Atlas Air Hiring

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You'd think calls/emails will go out this Monday considering that is 2 weeks from the first class date.
Quote: For those who interviewed this past week, can someone confirm where you interviewed and how many were in your group?
Westchester NY.
About 24 people each day.
I know a group of people there, none called yet.
Quote: Talk about a last few crazy days. I'm extremely proud to say it paid off as I was offered a class date. There's hope ladies and gents! Don't give up.
Thats very interesting Contact.... Your prayers or Contacts must be really powerful because I Interviewed on March 9th, receive the email stating I successfully completed the interview process, told will be placed in a pool till a class opens up and still haven't heard a peep. There were 8 of us that day 3 that I know of, got the same letter and started class on the 31st. Two others got the TBNT emails , and aside from my self there is only 2 unaccounted for. Im hoping that my call comes tomorrow.

Contact what class did they place you in?
Quote: Thats very interesting Contact.... Your prayers or Contacts must be really powerful because I Interviewed on March 9th, receive the email stating I successfully completed the interview process, told will be place in a pool till a class opens up and still haven't heard a peep. There were 8 of us that day 3 that I know of, got the same letter and started class on the 31st. Two others got the TBNT emails , and aside from my self there is only 2 unaccounted for. Im hoping that my call comes tomorrow.

Contact what class did they place you in?
No trolling here. The way I understand, there's three resulting recommendations for the applicant. First being not recommended, second being recommended and the third being highly recommended. The highly recommended, after doing a back ground check is offered the next soonest class date. The recommended applicant is offered the pool position. I can't get in to the details quite yet about my process but, I had a few heavily weighted internal recs. It seems that if you get to the face to face interview, you do decent on the tec test and panel you will get a offer. Sounds like youre still in a good position?
So did they offer you a class date or not? Or is it just your buddy telling you this? And all recs should count the same, so enough about the heavily weighted stuff. People worked hard to get these interviews and probably don't want to hear you talk about some management guy giving you a job, fyi...
The three categories were covered in the pre-interview briefing. There's actually a fourth category where they cut the interview short and call security. I'm pretty sure I'm in the top three though so I'm stoked.
The last time I spoke to someone in MIA, they were actually mixing the class with HR and R to give a balance to the class.
When is the next job fair they will be attending?
It's not a "First in first out" pool. The pool is competitive so you can get selected for the pool and be stuck in there for a long time if they keep interviewing and others score higher than you. They could have interviews in May and some of those applicants could form a class in June while people who've been in the pool for 6 months wait.

I know that's frustrating...
Quote: It's not a "First in first out" pool. The pool is competitive so you can get selected for the pool and be stuck in there for a long time if they keep interviewing and others score higher than you. They could have interviews in May and some of those applicants could form a class in June while people who've been in the pool for 6 months wait.

I know that's frustrating...

The pool used to be a number score, with high scores out first, but now it is just HR (highly recommended) or R (recommended). I believe it is FIFO within a group, HR or R. YMMV.
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