Where are the "official" acceptance numbers?

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There have been rumors on the CAL side of another decent size bid coming out, January I think. As for classes, they are 12 per class until the end of the year and then the size increases to 16 until this latest round is finished. Since the current bids are primarily due to aircraft deliveries in 2012 it is reasonable to think they will have to continue the training pipeline in order to handle the coming retirements. Who knows if there might be a few month gap but since CO only puts bids out twice a year (I think) there would almost certainly have to be some retirement based bids coming in the next round...

For any UAL legacy guys/gals that don't already know, the MEC forum was shutdown a few months back and thanks to a great effort by a few we were back up and running our own board in a matter of 2 days. CAL guys/gals can also access it and there are three sections, UAL only, UAL/CAL interchange, and CAL only. Great board and well run. Lots of good information flowing. Here is the link... - Index page

Good luck to everyone.
Forgot to mention, when you sign up for the UAL message board it will try to get you to input your telephone number. DON'T. It is part of advertising that pays for the board and it is NOT required and it WILL charge you money for some stupid service. (I forget what it is exactly...)
Thanks for the good explanation, Kent. I will wait awhile to come back if ever.
Quote: There have been rumors on the CAL side of another decent size bid coming out, January I think. As for classes, they are 12 per class until the end of the year and then the size increases to 16 until this latest round is finished. Since the current bids are primarily due to aircraft deliveries in 2012 it is reasonable to think they will have to continue the training pipeline in order to handle the coming retirements. Who knows if there might be a few month gap but since CO only puts bids out twice a year (I think) there would almost certainly have to be some retirement based bids coming in the next round....
Rumor running rampant over here is that the company will be discarding some of the expiring TP&A at the end of the year and ramping up the 737 in LAX big time. Not looking forward to the whipsawing.
Quote: Rumor running rampant over here is that the company will be discarding some of the expiring TP&A at the end of the year and ramping up the 737 in LAX big time. Not looking forward to the whipsawing.
Then just say no.
Quote: Then just say no.
Would love to but I'll be needing some help on your end. Where, contractually, does it say that our Pilots can't do the flying once your TP&A is cancelled by our crappy management?
Quote: Would love to but I'll be needing some help on your end. Where, contractually, does it say that our Pilots can't do the flying once your TP&A is cancelled by our crappy management?
It doesn't, ya got me there. As for my help, all I can do at this point is say no to a CO "recall".

You'll find UA has a tough time saying no too. 80% said yes to our last POS though I've never met one. Seems I've only talked contract to the 20% no voters.
Quote: Rumor running rampant over here is that the company will be discarding some of the expiring TP&A at the end of the year and ramping up the 737 in LAX big time. Not looking forward to the whipsawing.
Why are you posting such an inflamatory comment that has no basis in fact? Do you think the United pilots are going to sit idle while their airline is broken apart? I think there will be a ground swell of rage and an overwhelming burn the place down mentality that will put the company back into bankruptcy in which case they will be free to try and salvage the company by renegotiating contracts. At that point the CO pilots will have no advantage over their "brothers" at United. Be careful what you wish for.
Quote: Would love to but I'll be needing some help on your end. Where, contractually, does it say that our Pilots can't do the flying once your TP&A is cancelled by our crappy management?
I'm sure it doesn't. But where does it contractually say anyone has to bid LAX 737? Wouldn't it speak volumes of pilot unity that when CAL's next bid came out that not one pilot has LAX 737 on their bid.

I'm sure your company would be in quite a pickle if that happens. Its all up to the CAL pilots now for this piece of potential leverage.
Quote: I'm sure it doesn't. But where does it contractually say anyone has to bid LAX 737? Wouldn't it speak volumes of pilot unity that when CAL's next bid came that not one pilot has LAX 737 on their bid.

I'm sure your company would be in quite a pickle if that happens. Its all up to the CAL pilots now for this piece of potential leverage.
Vacancies are filled automatically in seniority order. If not enough pilots bid into the vacancies then those are filled by non-vols in reverse seniority order. Could be a windfall for some. Going from a reserve EWR FO to line holder LAX CA would be interesting.
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