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Old 10-09-2011, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
Carl, every orginization is conflicted on any given issue from time to time.
True enough, but that has nothing to do with the subject. We're not talking about conflict within our union (DALPA)...we're talking about a conflict of interest within ALPA because they represent the pilots who currently fly our branded flights.

Conflict, and conflict of interest are two entirely different animals. Please do not try to conflate the two in order to make your indefensible case.

Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
I also have no issue with the democratic process that DPA has decided to partake in. It is totally within the rights of every Delta pilots to advocate and vote for alternate representation. I have not had any issue with that for the last year and a half. What I do have an issue with is, doing it in the middle of our first full section six in a decade. It would be like engaging in a domestic conflict while fighting a war with a foreign enemy. How well do you think that would work out?
Of course you have an issue with the DPA's use of the democratic process. You've been advocating against it since day one. Here's your first post on this thread from over a year ago:

Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post

Do you think the best way to solve the unity, and scope issues are to be 1) More divisive and 2) to either throw the regionals out of ALPA or create our own union which will not keep the regional airlines in line?
The regionals within ALPA KNOW they cannot go after our flying or they will lose and lose big time. They will lose our financial support and furthermore know that no attack on one of the mainline carriers PWA's/ CBA's within ALPA would be allowed.

Do you see a RJ pilot running for the top spot within ALPA? Wonder why?

Sure send the regionals packing thinking that they would not get their money from somewhere else. (ATA) Lets look at some unintended consequences first. Doing this would allow regional airlines to go after a mainline's flying or try to circumnavigate their flying and Section Ones all together, by signing deals with the alliances. Do not think it could happen, press to test.
Notice how there's nothing in there about how close we are to Section 6? Your main issue then and now is us Delta pilots harming the regional pilots, and that not being very nice of us. Your posts are replete with the concern for ALPA national and for the regional pilots. It's only now that you've taken the different tack of claiming we're too close to Section 6.

That's why you have such a credibility problem on this issue acl. Your main goal is to keep ALPA on the property no matter what. The only thing that has changed is your tactics...and your excuses.

And by the way, we are not in the "middle" of Section 6. I know you know this, I just don't know why you would claim we are.

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Old 10-09-2011, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
Everything I have seen from my friends and coworkers that are for DPA revolves around an issue of people and what decisions they are making in their positions.
Another straw man argument. Any organization IS the people that are in it. The "structure" can't do anything without the people. The structure is what allows people with immoral motives to stay in power after they've made their immoral decisions. The "structure" allows these people to wipe away any attempts at change. THAT'S the issue.

Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
Some do tout a conflict at national, but again when in a discussion, it immediately goes to this person or that person's decisions in a given position.
Touting a conflict at national? Seriously? If you can't see the clear conflict of interest at ALPA national, I pretty much can't help you dude. You might want to sit in on a legal ethics course in your local law school. I'd be very surprised if the current structure of ALPA doesn't provide one of the textbook case studies in defining a conflict of interest.

Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
As I have said repeatedly, ALPA does have the framework in place to fix each and every one of its ills.
Nobody denies that. What ALPA is lacking is anyone willing to use that framework when their own power is threatened. They simply change the rules within that framework to deny the will of our elected reps, ignore resolutions, and remain in power. Thus the people are behaving in a corrupt manner, and the "structure" itself is a failure for not having the checks and balances to prevent this type of outrageous behavior.

Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
What is lacking is the advocacy framework from line pilots rising up and making vast changes at the local then MEC level. Those changes would then be brought forward to National.
You continue to flat out ignore what happened with our FPL resolution in DTW. Do you think I'm the only one that notices how you don't even respond to this when I bring it up? I know you must do that in order to post what you've written above with a straight face, but people DO notice.

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Old 10-09-2011, 03:40 PM
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I still stand by the point that it is better to have the regionals under our national umbrella then on their own. Those reasons have not changed. If you would like a change in structure at the national level, advocate for it, but it is better to control their representational cash flow then to have them think there is nothing to lose questions are bargaining exclusivity.

As for you section 6 point, it is just another reason as to why this is a not a good idea. We started talking about DPA well over a year ago, and at the time DPA and its leaders were touting a May 2011 vote. Well we are six months past that mark and the vote count is still about 2700 votes a way. The time between now and the first openers is a few months away. If we want leverage and the maximum amount of value to be derived out of this negotiation, promoting an alternate bargaining agent is not the best course of action. There are multiple reasons as to why DPA is not a good idea. Promoting it this close to section 6 just speaks to more pilots because it translates in to cash in their pockets.

Yes, I want ALPA to survive, and I want our pilots to fix what they advocate as its failings. There are a great many things that ALPA and DALPA do well, and I would hate to see those squandered because people are not willing to put in the hard work of unifying pilots under a common cause within the system, but instead tout an alternate system as the solution to all of the woes of the piloting profession. USAPA did that and it does not seem to have been the answer to their problems.
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Old 10-09-2011, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
As Teddy Roosevelt said, "Rhetoric is a poor substitute for action, and we have trusted only to rhetoric. If we are really to be a great nation, we must not merely talk; we must act big."
I know you're the king of ignoring the obvious, but the democratic action taken by many of us to make DPA a reality is not rhetoric...it is action. We only need 2700 more cards to throw ALPA off the property. But you just go ahead and continue to label it as rhetoric. That should work fine.

Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
He also said: "Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official..."
Another example of you considering ALPA family and country. ALPA is a vendor...nothing more. I totally support my country always. A vendor needs to show competence, or they're fired. Period.

Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
We disagree here, but ALPA like our country has the framework to usher the changes desired in, it is the people that make the decisions who, in my opinion DPA and its supporters have an issue with. I say, stop the rhetoric, and work within the system to facilitate that change that a group of DPA's size can make. It they choose not to, then one must just accept the results as they arrive.
Maybe we wouldn't disagree if you actually paid attention to the facts on the ground. ALPA blatantly ignoring the FPL resolution is just the latest example of how there is no facilitation of change among ALPA unless they agree with it. You can't agree with that because you are able to simply close your eyes tight and cover your ears. I can't do that.

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Old 10-09-2011, 05:22 PM
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If they ignored it, isn't that grounds for recall? I do not think it was ignored. What I see as the issue there is it is caught up in the committee that the reps created to deal with it. When they talk about it once a quarter it get stuck between a lot of other pressing issues, and as a result no major action has been taken on it. Hold your reps feet to the fire. I know that they are in favor of it.

I also have a hard time calling ALPA a vendor when it is made up of people that pay for the service. A Vendor is a third party which you pay for. I see the problem is that too many pilots see ALPA as a vendor and do not engage, as a result we are where we are. Our dues are not like country club dues, engagement in the process and a need for volunteers is not just requested but required. That difference in semantics is the crux of the problem.
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Old 10-09-2011, 05:28 PM
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Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
We are entering a very important contract negotiation, and DPA has about five months before the opener is exchanged, less time if the company comes to us for a extension so that they can keep labor peace with us during their next acquisition. Point is time is fleeting and as a result, the time that DPA has to affect either one of these events could be measured in terms of days, weeks or months.
On the contrary. The only hope we have (other than voting in DPA) is to have our MEC feeling the DPA gun to their heads all the way through negotiations. This is a particular problem for the MEC because it will ruin one of their biggest guns when they sign off on a Tentative Agreement. That weapon is saying: "You guys better vote this in or we're in big trouble. It's the best management will ever offer and if you vote it down, everyone on the negotiating committee will resign and we'll have to start over from square one."

That threat will be met this time with the DPA saying: "Terrific. Get out and watch out for the doorknob."

Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
Plenty of pilots would like to see the traditional check and balance return to the governing of DALPA and ALPA. Conflict within the system is part of the process, and that sort of conflict I have fully support, because at the end of the day, it makes the decision and results of those decision much more acceptable to the pilots as a whole. I call it transparency in the process.
Again, I don't know if you're actually ignorant of the difference between conflict and conflict of interest, or you're just hoping nobody notices your play on words to erect your latest straw man.

How you describe ALPA as "Transparency in the process" is flat out amazing. How transparent is ALPA's process that ignored their own rules and continue to ignore our Flight Pay Loss resolution? How transparent was ALPA's process to stab TWA pilots in the back when those pilots thought they were actually being represented by ALPA?

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Old 10-09-2011, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
I still stand by the point that it is better to have the regionals under our national umbrella then on their own. Those reasons have not changed. If you would like a change in structure at the national level, advocate for it, but it is better to control their representational cash flow then to have them think there is nothing to lose questions are bargaining exclusivity.
News flash. We don't control their cash flow, they control ours. We only get about 30% of our dues money back from ALPA. Much of that difference goes to the regionals who are not viable unions without our money taken from us to support them.

Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
Yes, I want ALPA to survive, and I want our pilots to fix what they advocate as its failings. There are a great many things that ALPA and DALPA do well, and I would hate to see those squandered because people are not willing to put in the hard work of unifying pilots under a common cause within the system, but instead tout an alternate system as the solution to all of the woes of the piloting profession. USAPA did that and it does not seem to have been the answer to their problems.
Ah yes, the USAPA comparison. Haven't heard that shameless scam for a while. It's always good to hear it come back because it's just more evidence that there is no defending ALPA's actions other than scare tactics and flat out ignoring of ALPA's actions.

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Old 10-09-2011, 05:48 PM
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Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post

If they ignored it, isn't that grounds for recall? I do not think it was ignored. What I see as the issue there is it is caught up in the committee that the reps created to deal with it. When they talk about it once a quarter it get stuck between a lot of other pressing issues, and as a result no major action has been taken on it. Hold your reps feet to the fire. I know that they are in favor of it.
Hilarious! If ALPA survives this vote, they need to repay you with a lifetime membership in the inner circle of Flight Pay Loss volunteers and administrators. I've not seen anyone shill and excuse like you've just done. It just got stuck? Unbelievable.

Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
I also have a hard time calling ALPA a vendor when it is made up of people that pay for the service. A Vendor is a third party which you pay for.
I work with my vendors all the time to try and make them better vendors. I do this while I pay them. If they're not good vendors, they're fired. Happens every day. Except in this group where thus far, pilots excuse poor results and a representational relationship that has a massive conflict of interest with our direct competitors.

Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
I see the problem is that too many pilots see ALPA as a vendor and do not engage, as a result we are where we are. Our dues are not like country club dues, engagement in the process and a need for volunteers is not just requested but required. That difference in semantics is the crux of the problem.
You're too smart a person to actually believe this is all about semantics. I know you don't believe that. You couldn't. Because of that you just come off as a shameless apologist for a union that has stabbed it's own members in the back (TWA), ignored our resolutions (FPL), and tried to break the union of its own internal employees. I just don't know how you can do it. I know you want to reach that ALPA inner sanctum more than anything, but I just don't know how you can ignore what you ignore.

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Old 10-09-2011, 11:43 PM
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Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post

We started talking about DPA well over a year ago,
Closer to three years now. Same over here.

Superpilot even had the name worked out!
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Old 10-10-2011, 01:42 AM
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I will respond more later but for one thing 30% is our local budget for what the other 2/3rds does not cover. Go read the post on the DALPA Forum if you think that we literally give 20 million to national a year and never see any goods or services from it. Jeez!
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