Spirit of NKS, Part II

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This UAL non rev issue will save Ben even more, they don't fly us and we'll save on water.

Someone in Miramar got two high fives!
Get used to the games. Red/green, bad schedules, the works. Seen it before when negotiations go south.

By the way. Still hear people asking for paperwork and external air. ***? Hot? Air cond is 3 button pushes away. No paperwork? Take the delay. Not your job to track it down. Geesh people
Quote: Get used to the games. Red/green, bad schedules, the works. Seen it before when negotiations go south.

By the way. Still hear people asking for paperwork and external air. ***? Hot? Air cond is 3 button pushes away. No paperwork? Take the delay. Not your job to track it down. Geesh people
Started August 1...
Quote: Speaking of red/green. All days red in ACY for FO's. Hopefully will be adjusted in the next 24 hours...
It won't. There's 1 FO on reserve next month.
Spirit of NKS, Part II
It was my understanding that the min buffer has to be adjusted to make 80% of the days green for initial open time, regardless of the number of guys on reserve. Is that not correct?

Edit: Received an email explaining complications loading the correct red/green numbers.
Email out in regards to RED/GREEN

Being fixed
Quote: Get used to the games. Red/green, bad schedules, the works. Seen it before when negotiations go south.

By the way. Still hear people asking for paperwork and external air. ***? Hot? Air cond is 3 button pushes away. No paperwork? Take the delay. Not your job to track it down. Geesh people
Wait a minute, you mean I'm not supposed to just go down to Miramar and staff OCC myself so that the system runs efficiently? Say it aint so!

Geauxpro. Never worked OCC. Makes cold air when needed. Stopped begging for paperwork years ago. Knew who Ben/Bendover were when Ackerboy was still sucking up to Johnny Ornstein.
Quote: Get used to the games. Red/green, bad schedules, the works. Seen it before when negotiations go south.

By the way. Still hear people asking for paperwork and external air. ***? Hot? Air cond is 3 button pushes away. No paperwork? Take the delay. Not your job to track it down. Geesh people
Yep, heard one asking for fuel, too.. Not our job.. Aug 1 here, too!!
Good morning,

A fellow pilot left his silver wedding band onboard 6XXNK on 12/21 – radar control CA side. If you have it, please send me an email so I can return it to the owner.

Thank you.

................................Found........On the bottle of Tabasco......................
FAs like married guys. Leave the ring on. ��
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