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Quote: And it is essentially only for CAs. To qualify to buy up to 100% coverage, you have to have made over 100k in a calendar year and have the W2 to show for it.

I emailed HR a few months back and they told me I would not be eligible until I have that W2 with the 100k on it.

It truly is worthless that it is only an option for half of our pilots
Pretty crappy we have to ***** ourselves out to make 100k as F/Os, lol
Quote: Quote:

Originally Posted by The Juice

And it is essentially only for CAs. To qualify to buy up to 100% coverage, you have to have made over 100k in a calendar year and have the W2 to show for it.

I emailed HR a few months back and they told me I would not be eligible until I have that W2 with the 100k on it.

It truly is worthless that it is only an option for half of our pilots

Pretty crappy we have to ***** ourselves out to make 100k as F/Os, lol
Didn't you hear? We have to "pay our dues" first.
Quote: Ltd should go to age 65 if you cannot get a first class medical not defined by the social security definition of disabled. This is a deal breaker. There is too much career earnings riding on our medicals to have ltd stop after two years
Does our LTD continue to pay to 65 if we are 'SSI Disabled'?
Quote: It's good to see some optimism from us about the contract. Who else thinks that we can get increases in all sections?
If anyone has listened to Bendoritis and talked to negotiators, then they know this is not going to happen. All sections are not getting opened unless we want to follow the path of FAs.
I am not saying we won't see gains - we will, but not every section.

Vote early - vote often.
Quote: That's a big fat negative Ghostrider, I'm not trying to "justify" anything.

There was a post stating that it was "disgusting" that we don't offer benefits from Day One as if we were the ONLY carrier to be in that position.

Apparently, however, we are not; aside apparently from Delta and United, it appears in fact to actually BE industry standard not to offer benefits from Day One.

So the entire "disgusting" comment was out of whack; more like "unfortunate".

Yes, it is unfortunate that we don't offer full bennies from Day One. We have an opportunity to address that shortly.

But is it "disgusting" that we don't offer bennies from D1? I think that's a bit of a stretch.

I paid my dues long before I got here. Trust me; there's few things I hate more than guys saying "well, first year sucks because you haven't paid your dues yet." Bullshiite. I've more than paid my dues. As has every single new hire walking through these doors (I'm not counting the Riddle kids. That's a different thread altogether. Sharp kids, but they haven't seen shiite yet.) And I'm not settling for a sub-standard contract when the time comes. I've learned many painful lessons along the way to get here.

But the fact of the matter is that a 90 day waiting period is in fact industry standard.

We will shortly have an opportunity to change that; we can be one of the few destination carriers to offer full bennies from D1.

Let's make it happen.


Also, Happy Birthday Jesus!

I added the Bold above.....fair enough, disgusting was a bit harsh and perhaps not the correct word choice. So I'll go with your 'unfortunate' situation instead. Regardless, waiting 90 days is far too long. It shouldn't be any longer than by the end of the month you were hired....or 30 days worst-case-senario.
Quote: Absolutely, people who aren't concerned about this are the ones who have never needed it.
Yes! Our disability is not excellent...not terrible either...but plenty of room for improvement.
Quote: Yes! Our disability is not excellent...not terrible either...but plenty of room for improvement.

The only thing that could be worse than the disability coverage we have is having none at all. It is pathetic and borderline useless.
Quote: Does our LTD continue to pay to 65 if we are 'SSI Disabled'?
Yes but as we all know it's pretty easy to not qualify for a first class medical and be perfectly healthy for other type of work. It's unlikely most of us could replace our career earnings flying by retraining ourselves for and working another career.

Also if you are social security disabled you technically cannot work and still get the LTD because you are supposed to be disabled. Your social security disability check will also offset our LTD and you will only get the difference from LTD.

Pretty much our LTD is completely useless after 2 years unless you are really messed up. It's a joke

A real plan would pay as long as you can't get a first class medical and pay up to age 65 if you never can get your medical back. It should also not be offset by any other income you make that doesn't utilize a medical certificate. That's true protection that most majors have and even some regionals. Your medical is the riskiest thing about your job.
Quote: I added the Bold above.....fair enough, disgusting was a bit harsh and perhaps not the correct word choice. So I'll go with your 'unfortunate' situation instead. Regardless, waiting 90 days is far too long. It shouldn't be any longer than by the end of the month you were hired....or 30 days worst-case-senario.
Agreed. Blue gets theirs at 30 days.
On another note I have #1 ticket for the Dallas job fair that I will not be attending. I just want what I spent for it. PM me for details.
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