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Quote: Just ask your fo what to do. After all they’ve been there longer than you!

Seriously I can’t believe the company is even ok with upgrading new guys with no company experience. They must be really desperate.

It shows. I’ve had a few FOs expecting to get the upgrade this bid. They are going to have a really hard time getting through the training. Now, they may not want to do it, but I really hope they speak up and not tarnish their FAA record because this airline is mismanaged. If you’re not ready, you’re not ready. If it’s a type ride, and you don’t feel in the zone or ready? DONT DO THE RIDE! I’ve learned that the hard way.

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Quote: I think that is because you are putting the wrong format into the 3P/3D entry.
Ok, RF 103 BID is for new hires. What is the code for people who have been here almost a year?
Quote: Ok, RF 103 BID is for new hires. What is the code for people who have been here almost a year?
Bids closed saturday. Hopefully you got it in!
Quote: I’ve had a few FOs expecting to get the upgrade this bid. If you’re not ready, you’re not ready.
...on my last trip, i flew with an fo who will be upgrading on this bid w/ 1k hours of company time and a total of 2300.

he was the pm on the trip, i asked him to calculate our fuel and come up with our "bingo" fuel as our dispatcher was busy with other flights during a hold. his response, "I DON'T KNOW HOW"
Quote: ...on my last trip, i flew with an fo who will be upgrading on this bid w/ 1k hours of company time and a total of 2300.

he was the pm on the trip, i asked him to calculate our fuel and come up with our "bingo" fuel as our dispatcher was busy with other flights during a hold. his response, "I DON'T KNOW HOW"
sit back by the fire with a nice cognac and watch. its gets better.
Quote: ...on my last trip, i flew with an fo who will be upgrading on this bid w/ 1k hours of company time and a total of 2300.

he was the pm on the trip, i asked him to calculate our fuel and come up with our "bingo" fuel as our dispatcher was busy with other flights during a hold. his response, "I DON'T KNOW HOW"
Wow. What else doesn't he know how to do.
Quote: ...on my last trip, i flew with an fo who will be upgrading on this bid w/ 1k hours of company time and a total of 2300.

he was the pm on the trip, i asked him to calculate our fuel and come up with our "bingo" fuel as our dispatcher was busy with other flights during a hold. his response, "I DON'T KNOW HOW"
Although he should take initiative and study on his own. I had plenty of instructors in the sim center that gave the STANDARD response when I asked how to calculate fuel in holds many of times over:

“Well there’s many ways to do it. Don’t worry about it now, you’ll learn what method you like on the line.”

...which leads me to believe most of the sim instructors themselves don’t even know how to do it.
Quote: Although he should take initiative and study on his own. I had plenty of instructors in the sim center that gave the STANDARD response when I asked how to calculate fuel in holds many of times over:

“Well there’s many ways to do it. Don’t worry about it now, you’ll learn what method you like on the line.”

...which leads me to believe most of the sim instructors themselves don’t even know how to do it.
I didn't learn how until 200 hours in the plane. It was a lot of, "You'll learn it on the line."
Quote: ...on my last trip, i flew with an fo who will be upgrading on this bid w/ 1k hours of company time and a total of 2300.

he was the pm on the trip, i asked him to calculate our fuel and come up with our "bingo" fuel as our dispatcher was busy with other flights during a hold. his response, "I DON'T KNOW HOW"
Captains should be challenging and mentoring first officers. That being said, fuel consumption calculation is Aviation 101. Which is why when I asked a student of mine twenty years ago "when will we run out of gas?" He looked at his high dollar aviation watch and said "Uh?" I made him come back the next day and give me a much better answer.

Hopefully there will be enough gaps in these guys knowledge they won't make it through the upgrade. There are plenty of guys that don't even know that they don't know. They are usually the ones that think they have the right to be a captain and shouldn't even have to wait for the 1000hrs.
Compass Calling
I got accepted to the Envoy RTP in late August and I'm humbled and very grateful for the opportunity. That being said the new base/equipment selection seniority hurts me a bit. And the Coast Flight backlog is going to hurt financially. (more time without a paycheck because I didn't time my resignation from the army for that. We'll deal with it though.)

I'm going to be commuting either way since I'll be living in SLC, which has 10+ flights a day to ORD or DFW. BUT if I get stuck with LGA that's automatically a two leg commute (a long one) which is a whole different ball game.

I'm really hoping for an Envoy base opening in PHX or LAX next year, but Compass has that already. AND their line holders have 15-16 days off and still flying 80-90 hours.
(and yes they are starting an RTP soon)

I know Compass is less stable than a WO. Got it. I know I could eventually get ORD or DFW. Just sooth me with some speculation.

Speculate for me on a western base for Envoy in the next 12 months and schedules getting better at Envoy. --- I already told my wife she won't see me for the first year. Sad, since we are getting out of the Army because we're tired of deployments but this is worth it in the long run!
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