What's the Latest at ASA/Expressjet?

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Quote: 200- year and some 700- a little longer
I've been here three and a half years and I would still be on reserve in Atlanta
Quote: 200- year and some 700- a little longer
LOL, c'mon guy get real. Sometimes I feel like all this company has is lifers and reserve guys.
How is reserve life with XJT? Do pilots fly much? Can they maintain a steady schedule?
Quote: How is reserve life with XJT? Do pilots fly much? Can they maintain a steady schedule?
1. Horrid, 12 or 11 days off expect to fly most all the the time. They run this place with reserves.
2. Yes tons 12 or 13 days off even as a line holder
3.If you dont get reassigned, or if can get a hold of any one there during the weekly SWAP or "IROP". Then yes you can; but in short no
Quote: How is reserve life with XJT? Do pilots fly much? Can they maintain a steady schedule?
I'm CR7 in ATL. Reserve life is not bad, would be better if I lived in ATL. I generally don't get used on 20% of the days I have reserve, but when I do get used it's a 3 or 4 day trip.

Flying around 50 hours a month, getting credit for around 74:59.

No steady schedule. You really can't count on certain days off. I can't plan on it, but usually if I have a stretch of 5 or 6 reserve days I will not get used on day 1. In fact, I have never been used on day one. If I lived in ATL it would be like having an extra day off.
I live in ATL. 3 1/2 year ATL CR7 FO. I generally fly less than 30 hours per month and usually end up with an extra 3 or 4 days off per month due to not being called. Of course, I am still on-call those days, but it works well for me. If I commuted, it would not work so well.
I'm in the March 17th CRJ class. Does anyone know how many people are in the class.

Any advice is welcomed for class
Quote: I'm in the March 17th CRJ class. Does anyone know how many people are in the class.

Any advice is welcomed for class
They are looking to have 24 new hires this month, how many will show up is yet to be seen.
For a little perspective, I'm on 12 year pay left seat ATL CR2. And on reserve. Almost 7 years of my living the dream at ASA have been reserve. Best of luck.

That's got to be by choice. I ain't that far from holding a line and there aren't 2 years seniority between me and that point. Not saying it's a bad choice based on circumstances, but I believe it's your choice.
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