Any "Latest & Greatest" about Endeavor?

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[QUOTE=theUpsideDown;2645213]Look man, I understand if I sound too dark and gritty on here, but I watched the biggest cheerleaders and rah-rah pilots turn into company poisin when they found out their perfect plan to the majors was over. Temper your enthusiasm, keep a level head, and remember to save your ducats up.

80% chance everyone at endeavor today is safe and out of here with time to spare before the industry turns sour, but if it's alright with you all, stop temping fate. Delta doesn't have a good history with wholly owned regionals.

Always remember, being superstitious is unlucky.[/QUOTE

Thanks for the career advice Skywest lifer.
Thanks for the career advice Skywest lifer.
You bet. Now that my cover is blown im secretly a deep cover skywest loyalist and recruiting agent.
RSV time
Curious what the difference is on how long one can expect to be on RSV 900 vs 200? I read there are 50 reserves a day in LGA that aren’t flying much. Does it matter which aircraft you’re on?
Quote: Curious what the difference is on how long one can expect to be on RSV 900 vs 200? I read there are 50 reserves a day in LGA that aren’t flying much. Does it matter which aircraft you’re on?
It’s a moving target. The reserve time when you finish reserve will be different than what it was for someone doing it now. I’d tell you somewhere between 3 and 8 months so that you can manage your expectations

They were very short staffed on the 200 fo side but that issue is nearly resolved. On the 900 side it depends a lot on weather.
Quote: You were just as naive when you started and some of your peers paid for their first job. I don't think this group gets to give millennials any smart talk. Theres still pilots here trying to convince new guys PT and DS didn't run Pinnacle into the ground and screw everything up.

Focus on things that matter.
Bull effing ****. Not even close BUD! This is a major disconnect. Young Jedi’s with minimal experience
Quote: This is a typical response from a newbie. Here is a better plan of action. Don’t depend on Delta to give you a JOB..They don’t give a ####..Get your Apps out! This is about supply and’s amazing how naive millennials are. Path to Delta is just as great at Envoy.

My apps are out, Who said I want to go to delta?
Quote: Curious what the difference is on how long one can expect to be on RSV 900 vs 200? I read there are 50 reserves a day in LGA that aren’t flying much. Does it matter which aircraft you’re on?
I can only speak to NYC reserve on the 900. I was hired into the 900 this past spring, and it looks like I'll be sitting reserve in NYC at least six months, potentially as many as nine, depending on how many lines we get when flying slows down for the winter.

Reserve as an FO on the 900 here in NYC is an interesting animal because so many FOs bid first out. That results in the guys just off OE not flying much at all. My first month off OE I flew about 30 hours, but most of that came from me being as creative as I could think of and giving up a few days off to pick up open time. If I hadn't done that, I would have flown significantly less.

I have heard on the 200 the reserve FOs fly more frequently and hold lines in less time, but I don't know accurate figures. I believe the 900 goes more senior but is generally considered to have "better" schedules, i.e. longer legs, not many 5/6-leg days, etc.

Any new word on the DGI and its first applicants? you can only apply after you have completed 18 months as a captain, correct?
Quote: Any new word on the DGI and its first applicants? you can only apply after you have completed 18 months as a captain, correct?
Since they opened the applications and defined the process Delta hasn't been hiring, so I don't think anyone has interviewed yet.

Yes, you must be a Captain for 18 months (measured from completion of OE).
The big sell-out continues...
For anybody who believes it is a pilot shortage and not a pay shortage, here are the folks selling your jobs to people who are happy to work for the conditions you are trying to improve for yourselves and your family.

Flightglobal Jobs

Thanks to the unions and government for helping to protect American jobs.

Have any American pilots tried to apply for a flying job in Europe lately?
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