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Starting to wonder if checking yes to any of the "Have you...?" questions automatically puts you at the bottom with the computer scoring. I answered yes (thinking honesty is the best policy) to have you ever been grounded. Only once for 24 hours pending an airdrop review board for a malfunction out of the aircrews control. Easy explanation in an interview, but do you already get eliminated by the computer? Maybe I shouldn't have included it as there is no record anywhere that I know of, but it was an honest answer to the question. I'm guessing changing it now wouldn't be a good idea either. Advice?

Maybe just paranoid, but hope I didn't screw myself on something minor.

Quals are
5000 TT
3300 PIC (all ME turbine)
IP/EP USAF (retired)
3 internal recs
For the job interview is a charcoal colored suit acceptable? Actually, I guess I want slightly more than acceptable, would it be considered within the norm? Basically I want to look like everybody else and not be "that guy" in the goofy colored suit who they talk about behind closed doors.

I ask since a friend who interviewed told me that his entire interview group wore navy or black, and when A.K. did his morning greeting he made a positive mention of something to the effect of "glad to see everybody got the memo on what to wear..." Not trying to make a big thing out of nothing, but the opportunity is too big to mess up over the color of my clothes .
Quote: Not saying your bud ins't a good dude, but just because he was in the military and got his medals and a handshake from Biden does not make him a must-hire for Delta. Bowe Berdahl got accolades from the President and will probably get some medals as well.
It's pretty interesting in the message board/interwebz world. Bcause whenever something like this happens, the usual response is "well, maybe they saw something that ALL those people that knew/flew with him and places that hired him/the military DIDN'T see"

NO hiring process is perfect, and ANYBODY can have an off day.
Quote: For the job interview is a charcoal colored suit acceptable? Actually, I guess I want slightly more than acceptable, would it be considered within the norm? Basically I want to look like everybody else and not be "that guy" in the goofy colored suit who they talk about behind closed doors.

I ask since a friend who interviewed told me that his entire interview group wore navy or black, and when A.K. did his morning greeting he made a positive mention of something to the effect of "glad to see everybody got the memo on what to wear..." Not trying to make a big thing out of nothing, but the opportunity is too big to mess up over the color of my clothes .
I wore a charcoal suit. Just look professional (get it fitted if you haven't worn it in a while) and you will be good.
Quote: I wore a charcoal suit. Just look professional (get it fitted if you haven't worn it in a while) and you will be good.
The once and only time a pilot is concerned about his civilian attire.
Quote: Starting to wonder if checking yes to any of the "Have you...?" questions automatically puts you at the bottom with the computer scoring. I answered yes (thinking honesty is the best policy) to have you ever been grounded. Only once for 24 hours pending an airdrop review board for a malfunction out of the aircrews control. Easy explanation in an interview, but do you already get eliminated by the computer? Maybe I shouldn't have included it as there is no record anywhere that I know of, but it was an honest answer to the question. I'm guessing changing it now wouldn't be a good idea either. Advice?

Maybe just paranoid, but hope I didn't screw myself on something minor.

Quals are
5000 TT
3300 PIC (all ME turbine)
IP/EP USAF (retired)
3 internal recs
I took the questions very literally on the application. I listed all the traffic tickets I've ever had, 10 of them, even though none were showing up on any driving registry I could find. I haven't had one since 1988, which is good, but it was the first question on the panel..."what about all these tickets?" I told them it was too much horsepower and not enough maturity. They laughed and dropped it right then.

I marked "yes" to have you ever failed a checkride because I busted two pilot training checkrides. United said not to list those. Delta said that I should. Never asked me a question about them. Same thing with have you ever failed any part of flight training; I told them how many rides I busted in pilot training. Not one question about them either.

I was worried about the exact same thing as you...did the computer eliminate me because I checked "yes" to these negative items?? Apparently not because I start Indoc on Monday. I decided I didn't want to have a career at Delta, or anywhere else for that matter, always looking over my shoulder hoping they didn't find out about something and walk in and fire me. And if a few busted rides in pilot training and some tickets when I was very young were going to eliminate me, then I'd probably rather not work there anyway.

Now, I haven't had any tickets in a long time and I've never busted a ride since pilot training, which helps. I've had a great career in the AF, IP/EP, DO and retired as a CC, so that helps too, but I guess the point is I had a few items checked "yes" and made it through the computer screening and you probably will too.

I sure as heck would not change an answer now, either. You mentioned you figured honesty was the best policy. It is for sure, and Delta agrees. You've probably read it here numerous times already; they take honesty very seriously, don't give them a reason to think you're not honest.

For comparison:
FAIP then heavies
5,700 TT
3,700 PIC
1,100 IP
All multiengine turboprop and turbojet about evenly split.
2 internal recs
Quote: I wore a charcoal suit. Just look professional (get it fitted if you haven't worn it in a while) and you will be good.
Mr Lim FTW . I went in, he had bolts of cloth, and 4 weeks later I had a couple perfectly fitted suits. Amazingly enough, the suits I bought in 2004 look/fit like I bought them yesterday -- I could've sworn I've grown an inch or two taller. Since I like the olive colored one better for xmas parties, I think I've only worn the charcoal suit once or twice in the 10 years I've owned it.

Quote: The once and only time a pilot is concerned about his civilian attire.
valid. Whenever I have to play dress-up I'd been wearing a pair of burgandy lawyer shoes I bought for internship interviews back in 1991. some web page said I shouldn't wear burgandy for a real job interview so I got some black ones (fortunately said web page said burgandy are ok with an olive suit, to think i might have been making fashion errors all these years, oh the horror...)
The AK comment about everyone getting the memo was actually pretty funny, it was a joke he told us to lighten the mood seeing as we all had navy blue suits, white shirts, and red ties.

Best advice I can give you is your white shirt better look good and pressed. The interview room is very very warm, and they will ask you if you want to take your coat off. I accepted, as did I think everyone in my group. I didn't think about it at the time but I'm glad I had a nice white tailored shirt on and good cufflinks, I would have been dripping sweat from the heat if I didn't take my coat off. Good luck

Hrkdriver - I'll see you in class, I'll PM you
Quote: Not saying your bud ins't a good dude, but just because he was in the military and got his medals and a handshake from Biden does not make him a must-hire for Delta. Bowe Berdahl got accolades from the President and will probably get some medals as well.
Dude, really? Comparing the AF-2 aircraft commander to Bowe Berghdal?

Delta does a great job screening folks. We missed on this guy. That's why AA grabbed him. Sounds like we may have missed on you too.
Quote: Ten....what did you mean by network to find someone to check my status? I have several internal rec's from current Delta pilots....did you mean something else?
That is good. Im sure one of your Internal recs would be willing to do a little work and inquire about your status. My point is that there always is someone who has the inside scoop. Dont be bashful. Ask.

Things will get better. Dont stress out too much.

Good Luck

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