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Quote: So you're motivated primarily by self-interest but you expect others to be altruistic?
Self interest to a point. I didn't always do things for the money. I was once doing it for king and country, but i wasn't referring to me. I was referring to a non human artificial legal enitity called a corporation. It doesn't have to be run with the values of a psychopath. A corporation can be run morally and still make profit, much to the amazement of your average MBA.
Quote: Who the heck would put a fugitive cop killer on a black history month poster? Wow, that’s pretty bad.
The same people who plastered 150 TV's, print adds and the internet with "Thanks for not flying Jetblue" because we "jett". ****ing pathetic airline.
Hey guys, the APU usage has gotten out of hand. To curb it the company has generously offered everyone .2% profit sharing. Stop using the APU as much and we all could see anywhere from $1 all the way up to $5 dollars! think about what you could do with that money while you sit with no ground air.

$5 dollars for each of us. Imagine the possibilities.
Quote: Hey guys, the APU usage has gotten out of hand. To curb it the company has generously offered everyone .2% profit sharing. Stop using the APU as much and we all could see anywhere from $1 all the way up to $5 dollars! think about what you could do with that money while you sit with no ground air.

$5 dollars for each of us. Imagine the possibilities.
Wow look how much your efforts can affect profit sharing payout! (Not as much as mgmt's ability to wipe PS out with the stroke of a pen a couple years back, but you have to sacrifice to work here after all!)
Quote: Hey guys, the APU usage has gotten out of hand. To curb it the company has generously offered everyone .2% profit sharing. Stop using the APU as much and we all could see anywhere from $1 all the way up to $5 dollars! think about what you could do with that money while you sit with no ground air.

$5 dollars for each of us. Imagine the possibilities.
Surely they realize APU use is inversely proportional to profit sharing? You axed PS and APU use went up? Shocker. You dragged out negotiations and APU use went up? Again, shocker. You get what you incentivize. This little project they are doing to make sure ground power and air is sufficient at the gates will yield little results. It’s already very easy for a pilot to call for power or air. It’s even easier to just put the APU on as soon as you land (or below 10,000’ for Sully reasons as one CA does) and not even think about using ground power and air. With 0.2%, I don’t think Jim’s hope of APU reduction is going to do much.
Why would anyone give a **** about saving the company one red cent when they’re just gonna **** it away on bonuses and stock buy backs? Doing my job and ONLY my job... My buddy at Delta just hit 1 year there. $8,000 in profit sharing. THOSE guys are pretty damn motivated to support the company in just about any way they can!! Here??! Nah...
Jumpseat on DAL. Its incredible how much effort they put into helping the company succeed. I wonder why? Oh well, no one ever succeeded treating their employees well.
Quote: Why would anyone give a **** about saving the company one red cent when they’re just gonna **** it away on bonuses and stock buy backs? Doing my job and ONLY my job... My buddy at Delta just hit 1 year there. $8,000 in profit sharing. THOSE guys are pretty damn motivated to support the company in just about any way they can!! Here??! Nah...
My sentiments exactly. Why be proactive
Look, that’s the real red a$$ here too!!! We used to be about the crewmembers. And we in turn gave a $hit about helping the company succeed. Then, we got big and were making REAL money. Success was the norm, so the company started taking back. That’s the greed portion of the equation. Increased the benchmark credit hour 1.5 time pay trigger. Then, a new PEA that eliminated it. The Corporate hubris concluded 2 union drives were unsuccessful, so we can do whatever we want to the pilot drones. They’ll get in line with their blue gloves on.

Well, the music has stopped.

But, we still need JetBlue to succeed. We need the product to sell. The burn it down bull$hit sucks. I hope there’s a plan on the horizon to steer the ship. Is that a buyout or Europe on 4/11? I’m out of guesses.

Quote: Look, that’s the real red a$$ here too!!! We used to be about the crewmembers. And we in turn gave a $hit about helping the company succeed. Then, we got big and were making REAL money. Success was the norm, so the company started taking back. That’s the greed portion of the equation. Increased the benchmark credit hour 1.5 time pay trigger. Then, a new PEA that eliminated it. The Corporate hubris concluded 2 union drives were unsuccessful, so we can do whatever we want to the pilot drones. They’ll get in line with their blue gloves on.

Well, the music has stopped.

But, we still need JetBlue to succeed. We need the product to sell. The burn it down bull$hit sucks. I hope there’s a plan on the horizon to steer the ship. Is that a buyout or Europe on 4/11? I’m out of guesses.

I would absolutely love to be going above and beyond. I just don’t give .02 cents about it. Burn it down does suck. I don’t want us to fail. I’m just not going to put in more then .02% effort to help it recover.
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