Cape Air

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Quote: Always making us feel good...thanks *****
1) I have no idea who you are, and you're going to use my real name here? Anybody within the company can figure out who I am pretty easily if they wanted. No need to blast it out on the interwebs.

2) It's not my decision to axe the FOs. Talk about making you feel good... do what that other FO did and tell the CP that you feel undervalued and unappreciated. See what happens. "Sometimes you get the short end of the stick" was the response, I believe. That's just what I've heard. I've heard that we're going to tell AA that we're nixing the FOs, regardless of whether it ruins the codeshare. Again, that's what I've heard. Is it true? I don't know. That's what makes it a RUMOR.

However, the fact that we're losing FOs out here to regionals is, well... a fact. I haven't looked at the training schedule, but if they do plan on keeping the FOs out here, they'll probably have to do more FO hiring.

Don't shoot the messenger. This has been milling around STL for a while now, and if you haven't heard it yet... I don't know what to tell you.
Quote: We're losing a good amount of FOs in the Midwest. But rumor has it we're looking to get rid of them anyway?

The flying for AA requires that we must have FOs. So those FOs are not going anywhere...well unless they get hired elsewhere
Quote: The flying for AA requires that we must have FOs. So those FOs are not going anywhere...well unless they get hired elsewhere
I understand AA's FO requirement... I fly out there...

What I've heard is that we're going to tell AA that we're getting rid of the FOs, with or without their (AA's) approval, and it's up to them whether they'd like to continue the codeshare at that point. Basically, we'd be telling AA to shove the FO requirement. It sounds like the codeshare isn't too important to us.

Again, that's the RUMOR I've heard.

BTW, a lot of the FOs ARE getting hired elsewhere...
Intersting. I guess we will see how it plays out.
Oh yea lots of 9Kers are bailing. We are going to have a big prob w staffing in 2011...not to mention 2012
Quote: Intersting. I guess we will see how it plays out.
Oh yea lots of 9Kers are bailing. We are going to have a big prob w staffing in 2011...not to mention 2012
Can you say OVERTIME?!!

Ka-ching (wish they had a money eyes smiley face...)
Nice looking Goose you have there. Where is it?
I'd love to fly a plane like that.
Quote: Can you say OVERTIME?!!

Ka-ching (wish they had a money eyes smiley face...)
You got that right. For Captains they were offering something like $100 or $200 PER DAY incentive on top of the OT to work on a day off this past summer in the northeast. Guys were raking in the cash.

Heck I'm even bothering crew scheduling to work half of one of the soon-to-be-open FO lines out here. I'll make my "bank" as an FO....or whatever "bank" is at $9/hr.
Wouldn't say we were raking in the cash since they hosed us with 5 and 2s
One would think that Cape Air would be spooling up C-402 Captains HYA for Summer flying.
Yeah, it's tough to get that summer incentive when you don't have many days off.

Quote: Mitragorz,
Nice looking Goose you have there. Where is it?
I'd love to fly a plane like that.
It's a Widgeon. It's in Daytona, I rented it to get my Comm. Multi-engine Sea. A little pricey, but it was certainly fun.
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