleep.

The next morning we're in the cockpit preflighting, he reaches into his bag and pulls out a bottle of Lysol or Mr. Clean or somehing...and a rag! Then he procedes to wipe down the yoke, the thrust levers, and every knob, switch, lever and handle. Everything he might touch in the cockpit got a good scrubbing, to include the overhead switches, oh, and of course his oxygen mask. And if you've dealt with the 757 O2 mask, you know what a PITA it is to stow when done, but that didn't slow him down.

I'm getting the ATIS, watching the show, but I don't mention I think he's nutz. Later in cruise I asked, "So, did you see any of that game last night?"

He said, "No, I went next door to Wallgreens and bought the disinfectant, then I cleaned my bathtub..."

No joke.
Sorry the CVG overnight brought out a memory of TOTD.

Captain asks if I want to get dinner across the street. Sure. The whole walk there, wait for the table, and as we get seated she tells me about how she bought everyone dinner last week, how everyone appreciated it, she is a hero, etc. Then the waiter comes, she orders and immediately touches his wrist and says "this will be seperate checks".

I could post pages on that month.
Quote: I once flew with a Captain Germophobe!

We had a long layover in CVG, downtown, got in about 5pm on a Sunday. There's a sports pub a block from our hotel, I say, "Hey, want to go get some grub and watch a football game?"

He says, "Nah...I've got some stuff to do so I'll be in my room..." Now, this was way before laptops and cellphones, so I'm wondering what's he got to do? But I went and ate, watched a game, got a good night's sleep.

The next morning we're in the cockpit preflighting, he reaches into his bag and pulls out a bottle of Lysol or Mr. Clean or somehing...and a rag! Then he procedes to wipe down the yoke, the thrust levers, and every knob, switch, lever and handle. Everything he might touch in the cockpit got a good scrubbing, to include the overhead switches, oh, and of course his oxygen mask. And if you've dealt with the 757 O2 mask, you know what a PITA it is to stow when done, but that didn't slow him down.

I'm getting the ATIS, watching the show, but I don't mention I think he's nutz. Later in cruise I asked, "So, did you see any of that game last night?"

He said, "No, I went next door to Wallgreens and bought the disinfectant, then I cleaned my bathtub..."

No joke.
I flew with a guy that asked me when we got to the airplane one afternoon to "complete all of the checks and get us ready to go, I've got a couple extra things to do."

I think sure, no problem and go about getting us ready to go only to hear tssssshhhhhhhht....tssshhhhhhht....and I turn around to see him alternately spraying disinfectant and Febreeze on every seat in the cabin. One. At. A. Time.
I flew with a guy at my last airline that asked me when we got to the airplane one afternoon to "complete all of the checks and get us ready to go, I've got a couple extra things to do."

I think sure, no problem and go about getting us ready to go only to hear Tssssshhhhhhhht....tssshhhhhhht....and I turn around to see him alternately spraying disinfectant and Febreeze on every seat in the cabin. One. At. A. Time.
Wow! That's scary to the point of getting suddenly sick and needing to go home.
Quote: I flew with a guy that asked me when we got to the airplane one afternoon to "complete all of the checks and get us ready to go, I've got a couple extra things to do."

I think sure, no problem and go about getting us ready to go only to hear tssssshhhhhhhht....tssshhhhhhht....and I turn around to see him alternately spraying disinfectant and Febreeze on every seat in the cabin. One. At. A. Time.

That's the kind of guy that just makes you want to fart...all day long!

Of course if you did, he'd be spraying that Febreeze all over you!
Guy who takes pictures of flight crew without permission...
I must be the only one who spontaneously starts coughing and hacking when flying with a germaphobic.
Quote: That's the kind of guy that just makes you want to fart...all day long!

Of course if you did, he'd be spraying that Febreeze all over you!
Thats what smoke goggles are for

Note to any FAA or (alleged) camera-happy jump seating types, I would never, ever misuse safety equipment or violate any SOP or FARs.
Quote: I must be the only one who spontaneously starts coughing and hacking when flying with a germaphobic.
I do the same thing for OCD people. Move their carefully placed pens crooked, fold the paper a little wrong, heading bug off by 1 degree, etc. The key is to act blissfully unaware of what you are doing so they can't say anything.
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