Frontier Hiring.

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Not to mention, no vacation since the company is cancelling them.

Reserve sucks here BTW.
Quote: Live and let live, YOLO, get what you can no matter who you ****** on. Yay! When do I get to fly an Airbus?!?! I hope I get LAS!

You do realize, every single one of the 19 people, and all of the people that show up from now until we get a contract are telling the company they don’t care what the company does to us, it’s just fine, and the current contract is fine too.

You my friend, are part of the problem!
Alright Big Bus, first off you are not my friend. My friends don’t talk in Latin. I’ve said previously, I’m not out recruiting/advocating my friends to come here. In fact I’m doing the opposite. If Joe the pilot asked me about F9, I would tell him to wait until the contract comes before even applying. I would tell them to run. It’s not worth it right now.
Now, if some stranger decides to come here I’m not going to be an a hole towards him. He’s not a scab, he hasn’t crossed any picket line. I’m going to treat him or her with respect just like I would everybody else I fly with. I’m not going to blame him or direct my frustration towards him. Management wants us to be divided if we treat new hires like dirt they are achieving their goal.
If you disagree then we will have to agree to disagree.
SFA320, you are definitely part the minority on this one.
Quote: 10 pilots left. 2 that were on long term leave, and 8 left for other airlines.
I don’t think so. From what I see I have not moved up one seniority number since July. I’ve moved up 34 FO spots in one full year.
Quote: Not to mention, no vacation since the company is cancelling them.

Reserve sucks here BTW.
On reserve in Denver for over a year.
Quote: I don’t think so. From what I see I have not moved up one seniority number since July. I’ve moved up 34 FO spots in one full year.

Most of those 10 were junior to you, as they were to me, that's why you didn't move up.
Quote: Alright Big Bus, first off you are not my friend. My friends don’t talk in Latin. I’ve said previously, I’m not out recruiting/advocating my friends to come here. In fact I’m doing the opposite. If Joe the pilot asked me about F9, I would tell him to wait until the contract comes before even applying. I would tell them to run. It’s not worth it right now.
Now, if some stranger decides to come here I’m not going to be an a hole towards him. He’s not a scab, he hasn’t crossed any picket line. I’m going to treat him or her with respect just like I would everybody else I fly with. I’m not going to blame him or direct my frustration towards him. Management wants us to be divided if we treat new hires like dirt they are achieving their goal.
If you disagree then we will have to agree to disagree.
That’s too bad, I’m a pretty good friend. Loyal to a fault. But I won’t lose any sleep over it. I never said anything about treating these people poorly, even though they have shown complete disdain and contempt for all of the pilots on property by accepting an offer to work here at this particular time. Nor did I use the word scab. Although that brings up an interesting point. Webster’s definition 3 a of the word scab is a contemptible person. 3 b (4) states that a scab is one who works for less than Union wages or on non union terms. Using these definitions, one could support an argument that they indeed do qualify for the term. Again I’m not suggesting it, it was your word not mine. As for agreeing to disagree, we don’t really disagree that much at all. Management could give two sheets about us getting along with the new hires, they got meat in the seats. After seeing what these guys are capable of I’m surprised you even said that. The crux of the matter remains that as long as people are willing to show up for this abusive treatment under our current rediculous contract the longer it takes us to get a new one.

And by the way I don’t know any other Latin besides Caveat Emptor, And I had to look that up. It sounds so much better than buyer beware.
I see many people complaining for others coming here. However, if it's that bad, why don't you guys complain using your feet?
Quote: I see many people complaining for others coming here. However, if it's that bad, why don't you guys complain using your feet?

Sounds to me as if you started this week or you have an interview scheduled...tanks fer nuttin’

Now I know why you picked the “wolf in sheep’s clothing” avatar.
Quote: I see many people complaining for others coming here. However, if it's that bad, why don't you guys complain using your feet?
I cannot speak for everyone but my observation is that many pilots choose to stay and are trying to get a fair and equitable contract.
If every pilot group in the past resigned just because contract negotiations were going poorly then you would never see the likes of current Delta pay rates. These contracts were fought hard for by those that came before us.
The new hires coming on property today are interfering with that and dragging the process out. Failure to secure an industry leading contract with Indigo will set a precedence for the rest of the industry. All eyes should be on us right now.
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