Omni Air

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Quote: As far as the 777 is concerned, it's probably more likely you'll get that. But some 767 FO's were awarded 777 CA on the last bid so they will have to replace those people.
I think the Triple staffing has something to do with it. I've broken guarantee the last two months. More flying, less long call sitting. They are adding Triple CAs and the last several classes have all been 777 so the staffing issue may ease once everyone gets finished with IOE.
Hey guys and gals, hows the negotiations going over there?
Quote: Hey guys and gals, hows the negotiations going over there?
Well that certainly is no laughing matter but that video made me LOL. How long have negotiations been going on? It looks like your contract was written by the Egyptians in hieroglyphics. Shame
"Shame" is the understatement of the year, on many levels and with many facets.

The pilots ratified it so we have nobody to blame but ourselves

It did save the jobs of the DC10 guys, who otherwise would have been dropped like used condoms when Omni dumped that fleet; that's a pretty big deal. Beyond that, most commuter outfits have it better. Mesa FA's have KCM.
And going back to the current vaudeville act, AKA: negotiations (if you can call it that), with regard to both Spaulding and Judge Smalls, the metaphors are pathetically and deeply accurate.

Kinda like the recent presidential election. You look at the players and you don't know whether to laugh or puke.
oh man im really sorry to hear this, hopefully it gets better for you guys..i just got an invite to tulsa but if yall dont have KCM im out...haha no but for real, would i dare ask if you guys get business class for commercial deadheads out of the USA like another 767/747 carrier i know of?
Quote: oh man im really sorry to hear this, hopefully it gets better for you guys..i just got an invite to tulsa but if yall dont have KCM im out...haha no but for real, would i dare ask if you guys get business class for commercial deadheads out of the USA like another 767/747 carrier i know of?
No business travel period!
And we don't have 747s... FYI if you go to Tulsa
Quote: No business travel period!
And we don't have 747s... FYI if you go to Tulsa
Lol no no im well aware of that. Im just comparing to another carrier that does.
It did save the jobs of the DC10 guys, who otherwise would have been dropped like used condoms when Omni dumped that fleet
Yep, those DC10 guys should never been allowed to to stay on property and transition to the Boeing fleets...what was Omni thinking!
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