Tool of the day

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Quote: Huh? How's DTW third-world? DTW tracon and tower are probably the best, most predictable, easy flow type operation I've seen. Sure, a 23 mile final sucks. But it sure as hell beats GDPs and 1 hr holds.
Terminals and tower are great, the taxi and runways however, have as many patches and pot holes as the Van Wyck Expwy.
Quote: I've never worn long sleeves because I don't like them, but what's the rage against them? We drop lile flies from melanoma compared to the general population yet anyone daring to wear sleeves is taken to task for it for no real reason. What gives?
Have no problem with the long sleeves. I'm more concerned with the pilots that wear their sunglasses in the terminal, or while jump seating in a pax seat.
Quote: When someone has to tell you they're laid back that's a big red flag.
When I was an FO, I had a Captain tell me he was laid back. My first reaction without thinking was to say, "Oh sh**!!", out loud. I didn't mean to, but it just happened. He looked at me and with kind of a puppy dog face said, "No, really, I am." He wasn't.
Quote: Personally I can barely tell or hear a difference between five/fife or three/tree....never really wasted enough grey matter trying to pick apart the verbiage while laneling the communicator as a tool.

As an FO, it's particularly annoying when you fly with a captain one week who gives you the old eye roll for saying fife/tree/niner, and then fly with another captain a week later who gives you the same old eye roll for not saying that way.

I imagine the guys who pinch a loaf with the way you say the numbers 3-5-9 in an ATC transmission probably have a problem with the way their first officers do everything else.
No, not EVERYTHING else. Hey, I guess you had to be there.

If I remember correctly, after a while it was annoying to fly with ANY captain.

Quote: When I was an FO, I had a Captain tell me he was laid back. My first reaction without thinking was to say, "Oh sh**!!", out loud. I didn't mean to, but it just happened. He looked at me and with kind of a puppy dog face said, "No, really, I am." He wasn't.
I thought it was a big red flag when they started telling you about how to avoid paying taxes, or where to invest your extra money, as if there was such a thing as extra money as an F/O.

Quote: Terminals and tower are great, the taxi and runways however, have as many patches and pot holes as the Van Wyck Expwy.
The people who maintain it are from Michigan...they don't know any better. I get my fillings jarred out every time I drive in that state.

Quote: Have no problem with the long sleeves. I'm more concerned with the pilots that wear their sunglasses in the terminal, or while jump seating in a pax seat.
Or anyone who wears sunglasses inside, anywhere!
Quote: Or anyone who wears sunglasses inside, anywhere!
Hey hey hey!

I wear my glasses while deadheading during the day to reduce glare. Surely *duh-duh-tiss* that can't count!
Quote: Hey hey hey!

I wear my glasses while deadheading during the day to reduce glare. Surely *duh-duh-tiss* that can't count!
Years ago when I was a 727 Engineer, on one layover I got down to the bar (a night club type bar, at night, with no windows) a little before the copilot, who a few minutes later came in to the dimly lit club, wearing his 'shades'.

I just looked at him in disbelief and asked, "WHY are you wearing your Sunglasses, at night, INDOORS??"

He shruged, smiled and said, "Because, when you're Cool, the sun shines on you 24 hours a day."

Needless to say, we did not score any hot chicks that night!
At least he didn't say his future was so bright...
Quote: At least he didn't say his future was so bright...
Ha ha, yes, but this happened long before that song came along. I do like that song though.

Oh, I forgot the best part, he was wearing tight pants and his shirt was unbuttoned to reveal his hairy chest, and a big gold chain.

Too bad the term -Tool- had not been invented yet, because this guy was a TOD no doubt.
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